Tag Archive | Drew

A Zoo Date~

What can I say, we seem to gravitate to the Como Zoo in Minnesota. And what is better than enjoying the zoo on a day where it is NOT packed and not more than mildly chilly? Why going with new homeschool friends! Nathan, Drew and Bella are so much fun. With their mom and Ken and myself we had 8 kids, no crowds, and all the time in the world. They are new to the state so it was fun to take them around and show them our favourite parts… talk about future get togethers and explorations… just generally get to know each other better. DSCF6156

IMAG2950It is such a gift to get to know some homeschool families that are local. This is the second such family that we are getting to know and love. It is wonderful to have moments where the questions are different, the experiences are common and the laughter about personal stories is shared with an understanding that they have been there too! DSCN1541

As it was the end of April when we went to the zoo it was still a breezy spring day, so many of the animals were relegated to their indoor housing. I cannot count how many times we walked into one and the kids remarked on the smell… it is funny how you see how they almost believe the animals should smell like flowers and potpourri instead of animal and musk.

Gavin took this one in case you were wondering what he was certain was the issue in the giraffe enclosure!

Gavin took this one in case you were wondering what he was certain was the issue in the giraffe enclosure!

We were able to take our time at each location and talk about things, speak with the interpreters, take pictures. It was relaxing to not have to hold the kids back but let them run and explore within a greater visual area. IMAG2939DSCF6146

DSCF6107But enough about all that… time for just a wild series of enjoyable images!!! Make sure you scroll to the end. After my favourites are the best of Gavin’s… unedited!!!!

Just the girls

Just the girls





PENGUINS! Emanuel demands extra time each trip to visit his all time favourite animal.

PENGUINS! Emanuel demands extra time each trip to visit his all time favourite animal.


Polar Bears! There were two in the enclosure. They were just hanging out, wandering. Somehow I think the weather was somewhat warm to them, possibly quite pleasant.

Polar Bears! There were two in the enclosure. They were just hanging out, wandering. Somehow I think the weather was somewhat warm to them, possibly quite pleasant.



Spot the snow leopard.

Spot the snow leopard.

This female tiger is on loan from the Minnesota Zoo for breeding... she was pacing a little... we were wondering if it was man troubles... I could just see her grumbling under breath - stupid tiger thinking I would just clean his fur and be all in love.. wine me, dine me man.

This female tiger is on loan from the Minnesota Zoo for breeding… she was pacing a little… we were wondering if it was man troubles… I could just see her grumbling under breath – stupid tiger thinking I would just clean his fur and be all in love.. wine me, dine me man.

Arctic Foxes look like toys,  Echo and Nathan were in love.

Arctic Foxes look like toys, Echo and Nathan were in love.

Gorgeous bonsai

Gorgeous bonsai

Monkey House

Monkey House


Such a stately gorilla.

Such a stately gorilla.

I wish I had taken video of this little guy... he was adorable.

I wish I had taken video of this little guy… he was adorable.


This was the best Ken could do with the wolf... but dang super close!

This was the best Ken could do with the wolf… but dang super close!

IMG_20160427_151358And now, Gavin’s photo efforts!

Sleepy cat





This duck was a kid favourite and not even one of the exhibitions.

This duck was a kid favourite and not even one of the exhibitions.




Sloth... Butt???

Sloth… Butt???

And a picture of me taking a picture of something.

And a picture of me taking a picture of something.