Tag Archive | Europe

Eustreptospondylus… The European Carnivore

We shopped until we almost dropped today… so sorry just a dinosaur! Regular catch up will return soon!

So lately the dinosaurs have had very interesting names. This carnivore that was found in clay was believed to have been washed out to sea. It is considered a medium sized dinosaur and potentially the largest carnivore in the Jurassic period in Europe. In fact, scientists believe that this dinosaur hunted along the beaches for fish. We have one video for this dinosaur which suits the knowledge that only ONE skeleton has ever been found! Of course, from I’m a Dinosaur!

Now for the links, they are limited but interesting! Let’s start with Dino Fact File HERE. KidsDinos.com has its usual helpful charts and map HERE. EnchantedLearning has a fact sheet HERE. Dinosaurs.about.com has some points of interest HERE. Dinosaur King has a great comparison the dinosaur to a human being HERE. Primevel Wikia has an article HERE, apparently it was a part of an episode on their show! There is a longer article about this European dinosaur HERE from Wiki. And our print out to colour was found on DeviantArt HERE.


Baryonyx… a Rather unique Dinosaur…

Whose name reminds me of a cleaning product! BUT that is not what is amazing. This theropod existed in the Early Cretaceous period in Europe and England where it was the ONLY fish eating dinosaur known to date! With its crocodile like head and long claws it is has more teeth than a Tyrannosaurs Rex and is tailor made to hunt at the edge of lakes and rivers for fish. In fact, a fossilized skeleton was found with fish remains partially digested where its stomach would have been! Very cool! 

Emanuel especially enjoyed this one with its very unique features and characteristics. We have 2 videos to share today off youTube. Emanuel has been choosing his dinosaurs from the I’m a Dinosaur list so I will start with that one. The other has more actual data and images of fossils. I hope they are helpful!

And now for our links! I will start with the one connected to the Natural Museum who were involved in the unearthing of the original amazing fossilized skeleton HERE. Jurassic Park Wikia has their page HERE, apparently this dinosaur was showcased or mentioned on a Jurassic Park movie! Dinosaurs.about.com has TWO pages on this dinosaur. A point form page HERE, and a 10 questions page HERE. EnchantedLearning has a page on this fish eating dino but surprisingly without a real picture or diagram HERE. Kidsdinos.com has a good timeline and map HERE. KidsDigDinos has a great fact sheet with a knowledge question HERE. Don’t forget Wiki’s usual dry article HERE. And of course our colouring page can be found HERE.

All 3 learning together

This entry was posted on 07/12/2012, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment


Well, today’s dinosaurs is NOT a dinosaur! The Plesiosaur is actually a flippered marine reptile. Its name actually means near lizard. This massive creature had 4 flippers and a long neck and are from the Mesozoic era. They were found in the oceans around Europe. The current majority believes that they were NOT able to move their necks like a swan. There is a debate going as to whether or not the Plesiosaur birthed its young or laid eggs like turtles. A lot of its possible habits and behaviour have been compared to turtles actually. There is a terrific video about a possibly pregnant Plesiosaur!

Now for our links for our NOT dinosaur of the day… There is an actual Plesiosaur Directory HERE. KidsDigDinos.com has a great point form set up with question as usual, though it states that the Plesiosaur lays eggs like a turtle HERE. Dinosaur Facts has a whole fact sheet HERE. Wild-Facts actually states that if the Plesiosaur held its neck up like a lot of images show it doing it would TIP OVER! Gotta love gravity, check that out HERE. The BBC has a great image and a paragraph about our lizard HERE. The OMG-facts site also states that the Plesiosaur births LIVE young HERE… I personally love the onesie on the baby! The K12 site has a great student project page HERE. EnchantedLearning has their page HERE. There are some terrific skeletal pictures on OceansofKansas HERE. Don’t forget about Wiki HERE!

You have to watch our second video on their site HERE. And our colouring page of the day can be found HERE. I hope these links will help you along your way with learning about this NOT dinosaur! 

Something different