Tag Archive | Aunty Lorraine

Mid Week Reflection on the Birthday and More

I figured today was as good a day as any to share some of the lovely cards Echo received for her birthday. I have to admit I do have a weakness for them… and probably save way too many but first birthdays are something special!

A lovely handmade card from Aunty Karyn... Butterflies and all!

Why Aunty Esther does! We do so love purple for our Miss Echo

Another lovely handmade card by Aunty Kristen. I love the little birdy on this one!

Cousin Elizabeth decorated both the card and the envelope and added a sweet message to hers (from her boyfriend Lyle as well)

From Cousin Veronika and her Adam... this has a textured front. As one of my other aunts remarked - Echo is our little lady as Trinity is the princess!

This is a special sort of card, you fill in the special memories from her first birthday party!

I was able to photograph the little book Lauralee made for Echo to go with the bookworm Karyn made her. Seriously these librarians come up with some wickedly creative and fun gifts! I have a picture of the outside AND the inside… 

It says... Once upon a time...

Echo met a bookworm! As Ted would say - TRUE STORY!!

I mean, come on, ADORABLE! I did a bit of creative work myself on our gifts for Echo, there was the handsewn bunny teddy AND the lucky stars I folded for her…

I doubt you can tell from the picture but those are Hello Kitty papers I used

I did up a couple jars of stars for Trinity for her first birthday as well. I figured what better than to give my beloved daughters stars to wish on? Perhaps then all their wishes will come true?

I have been up late last night working on the book I keep all of Echo’s milestones in. I want it up to date for next Monday’s genetic appointment in case there are questions I can’t just answer off the top of my head. I have one for each of the kids though they are really only seriously up to date for the first year. They are still boxed up in one of the boxes I have left to sort… well buckets really, I think. I actually ran out of shelf space before Ken’s folks visited and am trying to figure out which books can return to the buckets to make room for ones I really need and want out. With Ken’s stuff cluttering my bookshelf corner in the basement it is VERY slow going, but he tells me he will get some of his clutter sorted soon. He has just been totally snowed under with work (doubled edged sword that one!). 

This morning was a bit of a backwards one for us. I stayed up late last night so Ken could take a late nap and then finish up the issue on time. In return I got to sleep in… well sort of… the kids did their best to deter that. Everything from stomping like a herd of elephants to fighting outside and finally Miss Echo pitching an exhausted baby fit.

Kathy brought with her to the party some bags of craft supplies from a mutual friend of ours. I finally got some time to go through them today… there is a wonderful selection of items but the boys were the most excited about the little tub of dinosaurs. 


I really appreciate it when people think of us when they are downsizing. So often we use items that others may not, the boys are VERY crafty after all. Included in the items is a little tin that I remember seeing Karyn use to make a scrapbook a while ago. Now I just need to use hers as a template and go from there. Christmas IS right around the corner after all (well, crafting wise…).

Cute little tin

We had to enjoy some more bubbles today with the lovely weather. The morning was rather cold but the afternoon warmed up nicely and without the brilliant sun in the eyes. Of course this meant another new outfit for Echo and some photo ops. I am not sure if you can tell in the images but it says Baby Sister. Too big on her of course but it worked. She is VERY interested in all things bubbles… to the point where we weren’t sure if she was trying to EAT the bubble or mimic blowing her own. 

Eating or blowing?

Watching a pro (Zander)

We got in another picture for our Summer Adventure file – this one about Echo’s birthday. So I think we are now all caught up, which meant it was time to work on some math as well. The boys are still a bit resistant to working and Emanuel needed his nap so badly he skipped out today but I am hoping by next week to be crafting it up with my kids again full force along with their workbooks and such. 

Finished pages

Math at the kitchen table

Karyn and I made a trip out to do some shopping but I will share those purchases TOMORROW. Tonight I need to get back to work clearing up my mess, sorting out our new craft supplies AND perhaps getting to bed BEFORE 2 am??? So check back!!

Emanuel and his bubbles

How Many Grown Men and Computers Can We Fit In Our Basement?

The answer is…. 6! We have truly arrived in our new home now – we have held a LAN PARTY! Men have gamed, beer has been drunk… fun has been had and all in my basement… Tradition has been met! Ken is a happy man and Sean and Ted are even here until tomorrow due to it being a long weekend here in Alberta (and they both have the day off). 

LAN party

Let’s see, back to Saturday… well the guys of course stayed up late Friday night to set up and game… by the end of Friday everyone but Alan was here and ready to game. Saturday morning we had Cousin Veronika here bright and early to play with the kids who were so excited to see her! We are already starting to get spoiled with them wanting here here more and more. Adam didn’t come this time, he was out camping and relaxing with my aunt and uncle’s rv (lucky man!). Apparently there wasn’t even cell phone reception where he was! 

Cousin Veronika with the minions

Later in the morning Karyn came for a pre-Saskatchewan visit (she is gone this weekend and into the week to help her mom downsize clutter and pack for their upcoming move). Once we were all awake, Echo fed and in nap, dressed and played out (well the kids willing to LET cousin Veronika free) we made tracks to the south end of town and Michaels. There were ribbons to be bought. On Veronika’s suggestion we asked Trinity if she wanted to come with us. She was VERY proud and excited to be allowed to “go with the girls.” Ken even installed her carseat in the vehicle we were taking to make it easy for her to go. 

After Michaels there was a quick stop off at Nutter’s so (She) Chris could get chocolate… and while she and I were in there the pet store for Karyn, Veronika and Trinity to get dog food for Combyne and Holli. Then to the bigger of the two malls in town to get a quick lunch (Trinity and I shared a poutine that I was told by my little one was DIRTY fries and a pop that she was SURE she DIDN’T drink most of…yeah right!).

Out with the girls

And then the all important buying of the lipsticks for the bride and maid of honour and bridesmaid. Even though Veronika is going to do our make-up we needed something for touch ups. The final decision was to go with a lip STAIN. I have never used one of those before! I honestly am REALLY looking forward to a few months from now when I may have some spare cash. I want to go out and do some shopping with Veronika and get some decent make-up that she can then show me how to use PROPERLY! As it is I am REALLY looking forward to when she does her lash extension course… I get to be a guinea pig! Ken is all for that – something about my playing with my COUSIN’S toys all I want! 

It was time to get going with the make-up trial for the bride when we got back from our shopping. Veronika was able to use this face to do her last of her 5 faces for her pre-exam work. Great timing. Kristen was over by then too so she could take a look at all the goodies. Trinity was also very interested in what was going on… she loves the feel of the brushes! We made sure to take a bunch of pictures so that (she) Chris can later use them in her scrapbook. 

Make-up trial

(he) Chris had the craving for ice cream cake… once Kristen mentioned it at least so Kristen, (she) Chris and myself went to Dairy Queen to solve the issue. Ice cream cakes are few and far between in this house so it was a super treat for everyone! 

Ice cream!

Veronika hung out for a while after the trial to visit, play with the kids and relax. I am so spoiled with this cousinly time (well sisterly more than anything which is something we both agree on!). Karyn had to leave soon after to go get ready to head east. Veronika and (she) Chris were sweet enough to watch Echo so Kristen and I could make a 7-11 run (where we were quite humourous looking with our large slurpee cups in tow). It was amazing to have so many friends around to spend time with and entertain the kids with. 

We had great intentions to play some boardgames last night, but with the guys gaming on the computers in a way that had them doing long spans of time at a go we found it easier to just sit upstairs and chat. Kristen headed home to sleep in her own bed (smart girl!) and then Chris, Chris and I finished up the seating chart… at least I HOPE we are finished. I have the half sheet of poster board to make the chart for people to find their seats and then I should be free and clear on that one! 

Kristen and Echo

Since I did MOST of the dishes last night and cleaned up as best I could before bed I was able to sleep in this morning. The guys were winding down so there was more sitting upstairs and visiting than gaming going on… (he) Chris got in some super snuggly cuddle time. She actually fell asleep on him for a bit!


Post Echo feeding (she) Chris and I ran BACK out to Michaels with some new coupons in hand to get a few more items for the wedding. She wants to have a scrapbook table for anyone who is interested to sit and make a page or two for their scrapbook. It is a different interpretation on something I saw at my cousin Katie’s wedding. They took photos first, printed them out and then everyone made a page for their photo! My kids LOVED it!

I splurged and with my 40% off coupon grabbed a stick of UHU glue. It is a favourite in the house and for some reason the one I had gotten right before our move went missing!!! I have set aside the receipt to go in our homeschooling folder for the next receipt return date. I am rather proud of myself, this weekend I bought the glue stick as a “splurge”… picked up the budgeted lipstick for 7.00 less than budget and took myself and Trinity out for poutine with the last of my birthday money. Definitely keeping a mind on the fact I should not be spending while still having fun and getting something we need! YAY! 

Chris and Chris left for home soon after we got back from the store with errands to run. Fydo had Kristen come and get him before I returned as well… she came with a gift for the kids! Some ADORABLE soap… they were so impressed and had to show me the ladybug on top. How sweet of her!

Thank you!

Alan left not too long after. Which left a VERY empty downstairs, worn out kids and yours truly set up to make ribbon bows… of course ONE of the ribbons is glittery so not only am I making bows but also making a MESS! The glittery ribbon at least, is an upstairs project. Not the fastest process but it isn’t impossible. Of course today is a glue gun free day…  I will face that exercise AFTER I get Echo’s tutu dress done. 

Bows galore

Ken took Emanuel out for a solo walk to the convenience store… he has been feeling rather left out at times and wanted some special one on one time. He was so proud of his special surprise treat bag and had to show Trinity and myself right away. 


With a to of crafting to do, 3 men in the basement and a post party clean up almost done I am definitely having a busy evening but this coming week the mornings are going to be QUIET! Yikes! 5 half days of the boys at VBS! 

Feeding the baby