Tag Archive | Novak


Well, the obvious comes to mind right off – Canada Day and Independence Day. We celebrate both, of course. Canada Day (HERE) always makes me a wee bit homesick. July 4th (HERE) was fun as well. July is also Grandma’s birthday up in Canada. And full blown summer fun here in Minnesota.

We lucked out and managed to make Home Depot where the kids made little bowling alleys. Which were PERFECT for the 18 inch dolls, I am told.20160702_093444

I managed to finish a prayer shawl for the Catholic church down the road, along with a pocket prayer shawl.img_20160705_155716

We spent TONS of time at the YMCA.img_20160708_150936

Emanuel got over his fear of the slide

Emanuel got over his fear of the slide

Walked back and forth for ClubY.img_20160713_140810

img_20160722_12102520160718_102041We hung out in the hammock.20160706_133131

img_20160720_115651Played outside whenever we could.img_20160716_160044

img_20160726_155359Had movie nights.20160709_201845

Ken made the girls a reading corner in the sunroom out of fabric and a hula hoop!20160712_134611

Hung out with our homeschool friends at the park as often as we could.img_20160714_171514

20160728_13253820160714_134859Made sure to document all the pretty flowers.20160730_121754

img_20160716_15574820160729_121129Visited our godson Anthony after emergency appendix surgery.img_20160717_153537

Met a brand new baby! Congrats Cory and Karen!img_20160720_215456

We even snuck in time for homeschooling.img_20160719_152550

img_20160708_145020Echo even went to Evan’s birthday party SOLO with dad!image000000

We watched soccer.img_20160722_192255

Watered our garden.img_20160722_145352

Celebrated Alex’s birthday.img_20160723_192011

Experienced the County Fair. (see the county fair blog post)

Were ditched by the boys who went to the cabin (too many mosquitoes for our allergic girls).

Even on our day off we made the walk to the YMCA

Even on our day off we made the walk to the YMCA.

Mosquito bites

Mosquito bites



img_20160729_233940img_20160731_181055Basically we made this month COUNT and then some!!!!!20160709_131814


Our track star.

Our track star.

Gavin working on art.

Gavin working on art.




A Very Happy 8th Birthday to Miss Trinity

Hard to believe she is 8 already… And definitely her own girl as well. When asked what she wanted to do for her birthday this year she had a rather conclusive list:

  1. Go to the YMCA to swim with JUST mom and Echo… so Daddy drops us off and LEAVES.
  2. Opening presents with her brothers.
  3. Dinner at Culver’s with the whole family.
  4. Cake or cupcakes with Aunty Darcy and her boys (that last one will have to wait until a weekend of course).

The pool was basically empty (on the non lane side) except for us and after a minor blip of having forgotten out goggles and toy bag and having to call Daddy to drop them off we had a blast. I had to get the iPad out and email Ken to wait an extra half hour and come get us later.IMAG2906DSCN1521

DSCN1522DSCN1524I even packed a snack bag for the girls and myself. Echo angled successfully for an additional treat at the vending machines… I swear they ALWAYS go for the most irresponsible choice, though at the YMCA really the worst snack you can get is the rice krispie square.DSCN1529

We had a lovely stack of presents for Trinity to open, including a few items for the others. We had lovely parcels sent all the way from Canada and Aunty Holly, Uncle James and Cousin Jimmie, the items I made for Calli from our family AND a selection from Gammie all the way from Texas! Add to that yesterday’s FaceTime call from Nana and Baba and a phone call from Grandma in Canada after dinner and I think we did a good job covering the gift wish list.IMAG2910

IMAG2913IMAG2917IMAG2925Our afternoon had some minor classroom work, after all Mommy is a teacher at heart now, but for the most part we played on the new DS2D and hung out together in the bedroom.DSCN1540

Supper was at Culver’s, though Ken was kicking himself… WEDNESDAYS right now (apparently) are 2.00 kids meals… oops. Well we still spent less than you would eating out as a couple at a sit down restaurant and EVERYONE was full!IMG_20160426_163422

IMG_20160426_170042Cake will have to wait as we ended the day full up. BUT here are some more pictures from when I was playing with the camera of the girls. Happy Birthday darling Trinity.DSCN1532

In her new purple dress with her koala bag.

In her new purple dress with her koala bag.



This entry was posted on 27/04/2016, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Just a Look at June

From May right into busy June… our anniversary, my birthday, Father’s day, VBS and an extended cousins visit from Florida… oh and schooling and the first day of summer. If anything June is NEVER boring for this family.DSCN0190

We slipped some school in around the cousins, but for the most part this was a true summer break for the kids and school.DSCN0203

IMAG2969You never knew WHO was going to come to class… a princess, a batgirl… ever changing.DSCN0194DSCN0188DSCN0191

We pulled out the pool and dusted off the playset. With the cousins around there was lots to do around the house.DSCN0221DSCN0200

DSCN0209The boys were quick to settle down around the computers in the sub basement room.DSCN0197

Echo and I took advantage of the break from school and enjoyed the sun and quiet in the sunroom until the high point of the day when it was simply too warm to do so!DSCN0205

DSCN0226DSCN0198We managed to see our friends play soccer…

Go Evan!

Go Evan!


Nathan watching his brother before HIS game

Nathan watching his brother before HIS game


Go Nathan!

Go Nathan!

Found time for the beach…DSCN0269

DSCN0270DSCN0274DSCN0279DSCN0276IMAG0130Got to craft at a special Target event…DSCN0287

DSCN0291With the highlight of the cousin visit being a family trip to Mall of America for food AND rides in the amusement park! Thanks Nana and Baba!

Silly boys

Silly boys


Lego store too... of course!

Lego store too… of course!

DSCN0352Ken and I even snuck away to watch our god son (Anthony) play soccer.DSCN0358

DSCN0362DSCN0370DSCN0383With Aidan benched due to a bad concussion before school was out we made quite a few visits to their house for somewhat quiet, relaxed play.DSCN0393


Gavin and I went to one of Alex's baseball games

Gavin and I went to one of Alex’s baseball games

and watched?

and watched?

DSCN0458And somehow managed to sneak in a week of VBS with the church that runs the day care that Schwartz kids go to.

Party poppers

Party poppers

end of VBS dinner

end of VBS dinner

IMAG0046We even had Aidan over for a sleepover.DSCN0429

DSCN0430DSCN0435The kids were enrolled in summer courses at the YMCA thanks to Nana and Baba. Zander took run club, Emanuel a cooking class, and Gavin and Trinity were in archery while miss Echo loved the daycare time.DSCN0436

Add to that the fun of preparing for an October wedding with my high school besty Shandai and I have to say… the most unusual month EVER! At least for this year.DSCN0437




Tiny hats! Ready for the wedding

Tiny hats! Ready for the wedding

We fit in a second visit to the beach with the Schwartz boys and I even had a full sighting of the elusive “other cat” as Echo has termed her, while crafting with Renee.DSCN0479

DSCN0478DSCN0480DSCN0492And as the photos prove – I was never far from a crafting project. Sunshine and fresh air go best with crochet. I swear it!DSCN0464

DSCN0448There was a whole lot more to see… so be sure to follow on to the overflow post for the rest! Thank you for reminiscing with me, it was quite a month!DSCN0202

This entry was posted on 28/01/2016, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment