Tag Archive | Kai Lan

Winter Weekend Wonder

Well the rental was a success. Ken picked it up before lunch on Saturday and we went from there. The luxury of being able to GO OUT with EVERYONE… now if it was more affordable, cars are not bad… vans another story.

Saturday was our friends Christmas party. We had a few who could not make it, then on top of that Kristen was ill the night before (hope she is MUCH better now!) and then Karyn ended up catching something as well (so not fair!). But we had a nice group over. Sean and Ted came over Friday night and stuck around for the weekend… Nathan, Ada and Anna came over and the entire den Otter family.

We had a potluck dinner topped off with our traditional chocolate candy cane cake…

Pretty and delicious

and then PRESENTS! The kids were so excited, it was a bit of chaos but in the end they all were happy.Anna and Echo slept through the excitement but received some lovely gifts.

Pre present opening - Left to right: Trinity, Emanuel, Alexander, Isabella, (back) Gavin and Zander

Some of the present opening chaos

I got spoiled with the entire Narnia BBC movie series from Sean and a tripod from Ted! Ken got two Highlander movies. Sadly Trinity ended the evening wheezy and ill so had to stay up so we could monitor her breathing and even then slept in the bed with Ken, Echo and myself. Today she was better but after our out and about time we stopped at Superstore to pick up some Jack&Jill cough syrup.

Thanks Ted and Sean!

Today was a special Sunday at our church – the children had their Christmas program. All 3 of the boys were involved… Emanuel’s class were the animals – he was specifically the donkey.

Donkey Emanuel

The twins’ were in the class where the girls were angels and the boys shepherds (you know when I was little everyone – boy or girl – in a class was an angel…).

Shepherds Gavin and Zander

We were all able to go of course (duh rental), and had to be there 30 min before the service to get the boys dressed and ready to go. BUT mom and Mike also came! Which meant that during service I had an Echo holder or Trinity minder. Trinity was very impressed and Echo even sat with my mom for a while.

Mike and Trinity

Grandma and Echo

We got tons of compliments on both of our little girls, though a couple people guessed Echo to be a newborn or close to. It was so wonderful to be out and TOGETHER. Both Ken and myself are proud of our not so little family.

Out with the family (Gavin middle)

After church, saying good bye to Grandma and Mike, and drying Emanuel’s tears (he HATES it when they leave) we stopped off at McDonalds for apple slices and then continued on to our next big destination – the conservatory and their Christmas drop in program. Much busier than our usual week day visit.

At the conservatory (I changed out of my skirt after church)

There was a sheet to fill out and find answers to to enter into a draw. The kids had a blast looking for signs and Christmas imagery.

Christmas train

There was a room full of music for them to try our – Sounds of Snow.

Zander and the instructional lady

And a room just for craft activities (and face painting but we skipped that… the kids have NEVER wanted to face paint and Trinity’s skin is so sensitive I try to avoid unusual things on her face). First off we did the snow globes.

Trinity and her snowglobe

Then snowflakes and cards. Gavin spent the MOST time doing his, with his very own helper lady. He is definitely my artistic boy!

Gavin and his assistant

After the conservatory we headed back home, with a quick stop off at Superstore of course… Since Ken and I were up SUPER late with a sick Trinity the night before pretty much the whole family was done in. Though surprisingly Echo slept through the conservatory! Of course she was up most of our party (except when Sean held her!).

Baby in the conservatory

Back home to Sean and Ted and hanging out and relaxing. It is so nice to have company over when the weather is so snowy and chilly. Though we are STILL attempting to get our hands on snowpants for the twins. Hopefully after Ken gets paid this week we can spend more than was budgeted and get some. For some reason their size has been SUPER scarce!!! So tomorrow I am double lining their pants and kicking them out to have fun!

