Tag Archive | Mad Scientist

Wonder Box

Education.com is a favourite resource of mine for print outs and crafting activities. Well, recently they came up with something called Wonder Box for the preschool/Kindergarten age. Sadly I was unable to test the product when they were first setting it up as it could not be shipped up to Canada. I figured it would be a wonderful thing to get for Trinity. I was especially lucky and won a box in a draw on The Adventures of Supermom site! So here goes!

Wonder Box

The boxes come with a theme and our theme was Mad Scientist with some crafty bits, magnets AND a baking activity! 

I love the packaging, even cloth bags

We started with what quickly became Trinity AND Echo’s favourite project. The I Spy Bottle. I love the little blurb that came along with it: Shake up some science with this twist on the classic game. Kids make a portable treasure hunt using two liquids  that don’t like to mix. Challenge your child to find a letter or a sound as you show density in action, then shake it up and start again. 

This activity came with a bottle around half full of corn syrup, some colourful letter beads and some sequins. First we went through the letters and spelled out Trinity’s name and then picked a few of her favourite letters to drop in. Then some of the sequins… top it off with water and shake (with the lid on). I am hoping to find some more bottles and make a few more of these as Echo absolutely LOVES it. Though we did find the beads float right up to the top rather quickly. Someone else linked me something called a time out bottle that totally reminded me of this craft. That is my next project… once I get my hands on glitter glue and clear tacky glue! 

Checking out those letters

Dropping them in


Thus entertaining the baby sister very well

Our next activity was Magnet Magic. You have a “magic wand”, some magnetic chips and a couple bingo sheets with a colour dice. First we scouted out all the magnetic things we could find in the kitchen. Echo was right down there for that. 


And then we played colour bingo using the wand to clean up our sheets after. Trinity was quick to catch on that we needed metal items to have them stick to the wand.

Collecting the chips

Our third activity was a mosaic one. Three cards with different shape outlines in varying colours on the image with a corresponding sticker sheet. Each of the three cards had some neat scientific fact. Trinity was more than willing to allow a very enthusiastic Emanuel to help! 


The final activity in our Wonder Box was a baking one! Bubble Bread!!! Very hands on and lots of fun! I will share the recipe:

What  you need:

  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • raisins or other mix-ins (optional)
  • mixing bowl
  • large cup
  • mixing spoon
  • round greased baking pan

What to do:

  1. preheat your oven to 400 degrees
  2. mix milk and vinegar in a cup and set aside for about 10 min. The acid in the milk will react with the baking soda. Don’t worry, the bread will still taste delicious!
  3. Add the flour, salt, baking soda and raisins (if desired) to the bowl
  4. Stir in the milk and vinegar mixture into the dry ingredients and mix them until smooth. As the dough stiffens, little hands may need some help with the kneading
  5. scrape the dough out of the bowl and onto a floured surface
  6. Shape the dough into a disk about 1 inch thick, and place it into the greased pan
  7. Bake about 15 min, and keep an eye on the bread as it rises. Science in action!

Since we couldn’t see through the window in the stove well enough to really see the growth we opened the oven door a few times so that the kids could marvel in the rising! And then when we cut it open – BUBBLES in the bread! They were very impressed and it didn’t taste half bad! 

Working with Mommy

Maybe a little more flour on the counter??


We really enjoyed our time with the Wonder Box.  I am hoping I can get one right after Christmas for Trinity again. So if you are looking for a fun activity box for the little ones in your life AND live in the USA… Wonder Box is a TERRIFIC option!! I am so thankful we received this one. 

Three children thoroughly entertained!!!