Tag Archive | Bunny

Sick Kids, Sewing and Other Time Fillers

So I PLANNED on working on cash and the idea of currency… Gavin’s stomach had other ideas. He woke up feeling “icky” and spent most of the day on the floor doing pretty much a whole lot of nothing. So with the blessed flexibility of homeschooling, we put in a NON educational movie (GASP) and let him have his sick day (Nightmare Before Christmas for the win).

Poor sick Gavin

We had a visit from (She) Chris who came bearing Tim Hortons coffee (Ken) and hot chocolate (me). I won a donut on my roll up to win. We had a wedding planning visit which gave her the opportunity to let go some frustration (He Chris is working further away and long days so their planning time is cut down to nil) and me to give her some tips. Hopefully once we are moved and settled and her new car is out of the snowbank it is firmly implanted in we can get together and nail down some of the niggly fine details. Zander spent his time during her visit productively and made her a picture to take home… of course I didn’t even get a good peek at it!

I took advantage of only one vertical twin to get Zander going on his mini math book. He has been dying to complete it since Gavin did last weekend. Our interests have definitely focused mainly on Math over reading. BUT it amazes me time and time again how much the two are intertwined. Like colour by numbers – you still have to READ the colour codes.

Work in progress

I tried to take some pictures of Trinity… but she was less than enthused… lately it has been quite the challenge to get her out of pj’s and into clothes but we managed today. Tomorrow with the trip to the zoo planned it should be a snap but today… not so much.



She has quite the little posse that she takes along with her into the livingroom lately! Note the two Hello Kitty toys Aunty Xinny gave her (they were ones Isabella had but never played with). They have replaced Baby as her new favourites! The one in pink goes EVERYWHERE with her.

So many dollies

I have started hand stitching a bunny as a present for a little someone. Since I won’t be giving it for some time I won’t say who. It has been a fun project. I absolutely adore hand stitching things and avoid the sewing machine if I can. There is something about creating as even stitches as I can and having the knowledge that each little bit is 100% me that I love. I used this pattern for my bunny. I used a lovely, fluffy yellow fleece that I had from my mom’s stash. I love fleece. It always reminds me of hugs and snuggles and love.

Ready to turn right side out

I HAVE gotten back on track. The pieces for the card I am going to include with the wedding present are assembled… so now all I have to do is sort out the card… and make the gift of course.

You can't really tell but it is metallic paper

Now if I could just get my back to stop aching. For some reason I threw my back out this afternoon and it is VERY distracting. So time for a nice long soak.

Emanuel and his workbook!