Tag Archive | Cory


Well, the obvious comes to mind right off – Canada Day and Independence Day. We celebrate both, of course. Canada Day (HERE) always makes me a wee bit homesick. July 4th (HERE) was fun as well. July is also Grandma’s birthday up in Canada. And full blown summer fun here in Minnesota.

We lucked out and managed to make Home Depot where the kids made little bowling alleys. Which were PERFECT for the 18 inch dolls, I am told.20160702_093444

I managed to finish a prayer shawl for the Catholic church down the road, along with a pocket prayer shawl.img_20160705_155716

We spent TONS of time at the YMCA.img_20160708_150936

Emanuel got over his fear of the slide

Emanuel got over his fear of the slide

Walked back and forth for ClubY.img_20160713_140810

img_20160722_12102520160718_102041We hung out in the hammock.20160706_133131

img_20160720_115651Played outside whenever we could.img_20160716_160044

img_20160726_155359Had movie nights.20160709_201845

Ken made the girls a reading corner in the sunroom out of fabric and a hula hoop!20160712_134611

Hung out with our homeschool friends at the park as often as we could.img_20160714_171514

20160728_13253820160714_134859Made sure to document all the pretty flowers.20160730_121754

img_20160716_15574820160729_121129Visited our godson Anthony after emergency appendix surgery.img_20160717_153537

Met a brand new baby! Congrats Cory and Karen!img_20160720_215456

We even snuck in time for homeschooling.img_20160719_152550

img_20160708_145020Echo even went to Evan’s birthday party SOLO with dad!image000000

We watched soccer.img_20160722_192255

Watered our garden.img_20160722_145352

Celebrated Alex’s birthday.img_20160723_192011

Experienced the County Fair. (see the county fair blog post)

Were ditched by the boys who went to the cabin (too many mosquitoes for our allergic girls).

Even on our day off we made the walk to the YMCA

Even on our day off we made the walk to the YMCA.

Mosquito bites

Mosquito bites



img_20160729_233940img_20160731_181055Basically we made this month COUNT and then some!!!!!20160709_131814


Our track star.

Our track star.

Gavin working on art.

Gavin working on art.




Fabulous February

Well BUSY and fabulous… as always! 3 birthday boys, Chinese New Year AND Valentine’s Day. Not to mention it is also Nana’s birthday month. I think February has ALWAYS kept us hopping. We tend to not do a huge celebration for Valentine’s Day but we do send out quite a few Valentines. Chinese New Year is always a bit of a big deal. We clean the house, wear new shirts (usually self decorated) and eat special foods. Although we will ALWAYS miss our friends back home who made Chinese New Year so special.dscn14541

imag2443img_20160208_161001We celebrated Emanuel turning 10. Double digits it is!!!dscn14361

dscn14381And made our very own igloo.dscn14421

dscn14451imag2545It was Emanuel’s turn for a workbook completion.dscn14402

The boys were very grateful for their lovely birthday gifts from all sorts of loving friends and family.img_20160206_124921dscn14471

With treats for the girls. Thanks Gammie!

With treats for the girls. Thanks Gammie!

After all, the twins are now 12!!! Where has the time gone? Next year — TEENAGERS.img_20160205_091216

We had fun with the Schwartz family.dscn14501

Swam our hearts out.dscn14621

And in the world of crochet – a heart scarf I gifted to a sweet friend as a pick me up.dscn14521

Hung out with the Novaks (gotta celebrate with our friends on those birthdays).imag2578

img_20160221_011306Had the guys over for game night.imag2559

Raced cars with the scouts… Not only Emanuel this year! imag2594



I got in sewing time of course – I made a jellyfish mobile for the girls’ room and for a friend back home – a hat that has a likeness to a hat on a certain Sci Fi series. img_20160220_160307


So a happy belated Valentine’s Day… etc… to everyone! img_20160214_115822


Everyone Loves a Good Parade

August 7

Some of the new season of Wild Kratts have been really interesting… Crocogator was fun… comparing a crocodile and an alligator (Emanuel was later able to repeat this knowledge to a friend! So proud!).101_8992

We had another wonderful series of garage sale finds. I love finding books for a steal!!!101_8994

The night of the 7th was a parade! In fact, Karen (Renee’s sister) suggested we go to this one. It is a long time favourite of hers and we were more than happy to join here and Cory for the event.101_9000

Of course we got there early to get decent parking and lucked out with a Catholic church/school with an adjoining playground. We actually ended up at the end of the beginning of the parade so it was easy to know when to return to our choice spot.101_8995 101_8996

Karen is a HUGE fan of parades and was right there with the kids trying to get the big trucks to honk their horns and cheering on everyone.101_8997 101_8998

She was a great sport, even getting a big black mustache with oil make up that the kids were TOTALLY not going for.101_9037 101_9038

there was a florist handing out roses to all the ladies as well.101_9016

And a group right at the beginning that gave out carrots. ECHO loved that as did Ken and Cory.101_9010 101_9011

So many cowboy hats and as usual around here, princesses.101_9003 101_9015 101_9013 101_9023

We finished off our evening with dinner and a visit at our house. Talk about an amazing once a year experience (as that is the grand total of parades Ken is willing to go to). Thanks for the heads up and for joining us Karen and Cory!!101_9002 101_9004 101_9006 101_9008 101_9012 101_9018 101_9020 101_9024 101_9027 101_9028 101_9032 101_9041 101_9043 101_9045