Tag Archive | Ireland

Snow Snow and More Snow

Are we there yet? I am sure EVERY parent has heard this question repeated over and over again. There are days when I wonder if we will ever get to that far off “there”… Life is full of journeys: little, big and in-between. Some come to an end and some continue for the rest of your life. The true adventure is getting there… and I have to admit, some of my journeys… well I wish they were shorter.

We woke up to a ton of fresh snow on the ground and more coming down. So our morning plans went out the window in favour of the twins getting into their winter gear and working on what they are calling an igloo with a treehouse on top. I made them promise NOT to go into their igloo alone and we checked it for reinforcement. It IS very sturdy and today they realized – WARM. So the idea of an igloo working as a home is not nearly so abstract for them now!

Showing off the "treehouse" aspect

After fun outside it was back to Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day. We are focusing on some instruments today. Each of the twins picked one they were interested in (harp and fiddle) and coloured a picture of them. Then we read some information about each one I found online and wrote what they found interesting on the back of their illustration. We also watched some YouTube videos. My favourite of the two we watched has to be the fiddler. We have two more exotic instruments to learn about as well – the Bodhran and the Uilleann. The boys really enjoyed the videos for those. 

This one got Trinity and Emanuel dancing! So of course, PICTURE TIME! 


We found some more colouring pages to share HERE and HERE. Trinity really enjoyed colouring the Irish princess and had to do TWO versions. 

We finally started our paper mache project today… glue and water and torn up newspaper is so messy! And we have kids who HATE getting dirty… so… we squished the twins’ hands in it and put Emanuel to work tearing paper strips… It was fun! Though I had forgotten how much difficulty there is in getting ALL the white glue off our hands! We made the bowl portion and the little base pieces but are going to glue those on once they are dried. You can find the project we are working on HERE

Getting messy

Of course there was a SECOND run out into the snow this afternoon. We have had so much come down it looked like the first time they went out! I have to admit, the igloo – rather cool! But… I think we have enough now… could someone turn it off???



I am not sure what it is about a truly snowy day but it seems to sap a lot of my energy and drive away. The world looks absolutely beautiful though with the fresh layer of white, pure snow on everything. However, I have not exactly been productive. Although it does feel safe… like we are insulated away from the world with our family together… Echo is healthy and fine in here, the boys are smart and learning well… Trinity and Emanuel adorable and Ken my hardworking soulmate… there is no depression, no PDA, no dissenting of my choice to homeschool… the world is right here and right now. Don’t get me wrong, I am on Facebook during the day… my MSN is connected (though I am slow getting to some messages) and I check my email periodically for interesting info but right now… right now the van doesn’t matter, the bread is done in the breadmaker and the house smells lovely… right now the world stands still. 

So a rather introspective day… 

So much snow!

This entry was posted on 05/03/2012, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Happy Birthday Izaac!!

Today I want to start with linking a great blog. HERE is her most recent entry on her choice in wearing the traditional hijab headgear. The video at the end is wonderful! I wish the world would just accept that people CAN make educated choices… not EVERYONE is forced to do things… tolerance is so important as is finding your own path to that higher power in the world! 

I think what struck me about the above blog entry is how people’s reaction to my friend are not unfamiliar to me… I get my own version in regards to other things in my life… not religious based but at the same time close to my heart… like when people realize that all 5 kids running around with me are mine, or that I stay home with them, or that I am homeschooling… there are people who look at me like I MUST be locked in the house and in turn forcing my kids to accept the same isolation. How dare I CHOSE to stay home! After all, anyone who is educated MUST want a career outside the home! And, in all actuality, I faced this BEFORE I was even married! In my last semester of University before I graduated I took a Women’s Studies course (it was one of my required credits) and during the span of the class we covered all sorts of issues. What stands out in my mind was when the professor asked me what I planned to do in the future. Well I admitted that regardless of my education, my career my choice was to stay HOME with my kids. I was told that was not the right choice, as any woman would want to have more than that. Well, I can accept that SOME women want something ELSE but more? This is my career, my job and one of my passions. My children, family, their education, the well being of my husband (who seriously DOES need to be reminded that coffee and caffeinated beverages are NOT meals in and of themselves), the crafts I do, the special moments I have – THESE are my life and the direct result of my choices. And that holds merit. 

That is not to say there are NOT people forced into lifestyles, forced into religions, forced into anything you can imagine but that by no way means paint everyone with the same brush! Just like I wear a cross, my friend wears her head covering. That is a choice between each of us and that higher power… I live my life for myself not because it was dictated… so those poor you looks really are not merited. That is not to say I don’t have poor me moments (oh trust me Friday night I was wallowing in a large one of those), but my 5 kids are precious, their education something I LOVE being in charge of and staying home – well my home is my work and I am proud of it! 

And now back to our daily life… not much occurred of great note on Friday… the kids were certainly NOT working WITH me. This has been a hard week with Ken working hard to get his Saturday cleared. We had to postpone Gavin’s first skating experience to Friday and late in the day at that! Ken and Gavin went out without helmet (oops) but had a blast giving skating a first go. We have to return this pair of skates but I am hoping I can get my hands on a second boy pair so that both of the twins have have at least a few more goes before the weather permanently moves to spring! 


We read two more books with a St. Patrick’s Day theme. One had listed in it some instruments we were not familiar with so now we have some research to do on Monday. Each of the twins has already chosen an instrument of interest and we will fill in the gaps on some more exotic others. I am hoping we can at least look for interesting tidbits of knowledge for them to share with others. With 2 weeks until the day we have plenty of time to find out more and more about the Republic of Ireland. We are already going much deeper and further than I expected with their intense interest! I am so glad! 


We have added our knowledge about St. Patrick himself along with an illustration Emanuel coloured for us. Our folder is now in a binder though I am hoping to get to the Dollarama and find a GREEN binder to better store our endeavors. There is a little of each of the kids in this one. I have requested some fairy story books as well, so we will do some reading and discussing… I am so lucky with friends on Facebook who are more knowledgeable than I in regards to Ireland!

Saturday was a whirlwind sort of day… we had the whole family out the door by 11 am (I know INSANE!) in our borrowed van (fear not our part IS through customs). Without any sort of complications (seriously this IS my family??? What the!) we headed out to the city. One stop at Walmart to get a present for the birthday boy (1 yr old already!) and we were on our way to the den Otter’s. 

The kids always have a blast with the den Otters. There was toys and friends and nibbles… what more could our kids ask for? Well, for once… NOTHING! AND there were NEW friends to meet too! 

Kids everywhere

Alan’s sister Rachel and her family were there as well. Their middle child was a smaller baby too! It was so nice to talk to someone who had experienced the tiny but healthy baby! Apparently her husband has family in city here… so I hope to visit with them more often. 

There was cake for the adults and a jelly treat for the kids and of course the singing of Happy Birthday to Izaac! 



Of course there were presents to be opened!


And a photo op with our youngest god daughter. I had not seen her in well over 6 months! Which also meant in turn that Echo got to see one set of her godparents. She was a little shy and gravitated right to Sean. Don’t forget Uncle Ted… It was great to get to see so many friends that we are now so far from. I am hoping once our van is fixed (come on part get here already!!) we can start doing an every other month visit like we used to way back when before we lived in the city in the first place. 

Anna and Echo


Now there are two stores (well three if you count T&T though we did not make it there) I miss A LOT – H&W and Bulk Barn and for once traveling corresponded with the time to stop AND the cash to spend there. First stop H&W to get fruit and vegetables where I was complimented by the cashier for taking all 5 kids out shopping. She was impressed by them being under control AND us being calm with them. 

Then Bulk Barn where one of the employees went out of her way to tell us THANK YOU for keeping our kids under control! She said so many people let their kids run wild… I cannot imagine, especially with the barrels of food unsealed. We got spices and noodles and snacks… and cereal! It felt good to actually be able to get the odd items we used to once every week or so. It felt normal and I need as much normal as I can before the 21st…

When we got home and unloaded the kids ran around a bit while Ken napped and then it was time for the long sought after time with Daddy. Down to the basement for PS3 games. I love that he is working so hard to have more time for our family. We have missed him.

Game time with Daddy

We have our house guest back until Monday night again. Sean is still off work due to his broken foot but optimistic that in another week or so he will be back on restricted work. 

Sunday was SUPPOSED to be Sunday School but after our busy Saturday both Mommy and Daddy were absolutely worn out. Instead we let the kids play in the living room and rested. It is so rare that we take a full morning off… and the resulting mess really wasn’t that bad! The weather was perfect for the boys to pretty much live outside in the afternoon I am hoping they will finish what they are created by tomorrow so I can take a picture to share!

So cute

We also cleaned ALL the bedrooms upstairs. I went through Trinity’s clothing and sorted out the too smalls… we attempted another sort through of the toys and I am hoping she can keep up with it a little longer. I hope that in the next 6 months or so I can pick up another dresser to put her dolls and dolly clothing in, maybe even teddy bears. Storage is always an issue with kids. 

Tidy room

Sunday evening we had a game night with potluck nachos and a new game! Bridge Troll. It took a bit of explaining but once we actually started playing it wasn’t bad at all. 

New game

Playing with Fydo

I am almost done my special barrette for Echo to wear post surgery. I am using ribbons I salvaged from the wand Trinity had that had broken. I finally hunted down my heart shaped crystals and plan on adding one to the center. Hopefully it will be done for tomorrow! I didn’t have the chance to plug in the hot glue gun today.

So the weekend is over and it is time to make the most of our week. I’ll leave you with a few more pictures of the birthday boy!!

Echo and her boyfriend

Birthday boy

The den Otter family

And one more of Echo for good measure

Green Is Such a Lovely Colour

Well there are some days where blogging just does not appeal and yesterday was one of them. I want to thank my friend Elaine for coming up with the idea of Wordless Wednesday… it gave me the chance to share one of my favourite spontaneous and recent shots of Echo. AND she was in pink in honour of the anti-bullying day to boot! So I hope everyone enjoyed the cuteness (I have to point out that the little hair thing in her hair – felt bow – all me!).

That is not to say that yesterday had us at a standstill! Far from it… St. Patrick’s day is just over a week away and the worksheets, videos and craft ideas keep coming. If you are interested in the bulk of the worksheets I have been talking about here you can check them out in my collection titled St. Patrick’s Day on Education.com. I do love this site as the resources are free and any and all issues I have had with a worksheet or information have been followed up SUPER quickly. As usual I am going by my old gaming name – Ayjah if you are trying to find me, though I HAVE reviewed MOST of the worksheets I used which also pops up on Facebook. 

I made the kids a special poster for St. Patrick’s Day to welcome people. You can get all the info for that HEREfrom the Original Kids Crafts site. 

A Hundred Thousand Welcomes

While watching the Discover Ireland series on YouTube we came across a sports segment that had an unknown sport with a ball and stick involved… and it was definitely NOT hockey, so of course we had to look it up! And found out all about something called HURLING! Seriously! 

I don’t know that we will attempt to play above game when it warms up but they really did enjoy learning about something new. You can find a link to what seems to be an official kids’ club colouring pages HERE. And HERE is the Wiki info. I had one of the twins colour the Hurling colouring page and the other Soccer as they are both major sports in the Republic of Ireland. And then we wrote interesting things about each sport on the back of the coloured sheets to go into our St. Patrick’s Day File. I am seriously thinking about doing their next year in a Notebooking format! They just make too many interesting things! 

I shrank down the template for this craft project as we didn’t have full sheets of green foam, and substituted one sheet of yellow and one of brown for two of them (note to self, need MORE green foam!)… we have rainbow cord (thank you whoever gifted that to us we LOVE IT!) and Ken made me up a simple 4 leaf clover template to use as decoration. I did Trinity’s sewing portion for her and the boys cut her pieces but she had fun being involved in it. You can find the original instructions HERE.

Emanuel at work, he did it ALL himself

Four completed bags

Our little Echo is quickly becoming a rough and tumble girl and has the bruises to prove it! Don’t ask me HOW she got this one, but what I THOUGHT was marker on her cheek smudged mostly off seems to be a bruise (maybe on one of her death defying climbs onto Trinity or Emanuel’s beds???)… I struggle between wanting to wrap her up in cotton and cheering on her adventurous spirit! Size is most certainly NOT slowing her down! She even tried to climb out of the tub to Daddy last night… he firmly told her no and sat her back down but she JUST is tall enough to get that foot up there on the side! 

I have spent MORE time on the WIP… features and fine details are starting to pop out which I have to admit is spurring on my interest greatly! Maybe I WILL get it done and perhaps by June! It will depend on other projects of course… and my focus but I guess if I keep the silly thing in my face more it will get worked on more! 

So February has come to a close… we survived the short month and while the van is NOT fixed (part still on its way grr) and some things are still in the works other issues have been solved! AND we have managed to get out some fun events as well! We have learned about the Inuits… Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day, celebrated Valentine’s Day AND Chinese New Year AND 3 birthdays… Now we face March. My brother and my Father’s birthdays are in March… and this year so is Echo’s surgery. I think that is going to weigh heavy on all our minds for the next 20 or so days. I would like to ask that everything think positive thoughts or say a prayer for Echo as we creep up to her date. We want her to be as healthy as possible beforehand and the surgery to go through without complications. 

Tomorrow the kids and I have to start our paper mache project… and there is a felt project Ken and I are working on altering to make it easier on little fingers. So I will have MORE crafts to share!

Rough and tumble + overalls = CUTE!!!