OH my mom also brought me the next size up Sprinkles diapers for Echo. I had her pick them up for me as I was unsure as to whether or not we would make it to the store when we visit mom on Christmas Eve. They are HUGE compared to the newborns… and compared  to our Echo. (Who is taller and has had substantial head growth thank you very much… she just likes being slender, like her parents and the rest of the family) I still owe her some money for them but I am glad to have them here and ready!


Out of the 5 kids, Trinity and Emanuel still are really running at the nose, the twins are coughing occasionally but I think the worst has passed. We will spend the rest of the night checking in on Miss Trinity and her breathing though. And tomorrow I will post the video from the service. It takes quite some time uploading on YouTube. So check back!!

Pre Church group pic (Zander left)

I am down to the tutu for Anna (Ken cut tulle, put it away tired and I was unable to FIND IT so had to give them an IOU on her present. I want to be done it by mid week), a cross stitch for a special couple AND some baking to do. I can’t show any pictures of the stitches I HAVE finished as they have yet to be gifted, but I look forward to sharing them when I can. Next year I am hoping to have a whole new series of stitches to share… if we can find the time around all the other back logged projects.

Ken did manage to find some ornaments for Echo – in fact he bought a box set of Kai Lan ornaments, so Trinity got two and Echo the rest. This made Miss Trinity VERY happy and it took a full day to get them ONTO the tree!

Kai Lan and friends

Now I am sure I missed some of the nuances of the past 3 days but all in all – great weekend… terrific company and amazing memories.

Enjoying the Christmas flowers (Gavin middle)

From Flowers to a Spring Shower

Another day of sunny heat, as per the weather report so we took the family BACK to the local conservatory this morning to enjoy the plants and flowers. The feature pyramid is just starting to be changed to a new one so while we were there workers were removing some of the flowers – something that entertained the boys to no end. The main reason for going was to (attempt apparently as she was less that willing to be our little model this time) take pictures of Trinity in the purple dress she received from her God-mommy Karyn. While making the 5 senses lapbooks we traced hands for a texture book and Trinity actually WANTED her hand traced as well, so I figured a copy of that and some pictures in the party dress would be a great little scrapbook page for each of her god-mommies.

All 4 of my Angels (Gavin left)

Sweetheart in the gazebo

Of course Trinity was MUCH more interested in creating her own flower inspired piece of art along with her brothers. So we did that as well. 4 very different interpretations on the contents of the same room. I do love seeing how each of our children “see” a room or an object.

Art for the moment

Top Zander, 2nd row Gavin then Trinity, bottom Emanuel

Thinking of crafts – I did get in some crafting myself last night – scrapbooking of course, this time my cousin Katie’s wedding (the stars in the bottom right corner are actually from her centre piece displays)…

Cousin Katie's wedding

and my favourite picture from Trinity’s birthday which was taken by Karyn. I used Karyn’s suggestion and the paper she helped me pick out at Michaels on Sunday to create a relatively simple but I think pretty page.

Birthday Photo

We had special visitors today too – Chris and Chris came by with their two pet ferrets! Amazingly enough NONE of the kids were truly frightened of them though it seems ferrets are a definite excitement factor as the boys got a little too wild for my liking. BUT Trinity was a real trooper, ready to sit there and pet them and talk to them and even allow them to walk around her. I was surprised, I thought for sure she would be intimidated just by how quickly the move.

Ferret! (Zander left)

I actually finished (started last night) another stitched piece, this one for my cousin David. Sadly I can’t post it here until he has at least seen a picture of it, so hopefully in the next couple days…

The big treat for tonight was a round of the new game Aunty Karyn dropped off for the boys this weekend – Kai Lan Dragon Race… a little TOO much excitement for Trinity.

Fun with Kai Lan (Gavin front)

Finally some rain to cool off the night but wow has this weather been brutal! And of course when the weather is overwhelming the pregnancy mind really kicks in, worrying about things KEN says HE will worry about, forgetting everything but the basics (I called mom last night and by the time she answered forgot why I called!)… things out of my hands become looming worries… BUT on the plus side, the kids are almost done two sets of lapbooks (waiting on Daddy to have a few moments to put in some spare pages for overflow), we had a blast at  the conservatory yet again which ended with all 3 boys asking to go BACK another time and our life is pretty much like night and day from where we were this time last year. Which of course leads to Ken’s favourite promise – Kenny fix… and you know, he always has! Am I not a blessed and loved woman?

The picture Ken took

A Crafty Weekend and Start to the Week!

Weekends with this much chill and snow have us wishing we could stay home and snuggle. We did have to do a couple errands though. Saturday we ran out to H&W to get fruit and veg. Lots of more exotic and out of season choices so I am sure we spent more than we should have. I know we spent more than we went in thinking we would. Strawberries, nectarines, apples, pears, kiwi…. blood oranges! Now those REALLY interest the boys. The centre is so bright red and the taste much more sour (at least this batch) than a regular orange but an instant hit!

Blood Oranges!

Blood Oranges!

The twins had Sunday School this morning and brought home lovely Valentine themed cards… and tales of yummy heart shaped cookies! We are not sure if there is Sunday School on the 14th or not. The schedule I have says BOTH the 14th and the 21st are no class which is odd. I emailed the lady in charge with the hopes of getting some answers so we can better plan out what is turning out to be a rather busy Family Day weekend!

Sunday School Cards

Sunday School Cards

I have spent the past few days crafting it up. I finished the second Haiti Relief Fund kitty – the Doctor. Again I added the grey to the white to make it pop out better against the cloth!

Haiti Relief Doctor Kitty

Haiti Relief Doctor Kitty

In preparation for our Valentines/Chinese New Year party on the 14th I got a start on the felt heart pillows for all the kids. I ended up with enough notions for 4 out of the 6. I am hoping mom will have some cute buttons that will work for the last two. I got the idea here… the UK site once again! Simplified the decorations a bit and stuffed them with scraps. I used the template off their site for the heart shape. Not perfect but I am hoping the kids like them! I also picked up my Valentine pencils for the more religious suggestion from this site. This just leaves having the boys do their Valentines up for everyone and going to the south end of the city to find our chocolate coins for the lucky money envelopes.

4 of 6 hearts done!

4 of 6 hearts done!

To cover Chinese New Year on a level that is more accessible for the boys I have 3 special episodes of Kai Lan for them to watch – the two parts of Kai Lan goes to China and the Chinese New Year celebration episode. The boys have responded wonderfully to Kai Lan. I am hoping to get them the game for the Clickstart computer that is based on the show!

The boys have been crafting it up today – courtesy once again of the UK site! We started off with the heart people… a little different from the original pattern but SUPER cute! Emanuel and Zander said theirs are DANCING and Gavin’s is… angry??

Emanuel's Dancer

Emanuel's Dancer

Gavin's Angry Heart

Gavin's Angry Heart

Zander's VERY Happy Dancer

Zander's VERY Happy Dancer

Then onto messier things… PAINTING! The second side of the paper heart pillows. Red on this side, pink on the other! As Ken puts it “stupid simple”… cut out two of the heart in brown paper, staple it together leaving an opening to stuff it with crinkled up newspaper, staple that closed and decorate!!

Pillows red side up

Pillows red side up

Oh and lets not forget the HAND painting… two colours (Valentine themed of course) and two hands = hearts. Off  the UK site OF COURSE!

Emanuel's Hand Heart

Emanuel's Hand Heart

Since my cousin was finally able to get her sampler from the post office (grr) I can finally post a picture. It was based on her crib set. I am so happy with how it turned out and apparently it matched what she bought so everyone is happy! Now I just need a new project to work on…

Completed AND Delivered at Last!!

Completed AND Delivered at Last!!

So for a day where we stayed home and I felt rather unambitious we did accomplish quite a bit. I am hoping Ken can finish up the major cleaning in the house by Wednesday. A great start to the week!

Peek a Boo!

Peek a Boo!