Tag Archive | Boxcar Children

The Yellow House… a Book Review With Gavin

So today is the day for another joint review… We are on our THIRD Boxcar Children book… The Yellow House by Gertrude Chandler Warner. We have dwindled down to TWO readers: myself and Gavin.

I am finding more and more that this is a definite feel good series of light reading. Even Gavin is finding that the books are not too challenging. Though he does take a substantial amount of time to read the books. I, personally found it an afternoon read, but an enjoyable one. 

I did find that you really do need to read these in order. Each book refers back to the previous adventures so far… so you CAN enjoy the four children (with dog) and their adventures without doing so but you would be left with questions when they speak of a past experience. 

In this story the children have been wondering (still) about the empty yellow house back on the island from book two (Surprise Island).Of course, there is a story to hear about the little house that led to a whole new adventure. This time with their cousin and guest along for the excitement. 

There is an interesting discussion about camping and portaging complete with storms and mountain men. The imagery is fun and the people they meet along the way interesting. Definitely age appropriate for our 10 year olds and fun for the younger crowd. 

And now for Gavin’s opinion… beware of possible spoilers!!

It was good, I liked the mystery. It is a book I would read again. I am already on the 4th book. My favorite character is Watch the dog. I like him because he is cute and he helps. He wasn’t in the book a lot but he was still in it. I think lots of people would like reading it. It is sad that they talk about some people having died but they solve the mystery. I want to read the whole series!!!

So if you want a good family book to read together or have your child read. This could be the series for you! Be sure to check out our other reviews on the previous books (Boxcar Children and Surprise Island). 7908222

This entry was posted on 17/12/2014, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Surprise Island, the Second of the Boxcar Children Series

And then there were two readers… for this second installment just Gavin and I read the book. This time a digital read again we took turns and I think I can safely say BOTH found enjoyment in the tale.

Surprise Island by Gertrude Chandler Warner brings us to an all new summer adventure for the 4 boxcar children. This time one that their gentle grandfather has planned out for them on an island his family owns. Again you have the 4 children off on their own for an extended period of time. This time, however, with much more supervision and provisions.

As with the other book in this series there is a mystery person in the form of an island handyman. There are some minor incidents of course but nothing hugely life endangering. Just moments of excitement!

I do love how this series has the children working on their own, creating and imagining with what they have. Definitely a series I will continue to suggest the kids read. You can read the first book review HERE.

But first, Gavin’s review:

It is a good story. It did not feel very long to me. I think 10 year old or old would enjoy reading it. Little kids would enjoy this if someone read it to them. I want to read more in the series. I like Watch the dog best because he does funny stuff. It was a funny book. There are lots of chapters. 51boWh7vF0L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_

The Boxcar Children… a Book Review

Now I have read a lot of the classics, some of the obscure and many Canadian children’s stories… I don’t know about you but I ate up Nancy Drew and the Bobbsey Twins (although I am pretty sure the latter has been heavily edited to suit current times). I had seen in passing The Boxcar Children books  by Gertrude Chandler Warner, and even picked up a couple later in the series for the kids this summer, but I had not read them myself. So for October when the twins requested the first in the series before they read 12 and 13 that we purchased at a garage sale I figured I should read too.

I honestly can say I enjoyed the story. We lucked out and got our hands on an older copy with amazing pictures of the kids always without definite features and colour.

The basic back story is relatively simple and rather vague. These 4 siblings (as we come upon them) are on the run from a “mean grandfather” who did not approve of their mother after the death (from unknown circumstances) of their parents. Henry and Jessie with Violet and Benny are creative and strong children who are determined to stand on their own two feet and keep each other safe.

The story is not long (though there are many in the series) and while for me it was a short read the kids took a week or so to read it each. The language is not too complex and the characters engaging. But let’s let the boys give their own opinion in their own words!! WARNING POTENTIAL FOR SPOILERS!! (spelling has been corrected)


The story is good, there are 4 children. It is not a very long book. I have only seen the first one. I like reading the Boxcar Children. I think my favorite parts were the water fall fridge and the time one of the kids ran in a race and won 25 dollars. I want to read the whole series.


It is a super altra awesome book. my favorite part is that they are living in the boxcar. It could have some more drama in it. They could add color into the pictures. I want to read every book (in the series).

And there you have it… a children’s book that not only the children but the teacher/mom enjoyed! Do check it out!boxcar_children_4055

This entry was posted on 24/10/2014, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment