Tag Archive | cats

Congratulations Shandai and Ravyn!!!!

Only a little over 6 months late but…. ENJOY… sometimes reflecting back is a warm fuzzy all its own!master (21)

FIRST obligatory adorable kitty pics! 12096470_10153703232386151_6064828047901730230_n

IMG_2819The 10th of October marked the beginning of what I believe is already an AMAZING marriage. My oldest friend marrying the absolute love of her life! And Ken and I got to be a major part of it!! I was the MAID (see she knows how to make a girl feel young) of honour to stand next to her Man of honour. Ken got to be the driver of the bride and so much more.

Sitting in the fancy ride (the GMC thanks to the loan of the inlaws) having a pre wedding sip.

Sitting in the fancy ride (the GMC thanks to the loan of the inlaws) having a pre wedding sip.

IMG_2830The wedding was definitely not a classic church wedding and it suited them to a T. Hand fasting, an actual KNOT was tied (I kid you not… cords representing different parts of their marriage knotted in an infinity knot). The location was amazing – a state park between two major rivers, the day PERFECT! After months and months of work, organizing and positive thinking the day just came together marvelously.DSCN1194

DSCN1195I had the added task of welcoming Shandai’s mother (Wilma) into the circle during the ceremony. She passed away nearly 11 years ago from MS. I remember her… it was so amazing to do this task and honestly FEEL her THERE. I know she was smiling and dancing along with us. (of course I cried… actually I cried MULTIPLE times during the day… no one who knows me is surprised I am sure) I don’t think I can explain how… pure and special the entire experience felt.

our gift to them... that is Shandai's mom (her favourite picture of her), paper made by the kids, my welcome hand written by myself and arranged by Ken.

our gift to them… that is Shandai’s mom (her favourite picture of her), paper made by the kids, my welcome hand written by myself and arranged by Ken.

The crochet’ed top hats I made over the year (like 100) went over marvelously too… they even had a table at the reception to decorate them so people all over the place were WEARING MY HATS!

Sheep tested!

Sheep tested!

Tiny beings and tiny hats!

Tiny beings and tiny hats!

fullweb (2)fullweb (3)fullweb (4)But enough about that… let’s see, the pertinent information – THEME! Steampunk with a touch of Firefly… there was people dressed up impeccably as characters from the show. My outift, Shandai’s absolutely PERFECT gown and the Best Woman Dara’s outfits were all made by the most talented seamstress Amy Sue. I do believe I linked her before but repeat is a good thing… HERE.

Dressing at the house

Dressing at the house


Can you see the Firefly inspiration here???

Can you see the Firefly inspiration here???

My hair and make up were all in the capable hands of Kristi… She was AMAZING… the gears were all her… the hair completely her brain. The hair piece (and the ring bearer the gorgeous and pregnant Raina’s) were all Ken! My artistic man.DSCN1187

The day was perfect… sunshine and wee bit of breeze. No overheating but not shivering in the cold either. I swear it was a day made for this wedding.

The wedding was outside and the day was PERFECT! Lots of great pictures from the ceremony and the location.

Andy (Man of Honour) placing a Serenity charm on Shandai's shoe

Andy (Man of Honour) placing a Serenity charm on Shandai’s shoe

With Raina (pregnant with TWIN BOYS!) the bearer of the rings

With Raina (pregnant with TWIN BOYS!) the bearer of the rings

Chatting, I love how our faces look like it is something completely different

Chatting, I love how our faces look like it is something completely different

Bride, Groom, Brother of the Groom (Bill... he had the best long tails EVER) and the seamstress... the AMAZING Amy Sue

Bride, Groom, Brother of the Groom (Bill… he had the best long tails EVER) and the seamstress… the AMAZING Amy Sue

fullwebLet’s see… I met a variety of new people… had an amazing experience… tasted some absolutely amazing mead. There was Irish dancing at the reception as well. With a large percentage of the guests being dancers or Renaissance Festival employees and enthusiasts it was quite the party.12122576_10200994959911650_2773561288717916963_n

One of Amy's fun selfies (on left) with Trish

One of Amy’s fun selfies (on left) with Trish

Thanks Amy, we look cute in this one!

Thanks Amy, we look cute in this one!

We stopped at a pub they dance at before we got to the reception. Pictures were taken of course.

With bridal attendant Trish

With bridal attendant Trish

12122526_10153234427315954_8062970876602714635_nThere was a photo booth area manned by the photographer’s niece and nephew… and I must say, the photographer was AMAZING… so energized and he was awesome at brainstorming and then getting fun and unique ideas across. His site is HERE. I am planning on framing these three images below (edited by the gorgeous bride herself) for display on our wall. A nice series of images from a day to remember.12167173_10153235146635954_1998140958_n

12072596_10153235109545954_4226697375616343846_n11696705_10153235152745954_74121373_nNow to blow you over with amazing images… and one more time !!! CONGRATS YOU TWO!

Just the girls in the wedding party... Emily (bridesmaid), Trish (bridal attendant), Raina (bearer of rings), Shandai (bride), Dara (best woman), Me (maid of honour... yup MAID hehe)

Just the girls in the wedding party… Emily (bridesmaid), Trish (bridal attendant), Raina (bearer of rings), Shandai (bride), Dara (best woman), Me (maid of honour… yup MAID hehe)

Bridal Party

Bridal Party

The guests at the wedding itself

The guests at the wedding itself

master (25)

master (30)

Dress repair! Amy Sue you rock!

Dress repair! Amy Sue you rock!

This entry was posted on 22/05/2016, in Uncategorized. 5 Comments

Remembering August Through Images…

…because man do I barely remember the details! August is a special month with Miss Echo’s birthday and the tail end of summer vacation for “others”. As usual we did NOT have a full on summer vacation. I find that when we take a large chunk of time fully off our learning we lose too much without the repetition. So instead I do a lighter schedule with many more days off for fun in the sun.IMAG0477

So, let’s see if I can match some words to the images! Well, first off… beginning of the month means Home Depot craft. I really hope if any of you have kids ages 5-12 you have them going to this… it is free and totally worth it. August was the last month of just the 4 kids going. I wanted to wait until Echo actually WAS 5. Anyway, August was chalkboards.DSCN0840

We had a bit of a harvest in the garden in August… rather humble these beginnings.DSCN0841

Of course we continued swimming. The instructors and lifeguards at out local YMCA are the best. We are so spoiled by Nana and Baba and their continuing gift of the membership. We could live there!

DSCN0842Of course August, sunshine, Minnesota… lakes… so we had to continue our beach trips. We went a couple times and lucked out with Renee and the boys joining us! DSCN0859


We found plenty of time for Wild Kratts episodes. I don’t know that we will EVER tire of this, though I REALLY need to get a table of contents listing the critters we have covered since we tend to watch them out of order. DSCN0852



… well you get the idea… I am sure there will be a couple others in the overflow blog entry!

We spent a lot of time in the yard in the sunshine (or in my case in the shade). I don’t know what we would do without an inflatable pool, some toys and my sewing. Together time can be so perfect even on a shoestring budget!DSCN0854



The girls even joined me at Caribou for coffee while Ken had a meet up there. Coffee time means the boys get their computer time (IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY GASP) and the girls get a special occasion… all while covering an appointment for Ken. Win win.DSCN0857


We did still find time for regular school of course, AND adding Miss Echo more and more. It is exciting and a wee bit overwhelming to have a full classroom.

Book Report!

Book Report!


We also helped a poor little bird who was stuck on the trailer in the front yard… the kids and I had to tip it up so the poor thing would hop out the back and join its frantic momma.DSCN0874


We came across a stick insect.DSCN0918

And of course, importantly, celebrated a birthday! HERE Number 5!

Teddy from Aunty Holly and family

Teddy from Aunty Holly and family


Gavin found time to have Aunty Renee teach him how to crochet. Apparently right handed Gavin was frustrated with left handed Mommy.DSCN0951

I managed some time with the bride to be Shandai at her house. Which of course was crafting time and, almost more importantly, KITTY time!DSCN0966


Add to all this… a guest! CANADIAN and everything. Jeff Davey came down for his yearly visit. It is always lovely to have company from home. And doubly so for Ken to have someone who understands him so well!DSCN0960

it was a good month. And, as I got started writing this, surprisingly more memorable than I expected! DSCN0948

Saying Good Bye and then Keeping Busy

August 5-7

With the ending of our epic Wisconsin (almost cow free) road trip our visit with Karyn was also drawing to a close. It is always hard to say good bye to visitors doubly hard when it is a dear aunty. So on the 5th we snuck out, just Karyn, myself and MISS TRINITY for some girly shopping time. Just the normal stuff… Joann’s, the mall, Caribou…

I have to say Trinity is a fun shopper. She and Karyn picked out a special book for her to bring home and read. It was our last chance of true visiting time before we had to see her off and it was so much fun!20140905_161024

The next day it was time to see off Aunty Karyn as Ken drove her to the airport.We were all a little downhearted at this point.101_9560 101_9562 101_9567

Though the kids snuck off with Ken to the Home Depot monthly craft first. We have missed ONE in the past couple years!101_9558 101_9559

We did have some fun mail to balance off our sad good bye. I had won a draw on Facebook for some nails. I need to find a moment to sit down and work out how to apply them! Thanks Heather!101_9568

We also had a lovely package of Canadian snacks for the shark slippers I had made and mailed off. I made sure to request a bag of ketchup chips for the kids. A once in a while special treat.101_9569

OH and another exchange… baby booties and socks for Canadian school supplies… favourite scribblers with the familiar map of Canada on the front and duotangs… folders with prongs. A family favourite. Thank you so much Tammie! I hope you enjoy the crochet bits.101_9570

On Sunday we had our first day of Sunday school for ALL of the kids! I was so proud of Echo. She went off willingly with her siblings to the music and then onto class. She is growing up so quickly! The twins have a good friend in their class and were very excited to see him for the first time since VBS.101_9572

In the afternoon we were off to Shandai and Ravyn’s for a special belated(VERY)Christmas celebration. They have such a nice home to visit at. Though we do have to keep a but of an eye on the kids. We had so much fun… playing in the backyard (which is gorgeous), watching a Disney flick in the basement and playing with the cats.101_9573 101_9574 101_9577

We had a delicious dinner and then opened presents. It was so gratifying to see how much Shandai liked her crocheted items. She is such an amazing artist that I love that I can make her something she would enjoy!101_9575 101_9579 101_9580

So we made up for our sad with a rather busy series of happy times. We miss you Karyn!!! Thank you so much for visiting.101_9565 101_9578