Tag Archive | cardiologist

Life as Normal In an Abnormal House

And now we return to the norm… well what the Reinsch-Johnson family perceives as such! Welcome back to homeschooling, crafting, family fun and of course… random ramblings; BUT best of all they are all being said/done/typed/experienced AT HOME for a while. We have all pretty much willingly grounded ourselves to our house, or in the adults’ case – the immediate city for the rest of the week…

Wednesday was a rather unique day for our family – a day completely OFF from schooling! The activity of choice – Minecraft! Which worked well as the weather was rather crummy. So we let them take turns and play to their hearts’ delight.

Gaming with remnants of lunch... or was it brunch?

Still rather cranky children but with a fridge full of wedding leftovers (and flowers… really need to decide something about my bouquet – what is left of it – and Trinity’s basket) we were perfectly content to STAY HOME. And in the evening I had plenty of time to watch Top Gear (UK version OF COURSE) and work on blog entries… 

Naked baby popcorn time

Thursday was not a much more action packed day BUT we started with bubbles – wedding bubbles – which is always a good place to start. I ended up with a bunch of the bubble containers in various places. Everywhere from the van to my purse to various pieces of luggage in fact! So out the 4 bigger kids went and blew bubbles in the backyard. A bit chilly in the morning though so it didn’t last long. 

Wedding bubbles

Now back to homeschooling, and the activity for today – catching up on our Summer Adventure file… there is lots to go through and each of the twins had 3 pages to do for the day. 

Two of Zander's

Gavin's two

The glacier toe

Emanuel even did his own page with some carefully chosen words about the wedding – Wedding, bubbles and gold (the colour of his sash). He has been working hard on his letters and knows pretty much all of them by memory. Though he alternates capitals and lower-case depending on the letter and his mood at the time! 

Emanuel's page

I got spoiled with some more cousin time as well. Veronika had a dental appointment in town here and so came over after for a visit with a large bag of clothes she no longer wanted. It seems like we are about the same size in shirts for the most part! Bonus! And then we ducked out to do a wee bit of shopping. I have a plan (don’t worry it is a relatively simple one)… when fall comes I want to dress BACK up in my medieval dress, do up my hair and make-up and head down to a local park area for pictures. So… I needed stupid proof eye shadow and who better to ask for help from than my most amazing make-up artist of a cousin. This is one step up from the truly idiot proof stuff (that stuff  you take the sponge, sweep it across the palette and then across your eye – done!) and very pretty. 


And then there was the ribbon on sale – 5 spools for 2.00 so we HAD TO stop by and get some.

Pretty thin ribbon!

Oh and Cousin Veronika is also firmly lost in the Trinity Hello Kitty vortex… look what our little miss got from her cousin!


The van was driven on Thursday with less than stellar results… not a major overheat but a hissing sound would accompany an increase in heat on the engine then stop and it go back down. So no trip to the city on Saturday for Alexander’s birthday… I am hoping that once we fix the vehicle we can make a special trip. I do hate missing a birthday party! But better we stayed at home than got stranded on the road somewhere!

Friday was an overcast day here, perfect for diving into math… Gavin is nearing the end of his grade 1 level math book right on schedule (his schedule really as he is VERY adamant that he needs to move onto the next).

He is up to adding 3 different numbers at once... larger numbers at that

We decided to take our adventure to the Maligne Canyon into a poster. I had one piece of poster paper left from when we did our VBS poster and 2 postcards I picked up at the gift shop at the canyon. Since we learned about the Lichen and saw a squirrel it seemed like there was more than enough exciting information and memories of this place to make a nice poster. 

Poster in pieces

I finished a few scrapbooking pages over Thursday and Friday. I have so many pictures already printed out it is a shame to have them sitting there and not do anything. 

For Trinity

I did sneak out with the 3 kids that at the time were behaving (well Echo was a given) and we walked to the convenience store… Ken wanted chocolate and I wanted out of the house. Not the nicest day for a walk but we enjoyed it anyway!

Ready to walk

So we are back to normal… well normal for the Reinsch-Johnson household. The kids are still a BIT cranky and the baby clingy BUT we are home and that is wonderful. Our program for the year is in the works to be completed over the long weekend, next week Ken and Echo will get the last of her medical testing taken care of and call the cardiologist to check in for that surgery date. It was so wonderful to just enjoy our family and NOT be thinking about Echo’s health concerns (real or imagined) or the kids’ year of schooling, just how to have fun and learn about the world around us!

I am rather disappointed that we are grounded to home for the weekend but that is nothing new for the family… after all we still have lots we can do – there are toys to discover in the basement, a playset to finish building (FINALLY), a shed to tidy and of course bubbles to blow. As it is a long weekend we will just have to see if anyone is free and comes by, but either way it will be a GET THINGS DONE sort of weekend, which is  great timing as Tuesday we start to feel the grade 2 vibe… or at least the twins have decided they start grade 2 that day! 

That brings me to something has always made me giggle – so many parents who have their kids in the school system talk about how life has gone back to “normal” once school starts up again… so for those of us who homeschool (especially year round) does that mean that life is NEVER “normal”? If so… I think that is GREAT! 

I just love their hair in this one!

Adventures, Medical Education and So So Much MORE

Three days in one once again… the day just zipped away Tuesday and Ken got in a long day with work so we didn’t have supper until past 9 and the kids almost 8. I spent a nice chunk of my time fiddling with the new camera and comparing it to the limping predecessors… final reaction – I have a ways to go when it comes to settings but I am already enjoying it.

Sunny room with active kids

Not so good of me but the baby is cute

Each of the twins chose either math (Gavin) or sight words (Zander) and did a days’ worth of work before being cut free. I am hoping to start up with more activities shortly. 

Math time

The weather certainly helped along the wish to do some school stuff – pouring rain. So either hot or rain… which means MORE mosquitoes… ugh.

Sudden downpour that actually flooded one of the malls and their parking lot!

I have started work back up on the stocking for our god-daughter Anna. The hope is to complete it before August, the cross stitch portion at least. I still need to hunt down fabric for backing (carefully checking for colour fastness!). It is fun to do something so completely different in a stocking from the norm. I have to say I do harbour a wish that maybe someone will commission another for a little girl somewhere else… it could be a fun repeat! 

Not the best picture... this fabric IS white

It is a good feeling – stitching again. I have missed it. I have a few other ideas if we can find the time to design… IF. But enough about that… now onto what I am SURE everyone is wondering about – Echo’s cardiologist and specialist paediatrician…

Well we got out the door HERE at 6:30 am or so with 4 cranky and tired big kids… we made it to the city and then the hospital with little or no fuss after a brief stop to get gas and breaky at McD’s… that got us to the first appointment right on time. That was her specialist paediatrician Dr Lee… we didn’t have to wait too long (and with a 9am appointment not a huge surprise) but that was made very simple with the children’s computer available for play… though LEAVING the computer was a bit of an issue. 

Rather a cool set up! There were a few options to play.

The actual patient

Of course I had crayons and paper (remember over thinking mommy)… which helped with the wait in the actual examining room.

Trinity most likely drawing more o's

There was a student doctor at our appointment, a nice man who examined Echo first. Our doctor was very happy with everything… but her weight of course. Again the in proportion but not the right size issue reappears. She gave us a requisition for some more bloodwork that will be done when we go in in August for her genetic testing, absolutely no rush just wanting to get rid of any and all possibilities. This was along with a needed urine sample where Miss Echo was MOST accommodating. As the nurse was showing me how to put the bag on to catch the pee (not easy with a girl I tell you!) she peed and the nurse caught enough for the test (thank goodness I did NOT want to be responsible for that little job later). They are planning on testing for potassium as she still had a smidge bit high on the retake and then testing regarding kidney if necessary… but the doctor was happy and felt we shouldn’t worry… but find ourselves a local paediatrician and go from there. YAY. 

They directed us to the cardiologist and off we went. We got there right at 10 (our appointment time) and here is where the massive wait started. Honestly if I had thought it really WAS going to take 4 hours I would have brought in snacks… BUT they did have tv (YTV station) for the kids which helped… and a bathroom we could use. 

Waiting waiting waiting

First was ANOTHER ECG test. That wasn’t too bad, but when they tried to take her blood pressure she FREAKED so they just wrote that she was upset. Thankfully her SAT was great – 100 so she is getting plenty of oxygen. Then after that test we went BACK to the waiting room to… well… wait. Next came the Echocardiogram… (ok I DID giggle that Echo was getting an ECHO… so did the nurse actually). They had a video player (that played VHS of all things!) there so the kids picked out a Diego movie to watch while they did the process. She did pretty well for most of it, we bribed her with binky, cookie AND Petite Sheepette (who was along for the ride). She did play around with the wand they use to do the scan and at times tried to get it to a different location but the staff at the hospital is amazing and calm so it is always easier to do stuff there. I absolutely ADORE the people at the Stollery… we donate there when we can… and would love it if other people did too! 

Where was I… ok after her Echo Echo and family headed BACK to the waiting room and by then the kids wanted to GO HOME. Of course the plan was to head to H&W AFTER to get fruits and veg so no food still. Then they put us into the examination room saying the doctor would be there shortly… apparently SHORTLY is like 45 min! Which left Ken and myself one step closer to madness after that stint in the small toyless (except for what we brought) room. I swear both of us were exhausted to the point of curling up on the floor almost to nap! 

Checking out all the stuff that never touched her!

Eventually the doctor came in… he was a rather good looking Asian man with an AUSTRALIAN accent… he had forgotten his stethoscope and when he left to get it Ken and I had to giggle. Anyway he came in and was very happy with how Echo looked (again beyond the weight), checked her out (with fore mentioned stethoscope) and then got down to the nitty gritty where he drew us this little picture below…

So the extra ventricle is top centre, the two options are on the left and lots of other fun stuff...

and then walked us through what she has – Patent Ductus Arteriosus or PDA of all things. Basically her extra ventricle STARTED to close up (the one that bypasses blood when you are in the womb and not using your lungs) and then didn’t so her left side of her heart is working harder and slightly swollen… not life threatening but not something you want to leave. There are TWO options to deal with it – an incision in the side (scar ick) where they tie off the extra ventricle and not the one the doctor wants done, or through a vein in the leg with a catheter thing that is the better option (like no scarring and not overly invasive). They leave a piece of metal in there that either is like a spring with prickly things that makes the blood clot there and close it off OR a metal piece with a shape memory that when released would go back into shape and close it off (the little drawing on the right UNDER the spring on the above picture). Either way she will have to go back to the cardiologist once a year or so for the rest of her life as they would want to check up on it (no biggy) and best of all – only in the hospital 24 hours! So relatively easy on baby AND easy on mom… as I get to stay there with her (not during surgery of course). 

So while it is not what we hoped for best case (same thing as Emanuel VSD and not requiring surgery) it is far from the worst (open heart OMG dying). I feel oddly ok about it… it is not rush rush and actually they may want to wait just for her to grow some (she is a whopping 12lbs 9.5 oz or so… good for her not great for most anyone else)… so when we asked if it was awful to NOT have it done in August (wedding, birthday party – hers AND in-law visit – first in almost a year due to Baba’s medical concerns)  the doctor was just fine about it. In fact, now we wait on their call and he left a note for NOT August. We go back to see HIM in 6 months regardless, and do the whole series again, this time WITH snacks! 

So we made it through in one piece and on the way out the door were complimented on our children’s behaviour (WOW) and each of the kids was offered a sweet. In fact they also got a lollipop after the Echocardiograph, which is funny because all those 4 did was sit there and watch tv.

Petite Sheepette with the lollipop... not sure if they were sharing with her or not

So we packed everyone up, paid our parking and headed over to the old place to collect mail (still not sure why the forwarding is screwed up) and then to the bank (government cheques to cash), H&M (nummy food for GREAT price) and then drive through (late lunch) and then… and then… well Ken had some nasty swear words to say and the van smoked in reply and OVERHEATED! Thus the beginning of the next great Reinsch-Johnson vehicle related adventure (though not the words KEN would have used).

Soooo we get onto the bridge that has been under construction for like TWO years to get to the south end of the city and smoke starts to come from the hood… Ken turns on the heater to try and cool down the engine and smoke comes in the van! ACK! We couldn’t just pull off on the bridge so had to CAREFULLY drive to the nature centre/fort parking lots… while being behind almost every slow and crazy drive in the city I swear! Thankfully we got to the parking lot and pulled the kids out of the van… Ken then opened the hood to peek in and see coolant coming from a DIFFERENT place this time… so we took the kids on a walk on the side walk (so many mosquitoes so no grass and lots of our bug repellent lotion that seems to be working), fed the baby her cereal (yay for buying that BEFORE hitting the hospital) and generally sat for a bit while the van with hood up cooled as much as we could in the warmth of the day.

Looking for sticks, bugs, leaves, you name it in the sun

After that adventure we got back in the van to return to the middle of the city to try and gingerly get to the Canadian Tire that did the previous coolant repair and possibly did mess up (we didn’t know at that point)… we made it… well MOST of the way before and awful sound and smoke so we pulled into a residential area and turned everything off… now comes the AMAZING part of the adventure…

We stopped right across from a house that had a FOUNTAIN Tire truck in front of it AND a man wearing a workshirt from there coming out of it. When he noticed us stopping and sitting there he came over to help. His mother-in-law lent us a phone to call AMA (again no cell phone yet…) and then he had to leave but said he would be back in 15 min to lend us a phone again and help out.

So Ken took a little walk while waiting for the tow (projected to be an hour) to try and get internet on the netbook and get ahold of someone on the online chat (IRC) that the guys use daily with no luck. That is when the wife of the OWNER of the Fountain Tire (the man previous) came across the street to offer further assistance. And this is where it gets amazing!

She came over with their house phone and an offer to let our kids play in their backyard, to have snacks and simply wait for our ride. Talk about life saver… so we unpacked everyone and cleared out the van onto their front porch and went into the backyard where their 2 days away from 7yrs old son Christopher was bored and wishing for playmates. And thank goodness she did!

Our ride to a place to crash overnight was Alan (of the den Otters) who BUSED to work and was currently on the bus AWAY from us to home. He actually works about 3 blocks from where we were stranded. He and Xinny are the ONLY people we know who have a big enough vehicle for all of our family and one of them to drive (they have an Odessy). AND to top it off she had wireless internet Ken could use as I only had two numbers with me – the new home number for Chris and Chris (the wrong direction from where we needed to be) and Xinny’s cell phone. So Ken was able to get onto IRC and chat with the guys, call Xinny and then Alan and call Canadian Tire to make sure we got everything sorted.

It took hours to sort everything out and get Alan turned around. The kids had fun, had a washroom to use, a new playmate and later SNACKS and we had a lovely visit with the wife and a chance to let Echo out to stretch and be cooed over. On top of that THEIR son also has a weight issue that is unresolved but not hurting him so we could commiserate together. It was so wonderful to have to have that news in the morning and then talk to someone who is dealing with a similar situation and able to share and understand.

We had a bloody nose (Gavin spontaneous) and a poopy diaper (Trinity) and tired kids but they had FUN, in fact they didn’t want to go. So it was like an adventure for them. Something positive and exciting.

Playing with their new friend

Alan got to the house with little or no trouble only to realize he had not added his 8th seat so we called SEAN who has a truck. Even before Alan got there the husband returned and in celebration of a friend’s deal had some wine with Ken and more chatting and sharing of funny stories. While waiting for Sean Alan was offered a drink (non alcoholic as he hadn’t eaten in AGES and had to drive) and was brought in on the fun. Really this was the most amazing and positive way to be stranded WITHOUT a phone we have EVER had!

With Sean getting there and saying good bye to the most wonderful strangers we have EVER met we were on our way to the NEXT adventure – a night at the den Otter house. The kids were sad to leave the new friend but excited to see Isabella and Alexander. It was already pushing 8pm when we got there so not much play time before bed (the boys and Trinity in Alex’s room, Ken and myself with Echo in Isabella’s with the two in the basement cooler room with their grandma). BUT Sean stayed to hang out (been ages) and I had a lovely visit with Xinny and Izaac who is one of the cutest not so little babies EVER.

Meeting of the minds?

I crashed early (for me) at around 11pm as the night before I had gotten only around 4 hours of sleep. Ken stayed up to work (thank goodness he can work from anywhere with an internet connection). He had already called Canadian Tire to ensure they had the van and push them to look at it ASAP. It was nice to hang out with the guys again for Ken. We have missed them here over an hour away.

In the morning it was play play play and PANCAKES for breaky. We had until 11 am with all the kids running around, babies included. Then Xinny had to take Isabella with Izaac in tow to piano lessons. So the boys, Trinity and I kept Alex company while Echo had a nap. And then Xinny took Isabella for skating while Ken called Canadian Tire, confirmed its repair and left with her to get our van. In the meantime Xinny’s VERY sweet dad made the kids noodles (they were AMAZED by his chopsticks) and Ken and myself absolutely yummy sandwiches that Trinity and Echo stole pieces of. I love Xinny’s parents. They do not speak  the best English but they are the absolute nicest people and totally kid people.

Playing in the sunshine... indoors

We left their place around 2 or 3 I think and headed home with a van that was driving rather well and managed to drive rather well all the way home. Canadian Tire was very kind with the bill ending up charging us only 120.00 (we figure that is cuz they cannot be sure if it was a missed issue or their error as all they charged us for labour wise was diagnostic). Small price to pay compared to any time the previous and way newer van was repaired!

Come on tell me this isn't one of the CUTEST baby pics !!!

... and another

We got home worn out but victorious… we met kind people (Ken and I are brainstorming a cross stitch to mail to them), learned about our Echo and that even with this issue she is still basically a medical mystery, brought home yummy fruit and veg AND had a whole series of major and minor adventures. As it is for the next two days I am not going far from home… I simply DON’T want to!

Tonight Ken has Jeff over – he has moved to California years ago and is back up visiting family! So he has spent his evening with a beer, online gaming and a good friend. Perfect way to wind down after a VERY stressful two days. We want to drive the van some more before we finalize plans to pick up my nephew for a few days, I have to  get to Michaels with a coupon for Echo AND for the August wedding decorations… Ken has work to catch up on, I have housework to catch up on and the boys have to get back to their schooling… it never stops but we do make it fun, er, interesting. So for the rest of tonight I am going to curl up and play with my camera or sew or something but one thing I am NOT going to do is worry about Echo’s unscheduled as of yet surgery… and you know what? For once the worrying Lisa Mommy may just do that. The Stollery is the BEST hospital in at least Western Canada and I have faith in the people there. If they say it will go well IT WILL! There I think I have spilled it all… hopefully everyone has not walked away half way through bored to tears!!!!

Our medical mystery... or is it miracle? She has absolutely none of the negative symptoms of anything, nothing slows her down and she is perfect for our family. I couldn't ask for a more amazing baby to finish our family with!

This entry was posted on 21/07/2011, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Birthday Party, BBQ, Make-Up and So Much More

What a weekend. We started it of on a great note… first off Ken went and got his hair cut (yay!!). And then was our cousin (maternal) bbq. We had all 3 of my cousins combined with Veronika’s fiancée Adam over. That meant 4 new people to tell all their adventures to. They drug Elizabeth off to the bedrooms for stories and play time.

Chatting in the livingroom... Veronika is in the back, Elizabeth on the couch and you can just see Katie's hair on the rocking chair.

Elizabeth in Emanuel's room

Dinner was a great success. We had beans (the ones I usually make), a Caesar salad thanks to Veronika, stuffed potatoes brought by Elizabeth, banana bread (made that morning) and then cake we didn’t make it to (Katie). The kids ate a ton and we still have left overs. 

After dinner was make up time. Veronika is on another course and needs  to do a certain number of faces before her test. She had time to do Elizabeth and Katie’s here at our house. Fun! By this time Echo had come to the realization that the cousins really aren’t that bad and was ready to cuddle. 

Working on Elizabeth's make-up

Oldest and youngest cousins

We finished our gift for Uncle Wayne on Friday. Each of the kids made pictures to put together into a book. They wanted to give him something special for his birthday that was on Friday. They put effort into it each day this past week with the making of the cover on Friday.

A very simple cover

One of the inside drawings

I made Jimmie’s card this year. Just playing around with paper and stamps and embossing. I am actually starting to feel the crafting urge when it comes to paper craft.

Skinny elephant


I did have a minor hiccup with my birthday purchases – the sunglasses I picked up had BIFOCALS on them… so unfair. Winners has a 10 day return policy and I am very glad I kept my receipt and tags. Very frustrating. 

I have decided, we need to have MORE family visits… it is absolutely amazing to have the ability to build a relationship with my cousins as adults. The age gap ranges from 12 years to 7 years between them and me so this is a whole new thing and a definite blessing.

The landlord came by Friday to spray the yard for weeds, so for 48 hours the grass is a no play zone. Luckily BEFORE that the twins and I went out and attempted to emulate a weed wacker. Ours is still not working. So the end result – we found 2 VERY active ant hills (not red) and the lawn looked much nicer. I couldn’t resist but take some pictures of our own sheep – Petite Sheepette and Bitsy Sheep with their Nanny Sheep. The boys thought it was beyond cute. AND I managed NOT to put them on the ant hills first try!

Out in the green

I snuck out for a walk Friday afternoon with JUST Echo in the single stroller with NO carseat! She is still a bit small to have the straps keep her perfectly in place but she had fun and got compliments. The netting is a great thing I got way back when the twins were born. And the slurpee was lovely and HUGE.

In the stroller like a big girl

"the Tub"

Our Saturday was pretty much epic… first off was getting the whole family ready AND out the door BEFORE 11 am to head over an hour out to my nephew Jimmie’s 6th birthday party. We were supposed to swing by Superstore to get the “prinpress shoes” our Trinity has been patiently asking after, but without the time AND a temper tantrum over the potty it just wasn’t a go. Neither was stopping at Winners to return the blasted sunglasses BUT we did get out earlier than expected. Of course there was at least 2 trips to get everything into the van that we could possibly need – everything from a playpen (in case of nap) to swim suits (in case of rain) and the stroller (which we actually used).

We managed to find my brother’s place without too much trouble and beat mom and Uncle Wayne there by a bit of time. We actually beat the birthday boy there too! He had swimming lessons and then they had to pick up the cake on the way home. So we got some time with just Aunty Holly and her mom up from Texas. They had Trinity’s belated birthday presents. A Hello Kitty dressed in leopard print and a sweet little Hello Kitty coin bank. She was over the moon!

Belated Birthday

Echo and Aunty Holly's Mom

There was bubbles, balls, rackets and even some sort of animal shaped grabbers. At first it wasn’t too hot but the heat came rather quickly. Sadly the shade was ant infested but we lucked out with the lack of mosquitoes… a clear indication that we were NOT in Edmonton. After all right now Edmonton is the mosquito capital of Canada!!!

Playing in the sun

We were out there over 4 hours in the sun with pizza, cake, watermelon and other goodies. The kids ran and ran and ran until the baby was more than done.

Enjoying the sun (note the OTHER Alaska shirt and the OLD sunglasses... they are missing a screw but do in a pinch)

Look at his awesome haircut!

We spent some time in their apartment before heading out. We got to pet one of their cats… not sure where the other was hiding. Echo was enthralled of course. She is a huge animal fan at this point. This gave me enough time to call up Veronika and ensure they were home.

Echo and Eris

I had to lend my face to her course work again. And during that visit the kids watched tv, played the new Xbox Connect, terrorized… I mean played with the pets (Combyne, Holli and Dinah the cat). Dinner was amazing – steaks cooked to perfection, steamed veggies and Caesar salad. Adam is amazing with the BBQ.

Playing Guess Who with Cousin Veronika

Hanging with Combyne

We all walked to the nearby 7-11 with the puppies… the boys took turns walking them. It was nice to get out for a walk in the now cooler evening. Veronika wanted to treat the kids to little slurpees for desert. They are super close to their 7-11, so are James and Holly! Lucky duckies.

Walking the dogs to 7-11

Veronika did MY make-up on Saturday for her schooling. I was already turning red from my burn but she did an AMAZING job. I am so looking forward to her doing our make up in August for the wedding. And can’t wait to brag about her to anyone and everyone to get her more business! Seriously, I love having her do my make up. And I am not a big wearer.

Natural look

It was well past 9pm when we finally got out the door to go home. The drive home was REALLY quiet with the kids nodding off before very long. With the amount of energy they used over Saturday we were NOT surprised. Actually I was amazed at how much energy they had at Cousin Veronika’s.

While today was a super quiet day (I even got in a nap which helped with the sunburn a little) this evening I got out for some girls time with pizza at Lauralee’s (homemade) with Karyn and Echo as well. We had pizza, played with the kitties (Xena and Gabrielle) and just generally hung out. What a great end to a busy weekend.

Echo and I think Gabrielle

OK one hitch in the weekend – well two combined… Ken accidentally locked the keys in the van while it was running before he and Trinity were able to head out to look at the “prinpress shoes” and then once the AMA guy came… and VERY quickly unlocked it were unable to find a pair of shoes at the store that fit. Her feet were too wide. So I am hoping the ones I saw at H&M previously COULD fit her feet better. Ken says she handled the idea of going to another store rather well… after all we have to head to the south end of the city to get my photos AND return my sunglasses… although on Wednesday we have to head back to the city to get to Echo’s cardiologist appointment. I am not sure if we will visit any parks there, the mosquitoes are rather bad. It will be a long morning at the hospital for the appointments anyway.

We had a VERY busy weekend, got in some quality play with their cousin… spent tons of quality time with MY cousins and have seen a lot of sun. I am not sure how much going out we will get this week upcoming. I am a little nervous about the appointments… they WILL be weighing Echo… and still rather burnt to a crisp BUT we have a story to finish, a bunch of cleaning to do and hopefully a chance to put ECHO in the girl pool. Either way this weekend will be a pleasant memory to bring up when the kids get stressed or frustrated. OH and Fat Sheep has done some blogging! Be sure to read all about it HERE!

Mom with ALL her grandkids

Uncle Wayne and his "greats"

James, Holly, Jimmie and Holly's mom