Tag Archive | Matt

And In Blows May

May 1-4

We started May with Wild Kratts.

Flying Fish

Flying Fish

And Echo modelling a little purse I made her known as a church purse or cradle purse. I remember having one of these made  for me by my grandma Reinsch. Though I think mine had a plastic soap container bottom. I chose to go without to avoid sharp corners. Complete with a tiny blanket for the baby doll. You can make the purse turn into a baby cradle. Perfect for quiet play at church… if Echo would stop losing it! Though I have to work on my knots for my drawstring. I am not pleased with how they slip after my 3 1/2 yr old has tugged and gone at it for a while. Would love suggestions on that!!101_7322

101_7324The next day, to cover another Scouts extra we all made instruments out of pieces of what not we had around the home! Talk about a noisy and fun craft.101_7325

We also made a trip to a bakery… an Italian one. Where we got some amazing pastries. We got to watch the baker in the back mix something up in a rather impressive giant mixer.

My treat!

My treat!

101_7328We also busted out the chocolate bunnies… nibbles on ears and bunny tails…101_7329

And then, suddenly… MAY WEEKEND! The first Saturday of the month so OF COURSE we have Home Depot. We went to a different one than we usually did and not only did we make flower pot holders but we ALSO got 10 craft pins. Something our home Home Depot did not offer! They also do a 25 I think so guess where we are going for that milestone month!!!101_7337

We actually had a reason for our change in Home Depot venue. This was the closest one to the district Pinewood Derby races! Held at a car dealership no less. The boys were able to sign up not long before their races (both Emanuel and Aidan) and trophies were awarded right after. For our first districts Emanuel did awesome – 4th place over all pretty much! Aidan took home first! Everyone had fun watching the cars and it gave the adults some visiting time.101_7339

101_7340101_7342101_7343101_7345We had PLANNED to head to the free comic day at The Source… up until we drove by and realized that they were lined up literally AROUND the building! Though there was some amazing cosplayers out there to keep people company!101_7351

Add to this already busy day Ken with an overnight gaming with the guys and I think we made good use of our first May weekend already!

And some time with the cousins!

And some time with the cousins!

After Ken came home, then took the kids to Sunday School and then came home again we had company for dinner… Both of the Schwartz families!101_7367

The kids played, the ladies crafted and the men assisted in the kitchen.101_7357

101_7358AND I got to photograph baby Jeffrey. Isn’t he an adorable model??101_7360

With Daddy

With Daddy

101_7363101_7365Really, after an amazing dinner with terrific company… what a way to end a weekend!!!101_7347





Happy 6th Birthday Baby Girl

April 26-27

Oh my goodness! Trinity is SIX!! Where did the time go?? And of course her birthday weekend is a busy one… from 11-2 ish Nana and I were at a bridal shower and then had to rush home so that Ken and Baba could join up with Christopher and Matt Schwartz and their dad Gary to go to the second half of the bachelor party. So Saturday was extra busy while the kids never left the yard!!101_7253

BUT Sunday! Well we started with Sunday School (the year is rolling down quickly with the ending session on the 11th of May – Mother’s Day) with Echo and I staying home to blow up balloons and prep for the party. Lots of bright colours!101_7254

101_7255Trinity was spoiled this year… Aunty Darcy was the artist behind her amazing cake and cupcakes. Isn’t it amazing how much Trinity and the princess off Tangled (before she cuts the hair) resemble each other??101_7257

101_7260We had quite the full house with Matt and Fran’s boys, the cousins and Novak 4 all there to celebrate. But the kids had an absolute blast and even Big Andy made it!!!101_7261

101_7262Ken made hamburgers from scratch. Spicy like we used to back home and non. Poor Echo didn’t even make it to dinner!101_7263

101_7265She was over the moon with all her presents.101_7279

101_7270101_7284They included a lovely pillow sent from God Mommy Karyn…photo

And a tea trolly to match the kitchen set and baby bed from Aunty Holly, Uncle James and Cousin Jimmie.

101_7292We really enjoyed our amazing Tangled cake! I think it was an AMAZING birthday party and am so appreciated to everyone who sent gifts or came in person! 101_7286

101_7287And now for the extras!101_7290


Goldi Bloks

Goldie Blox HERE


From a Bunny to Ducks… Quite the Weekend

April 12-13

Easter is not far in the future and this year we had our official Easter Egg Hunt with the two Schwartz families in what honestly was less than ideal temperatures. Overcast at the house, windy AND overcast at the hunt. We were divided by age so Ken and I sent the boys on their own with proper instructions and he took Echo and I got Trinity. Ken found Renee and Evan right away.101_6873

I found Chris, Nathan and baby Jeffrey (well his covered stroller) and then Matt, Fran and their twins.101_6879

101_6876What a haul! Two of the kids (Zander and Echo) found special eggs that got them little teddies but we did not win any draws. It was cold but it sure was fun! Really the highlight of a Saturday we otherwise enjoyed very quietly.101_6884

101_6881Sunday was a busier day with Sunday School first (I got to go with this time and had a LOVELY chat with the children’s choir director while we waited on the kiddos). After church we got changed and waited on the one kid who did NOT go to Sunday School… Emanuel went with Baba to a hockey game for his Scouts. Funny how things line up all over the place. That did leave Echo at home with Nana while everyone was out and about.101_6892

101_6888After we were returned to a family of 7 it was time to head out to Aunty Judy and Uncle Jim’s. Emanuel had called her earlier in the week asking if she wanted to buy a discount card that he was selling for scouts and she suggested we come visit and he could sell her one in person. Why not? After all our afternoon was free and clear! The draw of ducks, Robbie, a trampoline and a favourite aunt and uncle definitely had the kids on board!101_6895

Ken and Aunty Judy on Puzzle Dragons

Ken and Aunty Judy on Puzzle Dragons

101_6897The boys were all over the trampoline and pretty much dragging Robbie out the back door as we walked in the front. It is quite the wonderful backyard.101_6901

With a lovely late lunch in our tummies…101_6899

And tons of animals to play with…101_6903

Robbie and Uncle Jim even took them out to try the fancy skateboard things that we have sitting here at home (a Christmas gift from the same family).101_6908

What a great weekend! And to top it off, on Saturday I got a surprise package from Canada — a brand new Canadian flag! I had mentioned during winter Olympics that I wish I had had one. A Facebook friend (Cyndi) sent us one to fly on Canada Day!! Thank you soooo much!!!!101_6911

This entry was posted on 28/04/2014, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments