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Eustreptospondylus… The European Carnivore

We shopped until we almost dropped today… so sorry just a dinosaur! Regular catch up will return soon!

So lately the dinosaurs have had very interesting names. This carnivore that was found in clay was believed to have been washed out to sea. It is considered a medium sized dinosaur and potentially the largest carnivore in the Jurassic period in Europe. In fact, scientists believe that this dinosaur hunted along the beaches for fish. We have one video for this dinosaur which suits the knowledge that only ONE skeleton has ever been found! Of course, from I’m a Dinosaur!

Now for the links, they are limited but interesting! Let’s start with Dino Fact File HERE. KidsDinos.com has its usual helpful charts and map HERE. EnchantedLearning has a fact sheet HERE. Dinosaurs.about.com has some points of interest HERE. Dinosaur King has a great comparison the dinosaur to a human being HERE. Primevel Wikia has an article HERE, apparently it was a part of an episode on their show! There is a longer article about this European dinosaur HERE from Wiki. And our print out to colour was found on DeviantArt HERE.



And we are back to the dinosaurs, though admittedly this is a PRE Christmas, 2012 dinosaur! I promise a return to the regular daily blogging but the backlog of dinosaurs… gotta share! Enjoy!

Quite the mouthful! Add that to the fact that it was a totally armoured nodosaurid, that last of the family, and it is hard on the tongue! Emanuel chose this one because of all the plates and spikes. He felt it looked like it would be VERY safe out in the wild. And really, this herbivore was quite capable of foraging safely.

This 4 legged dinosaur lived in North American and was first discovered in our home province of Alberta, Canada. It was found in the Late Cretaceous period and was closely related to the Edmontonia. (Maybe another we should check out and add to our Alberta found dinos?). It ate low lying plants and while it was large to us, was really a medium sized dinosaur. Our first video is from I’m a dinosaur.

The second video is simply a visual on the make up of the dinosaur’s skull, brain, olfactory and such.

And now for our links! There is a brief fact section on EnchantedLearning HERE. Kidsdinos.com has the charts and maps HERE. Dinosaurs.about.com has a great image of the skull HERE. Animal Planet has the article the mentions the Edmontonia HERE. DinosaurKing has some facts HERE. Canadian Museum of Nature has a terrific artist’s rendition of the dinosaur HERE. And of course Wiki has their article HERE. I would suggest the artist’s rendition for the print out, though we had to take a miss on it as our toner is too low. 

All smiles

This entry was posted on 10/01/2013, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Hello Rare Carnivore

Apparently in Africa there was NOT a large number of carnivores, but we lucked out with our Afrovenator. The name itself means African Hunter and hunt it did. Its likeness to other dinosaurs apparently had helped with the debate over the position of the continents at that time. Found in the EARLY Cretaceous period I actually found some excellent links and a few videos even with its anonymity in the grand scheme of dinosaurs on tv and popular culture! So let’s get started! First a video:

We started with The Dinosaur of the Week site and their terrific series of entries on our dinosaur HERE. In fact, our second video is down the page on this site. But to simplify things here it is:

Age of Dinosaurs has a great map etc HERE. I love the image on the Wikia Cool Dino Facts page HERE. Science Kids has a short write up HERE. Dinosaur.about.com has a nice discussion about the movement of the continents HERE. And another link HERE. Dinosaurking has a nice size chart of our dinosaur vs. humans HERE. EnchantedLearning has their fact page HERE. And Wiki has a great article HERE. Our print out is actually on the Dinosaur of the Week page! Be sure to scroll down! 

Such creative colouring