Tag Archive | fall

Red and Gold

November 1-3

Where in the world did October go? We are through with Halloween and onto the next big holiday – THANKSGIVING. Which is a much bigger deal than in Canada… and a different month all together. It is quite the trick to go from an event like Halloween and then back to school on a Friday no less.101_5067

We had a timely mail delivery of two of our magazine subscriptions to read during our reading time.101_5061

And of course we took a moment to enjoy the glory that is fall in our backyard. These trees were chosen (and planted when they first built the house) specifically for the fall season!101_5062

101_5064We had time for painting with watercolours (Thomas the Tank Engine)…101_5065

And a Halloween activity for Trinity.101_5066

We had a new countdown to the 5th and Aunty Karyn’s visit… that had us making Christmas cards on Saturday for all the people who live near her so that we could send off our early Christmas presents and save the shipping costs for mailing later!101_5071

We also had our Home Depot craft session – BOATS! 101_5070

We also finished our lovely ghostly footprints to go into our Halloween book. I love the individuality!101_5072

That evening it was finally time to eat our other mailed gift from Gammie – our cupcakes in a kit – a Hello Kitty Halloween themed. They went over VERY well.101_5073

We rounded off our weekend with first Sunday School (as usual) and THEN a beautiful afternoon out in the sunshine… a good stiff wind earlier in the day brought down a bounty of brightly coloured leaves.101_5091

So what better to do than rake them into a pile and jump and play in them… and THEN clean them up into the bags to be taken out with the trash this week?101_5079

101_5081101_5085101_5100Enjoy the pictures… I did take a few…101_5088



The inclusion of Echo

The inclusion of Echo






Budding Egyptologists maybe?

September 23-25

The last full week of a month is always a bit of a rush. I do like to keep our bigger projects confined to a one month span… though that rarely happens when we get so interested or side tracked in answering questions and enjoying the subject matter. But first we drew what we would be if we could be ANYTHING for Halloween… we did this last year and again this year it was a blast to see what they came up with.101_4611

101_4612101_4613And then we dove right back into Ancient Egypt… there is no end to the fascinating things to see and learn about!!!101_4614

101_4615We also made our Fall poster… Gotta find those signs and be ready for the season!101_4619

Egyptian knowledge runs rampant this week… Tuesday was more books and discussion…101_4621

101_4620101_4622Pen pal letters to decorate…101_4625

And on Wednesday story time with the long absent (ok sleeping in Echo’s bed flat as a board) Fat Sheep.101_4629

I love watching the kids all hard at work.101_4630

So to reward them we made some yummy chocolate rice krispie squares!101_4632

 And so we make it to midweek intact and tummy full of treats!101_4616

Preparing for Christmas

November 25-26

The 4th day of a 4 day weekend feels very surreal to me. I felt absolutely LAZY and it was ever so slightly driving me crazy. Ken and his dad spent a large chunk of the day rearranging the garage so that one of the cars could fit in it. Which also had us drag out and sort  through the Christmas items. I am only using our Advent items and Christmas stockings. It is simply not worth having out our decorations this year only to have to sort them back out when we put everything away. It is an odd feeling, this is the first time since I was 19 that I will NOT have my own tree…

BUT We DO have our Little People Nativity set to have out for entertainment and decoration. Of course Baby Jesus is waiting for Christmas Day hidden away.

Emanuel with part of the “Jesus town” as they call it

Miss Echo is in LOVE she does not remember this set AT ALL

The kids are STILL over the moon with the new snow. I am wondering how long it will last but definitely glad they are still jumping to play out there together.

Out in the sunshine!

In fact, this upcoming week is set aside to finish as much unfinished items going for the kids as possible and get our Christmas and Advent themed learning organized and ready. There are presents to make, Advent calendars to set up and of course songs to learn for our mini concert that we will post up on YouTube. 

Monday ended our 4 day weekend and started our Thanksgiving etc wrap up. We also had a START up… Gavin decided he wanted to make his godmommy back in Canada a book… so paper was cute and ideas discussed and he was off! I gave him the 5 days of the week to work on it so that after the weekend a cover could be made and then the entire thing shipped off. 

Hard at work

Miss Echo has become an iPad pro. Just don’t take it away from her! EVER!

She loves her electronics

We did our last fall themed drawings from Art for Kids. SCARECROWS! I am saving all of these instructions and making them into a binder, they are the best I have seen around! 


Don’t forget our 5/5 with Gavin and his spelling! Zander didn’t disappoint with only 2 wrong when he did his test as well. 

Well done Gavin

We have given up dinosaurs for the week, just need to get as much done as quickly as possible with a BIG surprise for the kids on Wednesday. 

So sweet and without the war wound look :)