Tag Archive | kids

Patterns Posted and Plans Altered

An early morning morning phone call threw our plans out the window today. Mike is sick, so instead of an overnighter over there and the increased risk of the kids catching his bug we are heading over for a day trip tomorrow. The boys were a little disappointed but much more concerned that Mike get better.

Emanuel and Ken made it in good time for Emanuel’s hearing assessment… Pocoyo doll in hand. We won’t have the results right away but the lady who gave the testing said he did really well and that we have nothing to be worried about. A relief to be sure.

So without a plan for the day we just sort of played it by ear. I made a vat of mashed potatoes, some muffins and cookies while the boys did beading. I am actually rather proud of a little piece I did last night while the guys were gaming – a penguin! Of course NOW I am out of white again but I think he will be too cute on someone’s tree!



Gavin at Work!

Gavin at Work!

Today’s mail was TERRIFIC! A box from a fellow homeschool mom who was cleaning out her craft supplies. I am going to hold some of this back for Christmas and use some myself, but my mind is reeling with possibilities. Especially with the “bear parts”… maybe a little bag or something for a special little girl or two? So the arrival of the package soothed a bit of my disappointment for not getting an overnighter away from the reality that is our home life. It is just so nice to not have to be faced with everything that has to be done, is in need of dealing with, etc etc for just a day or two.

Crafting Heaven - Thank You!!

Crafting Heaven - Thank You!!

No word today from the MP in regards to our personal government woes. So the fingers are crossed and prayers said for Monday. If it all goes through the weight that will be lifted off of Ken’s shoulders would be formidable! Which of course is a definitely good thing in regards to his personal health (which I am still absolutely excited about!).

Stitching wise – in the wake of the Chibi penguin completion I am proud to announce the addition of MULTIPLE patterns for purchase! I am hoping to get some feedback *hint hint* as to what people would like to see up – either as freebies or for purchase. I am toying with the idea of a beginner freebie section. What I need from those of you who read and stitch is some sort of opinion! I am trying to figure out where to put the main focus of my designing and would love to hear opinions so send me an email at rosereinsch@gmail.com or leave a comment here… it would be greatly appreciated!

With our unplanned day is a relatively early night – Ken and Sean are out for dinner (lucky buggers), all 4 kids are in bed anticipating their visit to Grandma’s and I am set up to bead tonight. I am working on some more ornaments so that next week I can start sorting and wrapping for gift giving… oh and baking of course… it never ends does it?

Staying Home Means Time for a Snuggle!

Staying Home Means Time for a Snuggle!

...and to Learn How to Slide the Conventional Way!

...and to Learn How to Slide the Conventional Way!

Baked Beans, a Tutu and a House Full of Busy Babies

Last night was one of those nights – where you just can’t get to sleep and as soon as you ARE ready to sleep your precious baby girl decides it is time to be WIDE awake! It took Ken and myself at least an hour of fighting with her in the wee hours of the morning to get her to snuggle back down and pass out. Like Ken says – it is so unfair that she is so cute! Even at the crack of dawn when you are almost in tears from exhaustion it is enough to make you smile when she sits up and babbles away while bonking Ken with her binky!

At least we got our collective act together a little bit today for schooling. Ken started the boys with insects in the morning – back to the SAME book! (I am not sure why we even bothered getting more than one at the library…at least so far) This time they tried out an experiment with straight nails, screws and styrofoam to demonstrate the difference between a wasp and an bee stinger.

Nail for Wasp, Screw for Bee

Nail for Wasp, Screw for Bee

Then they headed onto the internet to check out more pictures of insects. Emanuel had a bit of a melt down when he found out about bug anatomy thinking HE needed to have the same parts – things like an abdomen and exoskeleton. Once Ken told him it was OK that he didn’t and that as a little boy he would not grow one the tears were stopped and he was all smiles again! It is amazing what goes through that curly haired head of his!

There was some discussion about hives and bees – the boys have been watching a Magic Schoolbus dvd in the van that I got from the library that has a segment on bees. I have requested a bunch of that series as it really seems to be sticking with them. A lot of the concepts are a bit advanced but even Trinity is enjoying it and the boys are repeating some of the ideas from the story. I am determined to put as many educational dvds in the van as possible and leave at the most 2 movies for the really long trips. After all Trinity is watching them as well now!

