Tag Archive | leaves

How in the World Did Fall Get Here?

September 20-25

I have been playing with favourite patterns and thinner yarn or different needles.. these two Cthulhu came out of that play. BABIES!!! Using light Caron Simply Soft. You can find the pattern HERE… or purchase a completed (and slightly larger) version on my Etsy site HERE. I plan on putting some wee ones up eventually… after the Christmas present rush.101_9638

Over the weekend we took a little time and finally got our act together to assemble our Shark unit book… the duotang was almost too small! You can check out our resources used, etc on our resource entry on the blog HERE. It was quite the unit.101_9640

On Sunday (AFTER Sunday School of course) we had a lovely visit with the Novaks. We were supposed to leave around dinner time for a coffee date but it fell through so it was a relaxing afternoon with good friends.101_9643 101_9644

Snoopy was a willing subject for the camera as usual.101_9648 101_9651

And we came home with some new reading material! Thank you so much Aidan for letting these gems go!101_9649 101_9655

On Monday we had princesses at school… in MITTENS (super garage sale find for a quarter I think).101_9657 101_9658

Gavin created an amazing FALL tree we later entered in the Art for Kids (link on right) fall art contest. I love it when they just go without instructions and really work with the Lego! We actually have the 3 boys enrolled in a once monthly class online with Currclick that is free for Legos. They are really enjoying it. They have multiple free and for pay classes through their site now!101_9660

Tuesday was so lovely we drug our new desks outside for craft time before they get placed in the school area inside.101_9661 101_9664 101_9666

101_9668Nature came out to share with our crafty time as well! Though after the scare elsewhere in the country with a fuzzy caterpillar that caused burn like rashes we kept our hands well away!101_9663

With a new school year we have also pulled down our previous year’s posters… so it was time to create a new fall scene for our walls. Can you believe it is fall already? Where did the time go???101_9667

We have had a jump with our learning as well. Emanuel suddenly WANTS to try and write out his own words in his journal and in letters. So be prepared… I correct the spelling above but you will get to see his creative management of letters in his words!!101_9669

We have taken to doing work in areas… videos on the DVD player for volcanoes.101_9670

One of 3 desks inside for an independent learner.101_9671

The table for the avid crafter. It seems to be working!101_9672

We are most certainly keeping busy!101_9673 101_9674

Red and Gold

November 1-3

Where in the world did October go? We are through with Halloween and onto the next big holiday – THANKSGIVING. Which is a much bigger deal than in Canada… and a different month all together. It is quite the trick to go from an event like Halloween and then back to school on a Friday no less.101_5067

We had a timely mail delivery of two of our magazine subscriptions to read during our reading time.101_5061

And of course we took a moment to enjoy the glory that is fall in our backyard. These trees were chosen (and planted when they first built the house) specifically for the fall season!101_5062

101_5064We had time for painting with watercolours (Thomas the Tank Engine)…101_5065

And a Halloween activity for Trinity.101_5066

We had a new countdown to the 5th and Aunty Karyn’s visit… that had us making Christmas cards on Saturday for all the people who live near her so that we could send off our early Christmas presents and save the shipping costs for mailing later!101_5071

We also had our Home Depot craft session – BOATS! 101_5070

We also finished our lovely ghostly footprints to go into our Halloween book. I love the individuality!101_5072

That evening it was finally time to eat our other mailed gift from Gammie – our cupcakes in a kit – a Hello Kitty Halloween themed. They went over VERY well.101_5073

We rounded off our weekend with first Sunday School (as usual) and THEN a beautiful afternoon out in the sunshine… a good stiff wind earlier in the day brought down a bounty of brightly coloured leaves.101_5091

So what better to do than rake them into a pile and jump and play in them… and THEN clean them up into the bags to be taken out with the trash this week?101_5079

101_5081101_5085101_5100Enjoy the pictures… I did take a few…101_5088



The inclusion of Echo

The inclusion of Echo






Stopping to Smell… and Press the Flowers

May 29-30

It is amazing how quick the week feels when you drop the Monday as a regular day.

Although, over the weekend I did receive my autographed copies of Tonya Kappes’ series!!! I won them on her site on Facebook!

Signed and everything

Signed and everything

Wednesday we stopped and smelled the flowers… On Thursday we wandered the neighbourhood and looked for dropped blossoms or wildflowers for pressing. We are going the simple route and following Life Studies Online’s instructions. However, we had to substitute newspaper with wax paper as we had recycled ALL of ours! You can find the simple step by steps HERE. We will check back in probably 4 days.101_2208

101_2209101_2210With Wednesday we rubbed leaves and checked through our leaf book to see if we could identify any of them. Two kinds were recognized and we had a blast with our crayons in our nature books!

Rubbing and sorting

Rubbing and sorting

Reference book

Reference book

I have been having the littles do their workbook work at the table while I make lunch…

And a colouring book too

And a colouring book too

Of course with the flower pressing mentioned above was an abbreviated walk for the kids and I to collect them.

On the hunt

On the hunt

Bubble break

Bubble break

Trinity had a workbook completion… She and Emanuel are trying to get as much done this summer as possible so that they can graduate onto the harder books!



Art for Kids was timely this week… T-REX!!!!



We get a lot of rain around here… great for the plants, not so much for our walking plans. So the wandering the neighbourhood and ending up in our own yard for an hour is a great way to learn about nature AND burn off that necessary energy!

Fun in the sun

Fun in the sun

Oh and ending the evening out in the backyard with Daddy is a welcome addition to our routine!






…Random Fairie!101_2244