Tag Archive | I Scream for Ice Cream

Her Small-Town Sheriff… Love Inspired

Time for another random library grab. This one is a “Heartwarming Inspirational Romance” by Lissa Manley called Her Small-Town Sheriff. A Christian contemporary romance based in Moonlight Cove, this sweet romance centers around a divorced and sad Sheriff (Carson Winters) and his daughter Heidi who moved to escape a sad and difficult past. Enter the owner of the ice cream parlor I Scream for Ice Cream Phoebe who was widowed 2 weeks before she managed to marry.

With baggage on both sides and grief still fresh in heart and mind this novel is a story about redemption and the chance to love a second time even if you don’t think it is possible. I really appreciated the fact that everyone involved had to go through some strife and growth before a happily ever after could come about.

I love the tagline on the back of the book:

Moonlight Cove: A beachside town where love and faith blossom.

This book is another light afternoon read. I actually found I read it in a relatively short period of time. But, if you enjoy a good romance with a Christian theme this could be the book for you. Another accidental library find in my favour! Enjoy!{2DB7FBD5-8788-4863-A5BB-A17275D4C9FA}Img400