The culmination of the bug session with Daddy had them making their own bugs with pieces coloured and cut out from our I is for Insect lapbook file from Currclick. Last night they coloured an ant and wrote the word (Gavin offered to write it for Emanuel!) so those are now ready to go into their folders and wait for Friday or Monday when we hope to finish off the lapbooks. Each boy is going to personalize his with some special activity or facts from their favourite bugs!

Fun With Bugs!

Fun With Bugs!

Letter Y has been completed – only one letter to go and it is the one Zander has been BEGGING to do – Z! It is hard to believe we have made it through the ENTIRE alphabet (well, almost!). I figure we will give the alphabet a rest for a week and then start up a single lapbook (instead of the book of lapbook pages we are doing right now) and work more on reinforcing the letter sounds connected to each letter. They are rather good with the letters but the sounds… not so much!

Y is for Yarn! (Gavin left)

Y is for Yarn! (Gavin left)

We started our volcano stuff as well – pictures of V is for Volcano and the reminder that tomorrow we are going to take some of the homemade play doh that is in the fridge and give it a go making one of our very own! Ken still needs to find an activity or game for the boys connected to the theme but they are VERY excited about it! Volcano was on the Starfall site for V and they were adamant that we needed to make our own so why not?

The big cooking experiment last night has turned into an enormous success… Baked Beans! Ok, so you need a day to do them pretty much and the oven IS on for at least 7 hours but delicious and very affordable! I plan on making another batch tomorrow and then hopefully one on the weekend to put in the freezer. This is the recipe my mom gave me:

Baked Beans (or never throw out the water)

Right off the range!

1lb white beans

1 medium onion, sliced

1 1/2 tsp salt

2 tsp cider vinegar

1 tsp prepared mustard (add more for zip) – I used powdered

1 tbsp brown sugar

1/4 cup molasses

1/2 cup ketchup

1/4 tsp black pepper

1/4 lb salt port or bacon, sliced

Soak beans overnight in enough cold water to cover them. Pick out any discoloured beans. Drain, saving the soaking water as part of cooking water – it’s full of vitamins and minerals! Using this, plus enough cold water to make 5 cups (1.25L), cook beans on stove in large pot, covered, until boiling. Reduce heat and simmer 30 min. Drain, reserving liquid.

Place onion slices in the bottom of a bean pot or 1 1/2 quart (1.5L) casserole. Mix spices and seasonings and pour over onions. Add beans, hot liquid and enough hot water to cover. Arrange pork slices on top.

Cover and bake at 250F (120 C) for 4 hours. Remove 1 cup (250mL) of beans, mash and carefully stir back into remaining beans. Cover and continue to back for 3 hours. Check to make sure beans are always just covered with liquid. Add more water when necessary. Serves 6-8.

Please Excuse the Messy Bowl But Baking Beans is NOT Tidy!

Please Excuse the Messy Bowl But Baking Beans is NOT Tidy!

Sewing wise I am working on some changes. In actual stitching I finished the 2nd of 3 monsters for the boys. He just needs googly eyes and some sort of book or something to be put on!

Monster in Need of Googly Eyes!

Monster in Need of Googly Eyes!

With the patterns I am changing how I am doing things. All images of which are licensed or the like I am posting as free patterns on the pattern section of my blog. The rest, the ones that are created by myself and Ken will also be available for 2.00 or so a piece. I am hoping to have the section revamped and set up tonight. Some patterns will be up for personalization for a minor fee – ie. on one of the ones I am considering there will be the option for the number of letters you wish to use. On the advice of a good friend I am going to try and see if I can make a real go of this. So wish us luck! Please do send any advice my way.

My other ongoing craft is Trinity’s Halloween costume… this year she is going to be a strawberry. So far I have the red tulle knotted onto the elastic waist. I am hoping to convince her to try it on tomorrow morning so we can determine if another layer of red is needed or if I can just move onto the green leafy waist. I think I will finish it off with some small black pom poms. We already have the long sleeved green onesie and I am debating the legs. I would LIKE to not have to spend a bunch on more leggings but I know I don’t have anything red… decisions decisions!

Tutu So Far (picture does not do justice to the lovely red!)

Tutu So Far (picture does not do justice to the lovely red!)

Generally I am doing rather well keeping upbeat – things are falling into place for our pumpkin carving party, though I am not sure the other family with kids will be able to make it. Christmas baking is starting to get done and go into the freezer. Christmas presents are coming along nicely and our rock candy is finally becoming a reality! BUT I am still feeling the anxiety and sadness connected to uncertainty. Reality is – life is not all sunshine and roses… we have our share of bruised knees and bickering but we also have our share of not so nice phone calls and the realization every morning that things are not yet right. Faith in Ken I have, faith in the rest of the world reaching what we need in a relatively short period of time… not so much.

My Cookie Icing Machine! (Orange for Halloween party!)

My Cookie Icing Machine! (Orange for Halloween party!)

Don’t worry though we will come out on top – we always do as Ken is so fond of reminding me. And in the meantime I am finding out that I have more inner strength than I thought AND that I CAN teach without a curriculum – go figure!!!

Can't Keep Us Down BLAHHHHH

Can't Keep Us Down BLAHHHHH

This entry was posted on 07/10/2009, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Introspection With Some Daily Life Thrown In

Friday has come and gone and I think we made it count. This morning Trinity decided to get EVERY moment out of it she could and woke up around 6:30! Thankfully Ken had been sleeping on the couch in the living room as he was working off and on all night on some deadline sensitive stuff so he took her and gated off the room. In fact, he let me sleep in until 9:30! And when I woke up the kids were already fed! (signs of Ken’s improved health I do believe) Granted we had a bit of a war over clothes with the boys… for some reason they got down to undies and decided to run around NOT getting dressed for over 15 min!

At least the letter L went relatively smoothly. We drew logs and talked about loons. Had to draw a stick on a lollipop and of course watch the computer bit. A nice and easy letter to write thank goodness… Emanuel even got a little ambitious and made a capital E and A on his page.

Letter L

Letter L

We did up 4 more frames. The boys are totally in love with the crystals. I think I need to find something else we can do. As much as they love the frames we can only give away so many! Add to the list for me to source out this weekend I guess.



The boys decided we needed TWO games of Candyland today… in fact, they would have gladly gone for a third if not for the fact that I had to get baking today. So far so good having the boys agree that we all win by getting to the Fiesta.

Candyland! (Gavin blue)

Candyland! (Gavin blue)

Actually the backyard tree is taunting me – I had enough apples that Ken could reach on the ladder and the one or two that had fallen overnight for one batch of applesauce. I know there are at least one more batch up there in that tree – I can SEE them, but of course I can’t reach them. I have to admit I am a little sad about being done making the sauce. Doing it every day made me feel like I was really helping out in the family in a concrete and visible way! I figure I will watch the apple prices and next year ask around to see if we can get our hands on cheap or free apples once we have moved from this location. I did manage to get a batch to take to mom’s and tonight made my oatmeal applesauce cookies with whole wheat flour instead of white. (they seem to be the same!)

Almost Last Batch??

Almost Last Batch??

I got adventurous with the breadmaker today as well – made two loaves of 50% whole wheat bread (the first I forgot the 1 1/2 tblsp of honey). The kids seemed  to like it, we’ll see if I can win Ken over. Of course I am working on the proportions of ingredients, as you can see below – the first loaf grew WAY too much! I will take the second loaf to mom’s alone with the leather, muffins and sauce.

50% Whole Wheat

50% Whole Wheat

It Attacked!

It Attacked!

On a stitching front I have another pattern posted – this is a Chemist themed one I have done up for my cousin but been unable to deliver to him. I do believe I mentioned the possibility of it going up last night. Hopefully a couple more will follow in quick succession. I do not have any further advances to report on the stocking BUT I have managed to complete one of 3 monsters for my own sons and get a fair start on the second. I am hoping Ken will have the time tonight to finish up a couple more patterns for me to get working on. Although the distraction from the stocking may NOT be in my best interest. Small projects make that larger one much more palatable!



Ken had one of his last appointments with this set of doctors. After the 15th he will meet with a new group of specialists to work out his future care etc. Thankfully today I REALLY saw improvements. Short nap, a little procrastination but much more in tune with the family and motivated. It is so lovely to see. He is by no means up to 100% but you really get the feeling now that in the future he WILL be better. The only harsh reality – he got his prescription filled and it was 80.00 for a month’s worth! We are hoping he can get some sort of medi card, apparently it was a suggestion they gave him, but Ken is also going to look into the cost of getting Blue Cross added since we don’t pay for basic in Alberta any more. We are pretty sure the medi card would only cover him. And we are STILL fighting to get the 3 boys into Public Health to get their teeth cleaned – /frustration as Ken says.

Today has not been a banner day for Emanuel. Not only did he step on a soft apple with bare feet and get stabbed a bit with the stem but he also had an accident. But at least now he KNOWS what happens if he pees in the undies. He was so sorry and I just kept telling him it is ok, just when you have to go GO. Threw him and Trinity into the tub and let them at it. Trinity’s first bubble bath in the big tub!

Enjoying the Bubbles

Enjoying the Bubbles

I have to admit that lately in the back of my mind has been worry… worry and struggle and a shaking of faith, in Ken and his ability to move up in the world financially, in myself and my ability to hold it all together much longer, in the world and the idea that it is NOT out to get us (and some close and wonderful friends also in much the same position). Don’t get me wrong, things ARE improving, Ken has even called a couple companies who have pledged to work WITH us to get us back up to date, offering payment plans and minor deals.

Food wise I am still keeping a tight hand on the buying. I check the flyers, watch for sales, ask around about prices and it is paying off.

For the kids I am on the hunt for the eternal bargain, asking, looking, searching online… I am determined that I will outfit these kids smartly. I have already spoken with Ken about the end of the winter sales so that we can kit the twins and Trinity out in winter gear for the next year. Kijiji has already come through for us and my mom is always on the lookout for clothing for our 4 angels. I am going to have her teach me tomorrow how to properly patch a pair of jeans which will save us from having to buy as many pairs this year (we won’t be able to escape getting a couple pairs just due to height growth but it will leave Emanuel with a lovely variety of play clothes).

Myself, well I am holding out hope that the budget can stretch to get me a new bra in October. The ones I wear are so pricey (nursing and larger) so I have to bide my time. Thank goodness I have my two nursing tank tops that can work in a pinch before it gets overly cold. As Ken says, all it takes is one good contract and we are off and running, I just hate to admit that my faith in that ever elusive contract showing up is shaken. He has been under bid but what can you do? Work it for next to nothing? We are waiting on images from a company that Ken has been working with for almost a year now to get an extensive website up and running – but until the images are received and the site completed we see NONE of the money. So a non entity right now really.

There are those fanciful things that I am still waiting on – my birthday party (June 24th I turned 30) and the iPod touch I was promised are still not any closer to becoming a reality. The boys’ curriculum… no idea… Christmas is mere months away and Ken has promised me the kids will have gifts. Regardless of budget I was planning on starting this year differently – their stockings are going to be full of useful stuff from the dollar store – crayons, maybe colouring books, etc etc and then each boy will get his own toy and then a gift to share between the 3 of them (perhaps the chairs and table they need so badly?). I am also going to make each child a cross stitch and some candy of some sort. Nothing extreme but still something substantial I think.

There are other little things – plans made and now cancelled… and bigger things that are now put off all due to the past 3 months… planning for the future has always been a huge part of my life. It is all part of being an optimist and when even the more vague plans are for the most part postponed it is a bit down heartening. Thankfully a chat with Ada this afternoon helped remind me what is important. It is not the concrete plans or the having of money and things… it is friendship and love and commitment and the knowledge that you are NOT alone in all of this. There are people who understand and care and are there to help where they can. We are all where we should be and the bad that happens – well it happens, it is not that we deserve to flounder here and there… it is more that we are going through this journey together and gaining experience and creating our personalities. And I can definitely say that my journey to date has been colourful! Thanks for reminding me Ada!

Tomorrow is going to be very exciting. For the first time for all 6 of us we are going to try out a corn maze. The one near the town my mom’s lives in has kids ages 5 and under free (talk about bonus!). All 3 boys are going to go to the thrift store my mom works at and pick out their Halloween costumes and I am going to wander around the two children’s clothing thrift stores in town to hunt down a green top for Trinity’s Halloween costume. Add to that a visit with Harley the not so tiny puppy and Mike and his bike and the whole family is going to have a blast! That and I get to do some sewing with my mom and share my baking and get her opinion!

I am also on the road to getting organized – Ken was able to go and get my very favourite organizer today… it starts December of this year. I have been using the small year calendar on the back of the 2008 version so this will definitely ease up some of my scheduling stress. I already have appointments for January after all! Organization is the key right?



And of course I could NOT resist sharing this picture! Happy Weekend all!

Trinity Davinia!

Trinity Davinia!