Tag Archive | CrochetSpot

Reveling in the Platypus Knowledge


February 21-22

We watched a rather lengthy video on the Platypus today! So of course I need to share it here!

The resulting mini book

Trinity and Emanuel made their very own paperbag puppet today of the Platypus. Just add googly eyes to the bag and template and you are golden. You can find the version we did HERE.

Hard at work

Puppets!Zander and Gavin finished a book with me from our advance reading list… Kid in Chief! You can read their review of it HERE. Just keep in mind that there ARE some spoilers with their review. It was a fun book that deals with the job of being President.

We had TWO books to share! The first was a story called Platypus by Chris Riddell, it was fun to have Trinity involved in this one!

Gavin and Trinity

Our second book had a section on the platypus. One of the very unique animals about to use or see the electricity in other animals! Electric Animals by Natalie Lunis.

Zander with our little book

We also brought out the tracing paper, Trinity wanted a Hello Kitty picture and I figured it would be a good addition to our lapbooks if the boys traced not only a platypus out of one of our library books but also an Echidna, the other animal in this tiny family.

Hello Kitty

Echidna and Platypus, hopefully they will show better in the lapbook

We had a family trip out to the store as well. We needed it… time out in the van and the store doing a little shopping and getting some fresh air!

Babies in the sun

Friday brought with it MORE snow! We have some very happy boys with their fresh snow to dig in! Of course we had to continue with the platypus and two more videos. The first is a National Geographic one where really they TRIED to make the platypus scary. The boys were thoroughly unimpressed!

The second a quick video of a platypus handler with a 6 month old platypus, basically useful for the cuteness factor and a bit of a show on how they feel around with their bills.

Emanuel did a riddle style worksheet from TeacherVision. We read the information at the top and then worked together to fill in the riddle. It is amazing how many of the facts they remember. Although not totally surprising as it is hard to forget that it has a bill, webbed feet, beaver tail, venom AND lays eggs but is a mammal!!

Emanuel’s worksheet

We had a rather fun book called A Platypus, Probably by Sneed B. Collard III for our book of the day.

All of my boys

It amazes me how the structure the boys have created in the backyard with all that snow that keeps falling is looking more and more like a burrow. We have our own little home in the backyard! 

So quiet

Miss Trinity and Miss Echo got in some quality girly play time themselves!


I finished a scarf that is either an August birthday present or a Christmas present done super early. You can find the pattern for sale for this on CrochetSpot HERE. I used the Caron simply soft yarn and it is so soft and shimmery!

Toilet Paper Scarf

 Ending the day with the kids watching some Minecraft videos on youTube I think we did good! I know that we are having some quality family time around the learning and the work and some of the family time IS learning… 

the joys of youTube

So hopefully I will get the rest of the platypus blog entries up in good time! And then there is that pesky resource one to include as well! We are loving our time on the platypus!

Bit of an 80’s retro baby

Painting hmmm

January 29-30

You know you have had a good time painting when at least ONE kid gets paint in their hair! Guess who? Yup, the long locked Trinity. Thankfully it was water paints and a scrub with a wet paper towel and a post paint bath did the trick, but for a moment she was channeling her inner rockstar with pinky red hair!

Time for painting

We were busy with our red and gold paint prepping the first part of two Chinese New Year related crafts this fine Tuesday. We made sure Echo was in nap before we began to limit the mess… I think in the spring when it is warmer I will throw them in old clothes, get a roll of paper and send them outside to paint and mess around!

Our completed items

I finished a quick but interesting project for the girls – cupcake BAGS! Little ones, but so cute, and while a little more complicated then say my slippers… they really are fun to make. Of course the pattern is up for purchase on CrochetSpot… HERE.

Cupcake bag

The reading continues with a daily book. I am very happy with our results!

Another book

Our Chinese New Year book for the day was a wonderful story with a terrific message of sharing and compassion. Sam and the Lucky Money by Karen Chinn not only shared some traditions from the holiday but also the actions of a child that were selfless and kind. Add in some beautiful illustrations and the kids were enthralled. Of course we made sure to make our mini book to add to our poster. I am really looking forward to the final assembly on that one.

Sam and the Lucky Money

The boys decided the snow was PERFECT for snowmen and made TWO along side the house. One of which I am told is TED!

The tall one with the hat is Ted apparently

Of course the MAIN point of excitement was not me making anything or any of the books we have read but REALLY the arrival of Ted for his week and a bit visit!


So I did NOT make the 30th a heavy day school wise. I mean, Ted vs. learning with Mommy… I know I would choose hanging with Ted so why wouldn’t they? It is so good to have him here with us again. Out of all there is to miss it really IS the people.

Hanging with Uncle Ted

With Uncle Ted came some special gifts from Alan and Xinny all the way from Japan!

Hello Kitty for Trinity and Echo to share

3 mini remote control cars

I also got some Gintama cell phone fobs. I have one on our phone right now!

I love these

There are definite benefits to being subscribed to feeds. Because we follow Art for Kids we got a free book of 10 monster instructions. Of course we had to hop right in. You can subscribe to them as well by clicking on their link on the right side of the page here.

Gavin and his

Zander with his supervisor

The kids were determined to have Uncle Ted come out and see their snow creations… the igloos and the snowmen were all examined!

Out in the snow

Of course we had to continue with our painting. Ken, Gavin and I had to paint on the symbols for the snake (thanks to Xinny). Gavin was a go getter and even took a piece of paper and painted them for us to add to our poster!

Our happy painters

Such a card

The kids also wanted to show Uncle Ted their Minecraft… It was definitely a show and tell sort of day all round.

So much fun

We rounded off the evening with the guys back the way they used to be… on the computers together laughing and hanging out. It feels like home!

Together 🙂

I am just so proud of Gavin’s brush work!

For the year of the snake

Look what Ken’s dad bought in honour of the tv show Moonshiners that we enjoy watching together!

Real deal, just less potent

So Ted is here… and it is AMAZING!

Looking at these pictures just makes me feel so… happy

Happy Birthday Darcy!

January 26-28

How to end a week of saying good bye and getting used to a new normal? Well by celebrating Darcy’s birthday with homemade cupcakes and mint icing over at their house. Sadly, big Andy was not there but we made up for it with lots of fun, some good pizza and amazing friends.

Anthony with his Canadian flag. Thank you so much for mailing one down Sharon!

Skylanders in a new location

We were there from noon well on into the evening. The kids had a blast and we 3 adults got to visit and relax.

Sleepy Echo with Andrew… new hair cut and all. Poor thing, he scared her earlier in the day by accident!

There was a new dog to play with (Darcy is looking after her grandmother’s chihuahua for a while) which had Echo in absolute joy. A dog HER size! She was nearly fearless by the end of the night, playing with BOTH dogs and visiting with Snoopy the cat.


The wee dog

I am hopeful that now that Ken’s great job hunt is at an end I can focus on visiting more with the Novaks.

Anthony and Trinity

Supper together

Ken helped Andrew and Anthony out with setting up a new Minecraft account. I think that if Anthony does not get his own before his birthday that will be our gift to him.

The guru and his disciples

I wish I had a better picture of the birthday girl, but we had such a great time relaxing just like this all afternoon!

Darcy and the lap dog

This is definitely a bonus to being close… time with our god-son!


Sunday was an at home day, the cousins were still here until the middle of the day and really we were not motivated to run any errands. So lots of fun kid time and yours truly snuck in a nap!

Relaxing tv time

Monday was back to work and life. But first – 5 kids in the great white outdoors. Ken took a bit of time off his lunch break and took Echo out to join in on the fun. I just love any opportunity to put that teddy bear hat on her. I got the pattern from CrochetSpot of course. Right HERE.

With Daddy

So much gorgeous snow

We started our Chinese New Year Library book marathon with Monday… We read the book together, talk about it and write down some key points and then make a little mini card style thing. Title, picture and of course the points. This is going to be one interesting poster. Our first book – The Runaway Wok. Also one that we read LAST year back in Canada. Something that the kids remembered right off and thought was TERRIFIC that they had this book in BOTH countries. What a memory they have!

Looking through the pictures a second time

Our booklet for our poster

Book #2… Bringing in the New Year. Beautiful illustrations, informative and fun. We really enjoyed this one!

We are alternating illustrators… so here is Gavin

Book #3… yup we were one a roll… Max Celebrates Chinese New Year. This one the BOYS read to us! They did a great job, each reading half of it.

And together with the leveled reader

Of course we had our kiddo tv to watch… I love how much they take away from these Junior shows.


We are working our way through the many worksheets and colouring pages on Activity Village and Education.com (both links to the main sites are on the right). I am hoping that we can continue our basic stuff – math, reading, etc etc as I feel like we are progressing nicely. And now that Ken is working again we can work towards some more pricey learning options in the next year! Whheeeee!

I just LOVE this hat!