Tag Archive | Easter Egg Hunt

From a Bunny to Ducks… Quite the Weekend

April 12-13

Easter is not far in the future and this year we had our official Easter Egg Hunt with the two Schwartz families in what honestly was less than ideal temperatures. Overcast at the house, windy AND overcast at the hunt. We were divided by age so Ken and I sent the boys on their own with proper instructions and he took Echo and I got Trinity. Ken found Renee and Evan right away.101_6873

I found Chris, Nathan and baby Jeffrey (well his covered stroller) and then Matt, Fran and their twins.101_6879

101_6876What a haul! Two of the kids (Zander and Echo) found special eggs that got them little teddies but we did not win any draws. It was cold but it sure was fun! Really the highlight of a Saturday we otherwise enjoyed very quietly.101_6884

101_6881Sunday was a busier day with Sunday School first (I got to go with this time and had a LOVELY chat with the children’s choir director while we waited on the kiddos). After church we got changed and waited on the one kid who did NOT go to Sunday School… Emanuel went with Baba to a hockey game for his Scouts. Funny how things line up all over the place. That did leave Echo at home with Nana while everyone was out and about.101_6892

101_6888After we were returned to a family of 7 it was time to head out to Aunty Judy and Uncle Jim’s. Emanuel had called her earlier in the week asking if she wanted to buy a discount card that he was selling for scouts and she suggested we come visit and he could sell her one in person. Why not? After all our afternoon was free and clear! The draw of ducks, Robbie, a trampoline and a favourite aunt and uncle definitely had the kids on board!101_6895

Ken and Aunty Judy on Puzzle Dragons

Ken and Aunty Judy on Puzzle Dragons

101_6897The boys were all over the trampoline and pretty much dragging Robbie out the back door as we walked in the front. It is quite the wonderful backyard.101_6901

With a lovely late lunch in our tummies…101_6899

And tons of animals to play with…101_6903

Robbie and Uncle Jim even took them out to try the fancy skateboard things that we have sitting here at home (a Christmas gift from the same family).101_6908

What a great weekend! And to top it off, on Saturday I got a surprise package from Canada — a brand new Canadian flag! I had mentioned during winter Olympics that I wish I had had one. A Facebook friend (Cyndi) sent us one to fly on Canada Day!! Thank you soooo much!!!!101_6911

This entry was posted on 28/04/2014, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Happy Easter… OVERFLOW!

Because as you all can tell by now, I just cannot help myself!!!

Good Friday Easter Egg Hunt

Antony and Echo

Candy and her cupcake bag


A strange glow

I love Snoopy… two pics, slightly different facial expression

I am not sure how to categorize that expression

Kitty in a basket

This is the face she made when we ran out of eggs to dye!!!

In matching shirts, according to age… thank you Gammie!

Dressing pretty to see Grandma and Grandpa Mike


They were taking turns playing babies and mommies

Echo’s first time in a pool

Grandpa Mike and Trinity

I love this picture of Ken!

Grandma and Emanuel

With Gavin


Daddy and his girls

Practicing our floating

Hot tub!



My family

Playing UNO with Grandpa Mike

With most of their grandkids

Joe and Faithe

Easter at the Johnson’s


My boys

Easter With the Novaks

March 28-29

We got our Novak family fix over the last  two days of the week. Thursday was a special day for our god son and his big brother… their first communion (Lutheran Style). Our whole family spent the evening with them. But first, our day back with Nana and Baba. I was grateful that I managed to get their spelling practice in (our test is delayed to the following week to accommodate our Easter schedule) and some reading… a little bit of this and that. But mostly… Nana and Baba time!

Looking at trip pictures

We did get in some paper airplanes time! What a great find those books on how to were for 1.00 at Christmas!

Gavin and Emanuel

Ken was in office so it was up to me to get all 5 kids and myself ready for our first church experience in a while. I think they cleaned up nicely! With the weather warming up there was a last minute scramble to find shoes that fit the boys… definitely going to have to get Zander a new pair as he is the biggest, no pass me downs!

Miss Echo got dressed first HOURS earlier… she was adamant… it was time to look pretty

All the pretty babies

Miss Trinity

The service was nice, the music lovely and our 9 kids… manageable though not perfect.

Andy and the children… well some of them

I am so proud of our god son… he is growing up so quickly! I remember being at his baptism and being just as proud!

Our boy!!!

Andrew’s godparents with their two little darlings also managed to make the special Maundy Thursday service. Their little girls and my little girls had some fun after service together. I wish I had gotten a picture of Echo’s good bye hug.

Andrew and his godparents

Post first Communion… together

After all that fun and with Friday being a holiday for all but Big Andy what was there to do but say good bye to Andrew’s godparents and their family and head back to the Novaks’ for cupcakes and play time. It is so great to see more of Andy with him no longer driving trucks… just fixing them.

Andrew and the cupcakes

The children descend

We have so much fun with this family!

Friday started our Novak experience all over again with a morning egg hunt at one of their local parks… in fine Minnesota tradition… in the snow. Not so much an egg hunt as an egg mad dash. Ken and Anthony took the girls to their age range, Darcy Aidan and Emanuel and then I made sure the twins and Alex made it to theirs while Andrew helped where he could.

Walking to the field

The little ones

Emanuel and Aidan

The twins and Alex

In the end everyone got candy but Alex and Gavin each got bigger prizes.

With the prizes

Easter Bunny

We all headed back to the house, less Andrew who came after lunch, and made hotdogs and KD.


Then it was play time for the kids, naptime for Ken and Echo and shopping for Darcy and I. We made the circuit of all the Walgreens, Walmarts and Targets and got Darcy as close to ready for Easter as we could.


5.00 pizza for dinner and Ken hard at work on the household pc’s… we watched Disney together… hung out… played… had an AMAZING day! Oh, and I gave out the first of my cupcake bags! 

My favourite one!

The guys working on the laptop

Anthony’s birthday is in April so it is time to plan out that first birthday gift where we are in the country. Exciting! But in the meantime… two action packed days more and Easter is over!!!

Again, Easter Egg Hunt in Minnesota!