Tag Archive | Kristen

Happy 33rd!

JUNE 24th/25th!!

As of June 24th yours truly is 33 years old! And loving it! Now how did I celebrate it… Well back in town with Karyn and all… lunch with dear friends! My very first Dim Sum! We originally planned for Indian food but our favourite restaurant does not do Sunday lunch. Echo was totally on board, Trinity not so much. We were very firmly told that she wanted Fruit Loops and yogurt. In fact, we started our day with Fruit Loops!


I felt so special with the friends who turned out for lunch… Lauralee, Victoria and Kristen rounded out our gathering. It wasn’t too busy at  the restaurant and we didn’t have to wait long once we made our selection. It all tasted delicious and was a brand new thing for me. 

Pre Dim Sum gaming

And more

Birthday girl!

So good!

Echo approved!

How better to finish off our celebration than to head over to Kristen and Fydo’s for handmade cake courtesy of Victoria!!! Total yum with some amazing visiting and squiggle time for Echo and Trinity. We do miss visiting with these lovely people so the chance to sit and relax with them was AMAZING. I felt so spoiled! It was great to give the girls time to reconnect with some very special Aunties AND see Uncle Fydo, of course! Thank you so much ladies!

My cake

Happy Birthday to ME!

Cutting the cake

After saying good bye to everyone we had a quick stop off at Karyn’s to collect our over night items and then head back to Grandma’s. Of course we had to stop off for a slurpee first before leaving town. The drive went pretty well, but it always does when we travel with Karyn. Back to the reality of a 5 child family… though I am not quite sure I really was missed! Apparently life can be more fun without Mommy and her rules and school books. BUT I got hugs! 

My present from Kristen and Fydo! THANKS!

Life was a little topsy turvy with the kids running wild and a new dog visiting (Whoopsie and only on a temporary basis). And of course there was the inevitable boy mess in the basement making us settling in near impossible and instant mean mommy appear. So a bit of a let down BUT home we went. Monday was a difficult day… the boys were NOT ready for back to school stuff… and the girls were still settling in. 


Ken did set up work so that we could all FINALLY go see the Viking ship. AND get pictures taken with the kids IN IT! Very cool… check out the lake and the swans… and generally photograph the family and the stuff around us. That always is a pick me up for me! I do love my camera! 

Gavin and Zander


Miss T

And Baby

With Daddy

The Centre


Mini me?

In the afternoon we did have a visitor – one of the boys’ friends Kenneth who lives next door to mom’s old house came over to play and took the boys and Trinity down the road to the nearby park. He biked over and was more than willing to be in charge of the crew and take them out to play. 

Fun in the backyard

That was about all we had going for us on Monday… Except… my belated birthday ice cream cake thanks to Sharon!!! I felt soooo spoiled!!!!


and... a LAKE

Sunday Sunday…

Definitely did NOT wish it was Monday… not when the day was beautiful and the kids dressed in their Sunday best once again. No, while I had shed some tears and had some emotional moments today I had some moments of joy and contentment as well. So lets get going with the recapping… we had to get out to the van dressed, packed up and ready to go by 8am once again. There was quite a bit of reticence from the boys who were rather unimpressed by the idea of another long drive. We assured them it was for a good reason and that they WOULD have fun today at church…

Dressed to impress

We made good time even with some road repair going on and got to church in time to meet the rest of the kids and start Sunday School. I have to admit I appreciate long car rides (when the kids are in decent moods) as it gives Ken and I a chance to chat about things without the distraction of tv, computers, internet, etc. Sometimes it is the closest we get to quality one on one time. Especially if the kids are occupied or better yet, ASLEEP.

Anyway, this was a very special Sunday… first of all it is the FINAL Sunday School session of the year. Bittersweet as we have loved our year of Sunday School. The kids have made friends among their classmates, enjoyed their teachers and fellowship. We have felt totally welcomed and accepted by this church and the new minister. So they practiced their song for the OTHER big event of the day – the dedication and presentation of the nativity and “other” costumes mom made for the church. There are well over 30 done and at the church. Everyone was over the moon when they came in to them all laid out on the tables for perusal. 

Of course before the costumes could be handed out and chosen there was cookies and juice! Even Echo had a cookie. 

Cookie time

For Echo too

And then… PICKING COSTUMES! Trinity decided she didn’t want to dress up as there was no Chococat or princess but the boys were all over that as were most of the kids. Mom was there to help out with the dressing up. Proof positive that they ARE versatile for ages and sizes. 

Dressed up

With an angel

By the time everyone was dressed up Mike got there from his conference (on the bike) and church was ready to start. Hugs all round and then up to sit in the sanctuary. The group at the front were adorable. I am so glad we were able to be there for the dedication. We even made it through the whole service, communion and then…

In the front of the church singing

With a sentinel

And some more

Time to finish celebrating the end of Sunday School. I have to say I feel VERY blessed in our choice of church (it was the only ELCICin town and it has been a perfect fit for us!!). I went back after everyone had shook the hand of the minister to chat about how things are going and he took the time to sit in his office and listen to my cry a little, talk about my faith and options and say a prayer together. He has offered to connect me with the minister here in town who is actually a friend of his(!) and if we are ever in town this month and need to talk we are to let him know. 

