Tag Archive | iTouch

7-11: Slurpee Day!

It seems the sun has decided we don’t need to see very much of it lately. Everything outside is damp and dreary… and BUGGY. So we spent the bulk of today inside working on drawings and schoolwork. However, for those of you familiar with slurpees and 7-11 I am sure you have a good idea where we went today – July 7, 2011 (aka 7-11-11). You got it… it was 7-11 day! Which means tiny free slurpees for all. Each of the kids got to choose their own flavour. Yours truly brought her large cup of course (a tiny slurpee is just not that fulfilling).

Slurpees for all

Itty bitty

Taste testing


When we got back and finished the slurpees each of the boys drew a picture and wrote a little paragraph about what they learned and did. Everyone had a different type of slurpee so sips of each were more than willingly shared and already they are asking when we can go again! It is unusual for us to get them each their own. Usually we get a larger refillable cup and then put it in smaller cups for each of them when we get home. 

Slurpee project


They all have started work on a birthday present as well. Jimmie’s is not the only birthday this week! I figure if we are stuck inside we should be creative as well.

We have been hard at work at our words AND our math… no chapter today but plans for tomorrow. I also managed to decrease my cross stitch stash today. I sold some of my odd pieces of fabric that I am VERY sure I won’t be using. NOW I can fix my iTouch… well have Ken buy the piece and have HIM fix it. So one technological crisis solved (once the part gets here). It feels good to be the one to accomplish it!! And she is interested if I have further supplies I can part with. With the decrease of what I DON’T need then I can get new things I want! So added bonus! Now to tackle the camera problem.

I am still at the planning stage on a card I need to make, it has been ages since I have made one. So far it is a stack of coloured paper and some stamps. Definitely lacking some focus.



Focus, hmmm I remember having that once upon a time! Tonight I think I will try and regain mine…

In her new tshirt and shoes!

This entry was posted on 11/07/2011, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment