Tag Archive | Farmer Boy

Oops Another Catch Up

And I am back in catch up mode… sorry all! Let’s go back to Tuesday… The sunshine keeps on coming which has totally worked in our favour. The boys are still resistant to doing work out in the sunshine but less so than in the house. We are still mainly focused on Farmer Boy and his adventures which is just fine with me. The newest one – Tin-Peddler. We have been working on a list of all the characters in the story… Mr. Nick Brown the peddler was our newest addition. 

Gavin and Zander

What interested Mommy was the statement that Almanzo knew that little boys could listen to adults conversing but NEVER interrupt by talking. The twins were less than enthused but I am hoping we can apply that nugget of knowledge at least to the point where we decrease interruptions by little pitchers with big ears.

Our actual visit to the green and park had to be sped along to just sitting by the park though. The city was cutting the green and that meant we couldn’t spread out our blanket and enjoy the sunshine before heading onto the park. Thankfully the grass around the park was already done and we could find a nice bit of grass to settle on.

The cause of our plan change

We made up for it with pop

The kids were a little disappointed that the little boys from Monday were not there but they managed. Sand is always a fun thing to be around after all and this park is kept rather clean.

They were making a mine apparently

I took my time in the sunshine to make some more stacked bows. It wasn’t too difficult once the kids finished their writing and discussing of the chapter, to spread out and work out some combinations. I completed all but the portions that require hot glue. 

Crafting in process

We spent hours out in the sun, luckily it was not as hot out as projected (26 Celcius) and a little overcast. We are all starting to see some lightening in out hair from the sun! 

At the park

That night it was my time to take Echo and go back to Karyn’s for our weekly visit. The plan WAS for one night but… anyway… after work Karyn AND Lauralee came and collected myself and Echo. Always a bit of a pain in the bum with the playpen to drag along AND the carset to install.

We kept it earlier since Karyn had to go to work crack of dawn the next day and I stayed up to watch a little Netflix after Karyn and Echo had gone to bed. That left Wednesday as a major crafting day. I brought with me the features and wings to 4 owls, some ribbon and a stack of felt to make into felt bows on bobby pins. Karyn and I had stopped Dollarama the night before where I found a solution to displaying everyone on our table. Lots of bright coloured plastic containers! I am looking forward to next week when Ken and I are going to head to the one local to my mom’s place and do some minor shopping. 1.00 a piece!!

With Netflix, only one kitty and some crafting time I really had a great day of it. Dare (actually spelled DERE oops but shall remain Dare for my word search count) even came out and hung around in public! I can’t say that he LIKES us, but he has gotten more used to us! And he and Echo seem to have somewhat bonded on their hatred of Karyn’s shop vac.

Cat in Public

We had planned on going back to Chris and Chris’ that night but Ken suggested we stay another… so a dinner of slurpees and 7-11 chicken and wedges was planned and a brief run to the Superstore for lunch the next day… then one load of laundry to cover diapers and we were set for a VERY lazy evening of chatting… once Echo went to bed of course! 

Baby in the sunshine

Baby on the balcony

Baby asleep... with Fat Sheep

So that was the first half of my week! Nothing extreme but some really great moments! 

GASP hedgehog!

Not So Manic Monday

And today was my chance to reinvent myself a little with a new do. FINALLY after years of growth it was time to cut the bulk of my hair off. I went to a hair school called The Academy and spent a measly 15.00 (12.00 plus tax plus tip) on my haircut. I also got a shampoo, style and they were wonderful conversationalists. I did find that my hair is dry so now I need to get some deep conditioning (or go in for one of their treatments… again under 20.00… but I would need to have the time for it first!). I had a bunch taken off, layers put in and the front made to frame my face. 

So much shorter!

And the front. They straightened it for me to style it... not something I ever do!

There was a bit of a confusion with my appointment as the girl who scheduled me forgot to rewrite it as just a haircut at 11 and instead had me for a colour at 10. Thankfully they could still fit me in and Ken and the kids were able to find internet at a McDonald’s parking lot. The kids cleaned up their toy mess in the back of the van and enjoyed the colouring books I have in there for them. Ken used the iPad to check mail, work, etc. It was a little over an hour for me to finish so they were bored by the end of it. I stopped in at a dollar and more store next door after my appointment while I was waiting for my ride and got them a colour by number book to add to our stash. That is something that we have begun to realize with this super delayed move… we need to be prepared in ALL our spaces. It is a good practice to keep a full toy and activity bag in the van, along with snacks and some drinks in the back. A change of undies for our youngest… things like that. The diaper bag is always packed with a few extras and I am getting more in the habit of keeping a suitcase with an overnight for me and the girls so we can go out a little more and be without the boys.

So we are becoming mobile more and more… our next big venture is to be back to Grandma and Grandpa Mike’s to dog and house sit while they are gone to Nebraska. This works in my favour with the craft sale as well as it is in the same town they live in AND they have the room for me to spread out what I have and take stock. With my added duct tape creation I may just have the variety I want and need! But we shall see what gaps I have as well. 

So haircut… what else… right we also stopped off at Futureshop and got my Mother’s Day present! A brand new case for our iPad! Black and pink… with a lovely magnetic closure. Trinity thought I should have gotten the Hello Kitty one… but Ken vetoed that one before we could even get a close look at it! It WAS bubble gum pink. 

In the case with the stylus that came today in the mail

Anyway that got us back at Chris and Chris’ well past lunchtime so with a quick stop off at Walmart for a few food items it was time to put Echo to nap and pack the rest up with a picnic, schoolwork and sunscreen. Back to our favourite green area of course! 

Lunch on the green

We had some potty runs back to the house. I had a twin take a smaller one… it is a very direct route and they do not cross any roads so I thought I would give them the responsibility. They did a terrific job! After we got through our chapter of Farmer Boy it was time to move onto the park. There was a grandma with her two grandsons there and their sand toys which they willingly shared! We stuck around for a while but Trinity was wearing out and I had noticed that a couple items that were in our duffel bag smelled a little off. So time to head back for laundry, baths and changing of clothing. 

With one of the little boys

That ending the kids’ day and left us with dinner and putting them to bed. Ken and I took advantage of the quiet and walked to the local Mac’s together. It was nice to have some time outside the house together… alone! 

Would be a lot easier to craft if not for the fact that Echo decided to wear my Velcro dots like Nicotine patches

Library is Visited… Children are Run… Slurpees are Had

We have continued our trend of creative outside the dwelling outings. Thursday was overcast and cool (some snow even!) for the bulk of the day with a good stiff wind. So that threw our plan of walking to the the Mac’s store for slurpees out the window. Instead we DROVE to the store and picked out slurpees and then drove to a park where Echo and Mommy were able to sit inside the van in comfort and the kids run and play and yet have a nice place to go when they got cold or thirsty.


The boys shared a slurpee – very creative, they each got to pick a flavour… rootbeer, cherry lime and watermelon with a little blue raspberry on top! Trinity saved enough of her allowance for her own little bitty one – pink of course! And I got some time to work on another feltie penguin. I do love crafting in the van now, there is this little table like thing between my and Ken’s seat which is so useful for placing objects within reach! 

Zander and the Technicolor slurpee

Trinity in the warm

We managed to get right back on track with Farmer Boy where Almanzo made his own whip… and managed some math work as well. So we are continuing our trek through learning at some semblance of a pace! I am on the look out for some more field trips and ideas of outdoor learning for us though for the rest of the month of May. 

Our evening was also special – we headed to the same town Karyn works in to meet up with Victoria at the public library there. She activated my TAL card so we can take books out from that branch and the one here by Chris and Chris. The building the library is in there is absolutely gorgeous! And the library is HUGE for the size of the town. So of course I had to take a picture! 

Train table

Well 4 out of 5 looking this way

We have made tentative plans to see her on my special out and about Mother’s Day Sunday! We have missed people. With the van being an issue for the longest time and then this stalled move… well normal life has definitely been a thing of the past. So I am determined to get a little back. AND to take advantage of ANY warm days! 

Friday was a prime example of taking advantage of weather. It was a bit chilly but nothing pants and sweaters couldn’t combat. So out we went with out blanket in hand. This time with all the items we needed to work on the newest chapter of Farmer Boy (they made maple syrup) and the nature books. No apples so we had to settle for a bottle of Pepsi to share and soda crackers… maybe not the most balanced of snacks but everyone enjoyed it. 

Working on the printing

Trinity and her nature book

After some school work was completed we continued our walk to the park now dubbed “the one we get splinters at”… for those interested this trip resulted in one and it was tiny (Trinity). Shoes off… go go go until I noticed we had been gone for around 2 hours and I was STARVING. Even with the promise of lunch I had to push to get us back to the house. They really do love a good park! 

Gotta run!

With Mother’s Day this upcoming weekend we of course had to sit down and make cards for the various God Mommies. Trinity has the most work with her TWO and Zander’s will be the latest delivered as it has to go all the way to Minnesota. 

Emanuel and his card

Trinity and one of hers

We had a minor mishap with Zander’s glasses so pictures may be a bit confusing for a while if we cannot repair. The leg came loose and came off of what looks like a peg that it is glued to and attaches to the rest of the frame. That reminded me that we need to get Zander’s follow up rescheduled. I don’t know if everyone remembers, but he had one in the first half of the year that was cancelled due to over booking at eye place back in the city (an hour + away). So we were hunting for a local doctor. Sadly Echo’s surgery totally blew that out of our heads so I had to call the local Public Health to get suggestions. Luckily the nurse I got had a doctor she could personally recommend… not so lucky, I called after the office was closed for the weekend and the phone there cannot take messages. So add to the list on Monday!!

I am hoping the trend of completions (van, surgery, etc) will continue on with our income tax… we have been dealing with an audit forever. Mainly because it was NOT us who were the focus of the audit, rather two bigger companies Ken did contracts for. Not fun and definitely annoying as it has held up our tax related benefits… but we have held strong and are coming to the end of it. That means it will be simpler SOON to replace the glasses! YAY! 

Anyway… in order to keep the income going for our one income family we are trying to compress the bulk of our viewings into this weekend (as it is not late in the month landlords aren’t exactly rushing to set them up anyway). Which makes me more anxious but glad that there ARE some options out there. Again, I will keep everyone posted and all I ask is that you all keep a positive thought or a prayer out for us! 

And now it is time to continue the crafting. The craft sale is on the 9th and I have a table to fill… and some simple business cards to print out… I still need to figure out some sort of a sign for the table as well… oh and the pricing. Lately it has been felt that has held my attention. I am not sure how many I can make in time but I am hoping for enough to put in a basket. I am at a loss as to what to price my stuff. The larger of my owls I figure I will leave at 10.00, the smaller maybe down to 7.00 as it has been pointed out to me that people SEEING two sized owls would not want to spend the same amount… my felt bows maybe at 2 for 1.00… the duct tape ones at a buck or two? But those stacked bows… and the fancy ribbon ones… HELP!!! Suggestions????

Some of today's completions

The race is on to make whatever I can… the sale is set for 6 hours and I must admit a little worry about whether or not I will have enough stuff  to fill the table!! This delayed move has messed me up for supplies so I have had to drop the idea of having a tutu or two or any wands to sell. BUT I have a lovely selection of owls and bows… and time to make more! 

Hard to believe that Mother’s Day is this weekend! Be sure to hug your mom’s and tell them how much you love them!!

Baby on the go... with curls