Mommy and Echo keeping busy during service

He was more than understanding about my need to use only email right now and while he does not have answers for us he has our back in prayer. As several members of our church came up to me to tell me also. Emanuel and Trinity’s teachers (who are sisters) were very hopeful for it all working out for us and willing to ask around about some possibilities in rentals they are aware of. People also came up to inquire about Echo’s health. It makes me feel so good to know that other people are still thinking about her surgery and her recovery. I know that Ken and I are still concerned and will be until she is off the baby aspirin. 

After the Youth ran lunch the kids were outside to play games in the yard. There was everything from a beanbag toss to tug of war to a scavenger hunt. Well more of a litter pick up but they were so proud after! Even Trinity and Echo warmed up towards the end and the time in the sunshine felt so… renewing. 

Throwing sponges soaked in water at the Youth

Tug of war

We said good bye to our church friends and headed out for a run to Michaels for me (I will disclose my purchases there, as small as they are, tomorrow) and then on to Kristen and Fydo’s to grab the cards she had made for the sale (pictures tomorrow) that were hiding under their welcome mat and then… Aunty Karyn at the park! Trinity was beyond excited and as soon as we got parked and changed out of church clothes (all except for yours truly as I managed to forget mine in the hustle out the door) all the kids made a bee line for the park. 

Park time

Visiting with Aunty

Checking out the sand

We played and chatted until Echo decided she was done in the sun and wanted to sit in the van with her water cuppy. Then it was time to say a somewhat tearful good bye to Karyn and head out of town. With tired and done in kids and a baby who felt the ride home was pure torture it was quite the drive. We were all done in… and then there was the added unexpected excitement of a lost dog found on our street that mom and Mike had to take the pound so they could find the owner… and the finding of a patch of torn fur on Gypsy that we can’t figure out where she lost it… 

I am working my way through the first two manga in a new series that I plan to blog about tomorrow as well as another book I am working through during my baths! So those entries to come… We are also starting our USA unit with a focus on Minnesota so I will definitely share my links here too… I am determined to keep our educational ball rolling after all! Keep in mind that I have a few more crafts to complete for the sale… some adventures still to be had AND pet sitting, our anniversary and my birthday to look forward to. While we hustle our buns with the rental hunt I am going to grab everyone moment of joy I can find and hold on tight… and this month I am determined to be successful on ALL fronts!!! 

Grandpa time

This entry was posted on 03/06/2012, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Happy Saturday

And the sunshine and warm weather came in spades today! And boy did we enjoy it! We had special lunchtime plans with Kristen and Fydo at their place. With their lovely deck and fenced backyard it was the perfect place for a bbq/picnic. Add to that  the kids being able to play with their OWN toys, bikes, etc… and wow was everyone HAPPY!

BBQ King

So there was our little slide that can easily be built and taken back down for Echo to learn all about! That slide has gone through all 5 kids and is in great shape! 

Each and every one of them did the slide this way!

After lunch – hotdogs and watermelon (total yum thanks guys!) on the blanket in the sun for the kids and the table on the deck for the adults it was  time to ride bikes.


Talk about utter bliss… of course the helmets were buried so we had to skip on those and the twins had to use the small bikes (large are still at warehouse) BUT they got to go… Kristen knew of the perfect path to take where we could see them far ahead and give them to freedom to pedal as hard as they wanted!

Pedal power

Echo rode in style in the stroller and Trinity took one of the scooters. Kristen and Trinity worked together to get the hang of it. 

Learning the scooter

By the time we returned from our walk the guys had unearthed a couple of buckets of Echo’s clothing and one of the boys’ summer gear so I was able to dig out some new bits. Some old favourites for Echo that were Trinity’s and a few more shorts for the boys. When we get moved in I am definitely going to Kijiji myself out of some clothing. Put it nice and cheap but you take ALL of it… I don’t want to keep anymore of the boys’ stuff, I had kept enough for a baby on up to now… and it is finally time to get rid of some of Echo’s outgrows. 

Before the garage spelunking expedition.. they are so programmers

We lucked out even further with TWO garbage bags of girls’ clothing waiting for Trinity to sift through thanks to Kristen’s sister. So the kids are good for the rest of the month, hot or cold! And some of those clothes that Trinity will grow into… SUPER cute!!! Ken and I are so appreciative when people do give us handmedowns. I don’t think the world at large understands how much that saves us money wise! A million thank yous to EVERYONE who has given us their outgrows over the years! I love being able to do the same. 

Once the garage was all filled back up and closed it was time to recollect the 9 of us and go for another walk. This one to the nearest park… which just happened to pass a Mac’s. So you can imagine what we did on the walk back! 

...and back to labeling until the glasses are repaired - Zander


Big kids

By the time we got back to Kristen and Fydo’s it was time to head to Michaels for some craft supplies I needed and then back to Chris and Chris’. The kids were rather put out that they couldn’t stay longer and play with Kristen and Fydo and their own toys but it was such a lovely visit all the same. I picked up HELLO KITTY duct tape! YAY! So have that to add to my crafting process. In fact, tonight is a designated duct tape craft night. So it is bows and change purses all the way… I need to think on the purse for Trinity but it will happen too! 

First of the kitty

So our day has been quite the adventure. We saw friends we had not seen in ages, went to the park, ate outside, did a bit of shopping AND had slurpees. Though the kids were sad to see it end they were go go go all day. 

Look I was there too!

Aren't they cool?

This entry was posted on 12/05/2012, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments