Tag Archive | Easter

Easter In Early April

I don’t know why but whenever Easter falls right  the beginning of the month of April (this year the 5th) it always feels like the rest of the month is on FAST FORWARD! Of course, we made sure to follow our family traditions… pictures of the family together, girls in pretty dresses and new hats, the bunny ears (though those are getting too small for the available heads). Now that we are set in our home church we also went to Easter Sunday Service. Add in some decent spring weather and dying of eggs and I figure we did it up right.

The girls did classic egg dying... messy but fun!

The girls did classic egg dying… messy but fun!


Ken and the boys tried something we saw on Facebook... rice and food colouring in a cup then shake... it worked!

Ken and the boys tried something we saw on Facebook… rice and food colouring in a cup then shake… it worked!

IMAG2059Although, I must admit the BETTER pictures were taken a week later in the same outfits (for the kids) in a shadier spot. The original picture was taken in front of the small Catholic church at the end of the street (they have a larger building behind they now use but it is less aesthetic). Sun was not our friend and the camera battery our mortal enemy!102_0363

IMAG2113Of course I also took pictures in the church…


The following weekend…102_0366

102_0367IMG_2591I actually spent much of my month before creating baskets for each of the kids. I could not resist this crochet pattern and was able to embellish it as I wanted. Add in some presents from Mom and Dad and Gammie and I think it was rather fun! You can find the pattern HERE.IMAG2075

IMAG2125IMAG2139IMAG2145Of course we had to take a picture with our new FAT SHEEP… well Echo named her Cookie the Sheep… she was a lovely gift from Sharon back in Canada… our predecessor had been loved flat by Miss Echo so Cookie lives OUTSIDE the bedroom. (New Easter hats as usual too!)IMAG2091

So a very happy belated Easter… CHRIST IS RISEN… HE IS RISEN INDEED… HALLELUJAH!

And us

Our Easter stained glass windows.

Our Easter stained glass windows.

And just a couple more images… there is something special at looking back at these days and pictures that reminds me how precious this year has been!IMAG2146



This entry was posted on 15/09/2015, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

March of Days

Well well we have made it to March and the countdown to spring. Of course with it being slightly warmer I had to take advantage and photograph the kids! I have been lax in doing this of the whole group.IMAG1695

IMAG1730It was nice enough that we were able to photograph a couple of my completed crochet projects outside! Again check out Kristen’s Kords HERE!! She rocks!!!

Tinker Bell!

Tinker Bell!

We had the Schwartz kids over again to watch while their folks were busy. Visits with them with parents or not have become a highlight of our weeks!IMAG1870

102_0344102_0345102_0347Miss Echo has totally embraced all sorts of creative imaginative play. Tea parties are so exciting for the stuffed critters and dolls in this house!102_0350

We finally opened our Chinese New Year lucky candy holders. That yummy strawberry candy is a family favourite.102_0351

102_0352We also have a new family member… Hugo Bear Dog generally known as Bear Dog… he joined us thanks to Amy Sue, the amazingly talented seamstress who is creating dresses for Shandai’s wedding! He is an instant hit and has become Echo’s new favourite snuggle buddy. I have to share her page HERE. I absolutely cannot wait to see how Shandai’s dress and my own turn out! They are going to be spectacular.IMG_20150330_120204

School has continued on swimmingly. I am so proud of the kids for trying their best to expand their knowledge and try to face the hard stuff with less and less whining and complaining.IMAG1665

IMAG1641Don’t forget about Dr. Seuss’ birthday! We had a added experience for the girls – Dr. Seuss themed activities at Lakeshore.IMAG1568

IMAG1682And food that suited our theme… red and white fruit to represent the Cat in the Hat’s hat… One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish jello with gummy fish… and eggs and ham (trust me… GREEN eggs does NOT go over well). I also had each of the kids write their own RHYMING book. Ken, Karyn and I worked out our own book. Talk about fun. Though the kids struggled a bit. You can find our resource post HERE.IMAG1601IMAG1604


The igloo

The igloo

Home Depot…IMAG1673

Lakeshore Saturday crafts…IMAG1682

A brief foray into pet ownership with the short lived TRIOP!IMAG1744

Movie night with popcorn at the YMCA! (101 Dalmations!!)IMAG1887

Don’t forget St. Patrick’s Day lunch (we did a minor unit this time… previous years have burned us out a little on that theme) but any chance to have a themed meal! You can find our resource page HERE.IMAG1833

Leprechaun escaped our trap once again!

Leprechaun escaped our trap once again!

Themed craft

Themed craft

End the month with… EASTER EGG HUNT!IMAG1935

IMAG1945And it was a well rounded month. March is always that little bit more packed when Easter is early April… Let’s see… Dr. Seuss, Home Depot fun, St. Patrick’s Day, early Easter activity… I think we can say we kept good and busy!102_0328

A Canadian Treasure Box

August Extra!

Grandma and Grandpa Mike decided to spoil us. They packaged up all the things they had been saving for birthdays, Easter, all those special holidays from the beginning of the year until now and sent them off. There were all sort of goodies… games, puzzles, beautiful bracelets… A little something for everyone (even myself! The baby curls my Grandma MacLean had saved were in the package as well.). And so I took pictures to commemorate the fun. Thank you so much for this little taste of home Mom!

Note the Canadian goodies right on the top!

Note the Canadian goodies right on the top!

Spread out to peruse

Spread out to peruse

Gavin loves a good puzzle

Gavin loves a good puzzle

Attempt #1 of taking a picture of the new bracelets

Attempt #1 of taking a picture of the new bracelets

Much better!

Much better!

Snuggles with the newly christened Gypsy

Snuggles with the newly christened Gypsy

Zander building a catapult

Zander building a catapult



Chalk... we can NEVER have too much chalk!

Chalk… we can NEVER have too much chalk!

This entry was posted on 01/09/2014, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment