Tag Archive | Enchanted Learning

Snowbound Still

In an attempt to boost both Zander’s interest and concentration I have started him on something new. No erector set has been found to date so instead I have gone through the pile of workbooks we have in the house and found him a Kindergarten level one to have him review the concepts that he seems to be struggling with. So far it is a cake walk and has him VERY excited and motivated to do more. I am hoping with a little refresher course we can break through some of his stubborn attitude – anything difficult he simply does NOT want to do!

We put together our Winter/Snowflakes poster… I am sure we will add more to it over the coming week or so but to date it is quite impressive. We have snowflakes cut from paper in a pocket, pom pom snow critters, pictures drawn by the boys and sentences written by the twins. There is space to add bits here and there but the boys were so excited to assemble and post it up on the cupboard!

Working on the poster (Gavin right)

This was easily managed in our afternoon time. We called the boys’ dentist yesterday to ask if we should come in with the boys’ colds and were told to reschedule. So instead we made up the poster, worked on workbooks and made sure Emanuel had a well needed nap. In fact our yesterday was VERY unmotivated… beyond the workbooks and quiet time we really didn’t have much direction. I think that whatever the kids had I have a bit of. Thankfully not too much though.

Colouring yesterday (Gavin right)

Tomorrow is our last date night. I am hoping we will get out the door a little earlier that the previous weeks. The plan is to head to The Mall, Walmart and Superstore. Spend some time together, do a little fun shopping, have a dinner without fighting with all the kids. I am really looking forward to it.

I am hoping the rest of the week will be spent with a focus on the wolf unit we have been collecting.We found a packet of old photos taken at a zoo trip back when Trinity was a baby and in that were two wonderful pictures of the wolves we are going to go and see on the weekend. The boys were very excited to find them and are already talking about how they will fit into the lapbook. We still have some work to do on our wordsearch and some things to print out once I renew my membership to the EnchantedLearning site. We have a couple more stories to read tomorrow which I will list in the next blog entry. There is still an issue with my library card renewal so I was very excited to find that we already had so many stories about our topic on hand! I am hoping to do some used book wandering really soon to enlarge our library for the kids. Shrink Ken and mine and grow the kids.

Cute Girly

It is hard to feel accomplished when we spend so much time stuck in the house. When we CHOOSE to be in it always feels more purposeful. That, and all 7 of us are a little sick of being in here. Hopefully Ken can get enough done and the kids behave well enough to get us all out to the conservatory on Thursday – they have their new display!

Now to get back to sewing, I am almost done my surprise project!

Ok shared just cuz it's cute!