Tag Archive | ps3

A Guest for the Weekend

July 18-20

A wee bit of schoolwork, just half a day… is all we need to earn a special treat on a decent summer day.101_8691

Now for the treat… going to the beach with some of our favourite beach buddies – Renee, Nathan, Evan and Jeffrey. We simply do not get bored of this lovely beach.101_8697101_8694 101_8696

101_8708 101_8699 101_8703Even Jeffrey got in on a little sand… not for a lack of our trying to keep his grabby fingers out of it. He is growing up so quickly!101_8707 101_8709

Every time we drive there and back we pass some amazing gates… I had to share a quick picture of them!101_8710

On Saturday we grew our ranks by one… Aidan came for a sleepover. He is definitely a welcome addition.101_8712

101_8714 101_8717101_8720The girls got a special mailing from Gammie… pretty dress up bits they were more than willing to share between them. Sadly I think TRINITY walks better in heels than I do!!!101_8719

We ended our Saturday with a movie in the livingroom… and popcorn of course!!101_8721

Sunday was the final installment of our VBS… the kids all came together (some in their special shirts) and sang a song for the congregation. We stuck around for the song but had plans after that with Aidan. It seems like our summer has zipped by. Sundays have been so tied up with cousins leaving and friends needing us that we have not made it to church like I would have liked.101_8726

After singing we packed everyone up with a picnic and sunscreen and headed out to the beach. First stopping at the park…101_8728 101_8732 101_8733

It was even windy enough to fly kites!!! Clearance find at Walmart at the end of last season.101_8740 101_8743 101_8744

Of course the main attraction was the beach and lake itself.101_8749

101_8751 101_8756 Aidan is a blast to have with the kids. They took turns being covered with sand and everything.101_8760

Definitely wore them out.101_8767

And with Aidan being a fellow Lego lover, he was a great help in building the new Mixels sent from Gammie.101_8771

Throw in creativity and some time in the sunroom and I think we showed Aidan a fun sleepover! He definitely is a family favourite!!!101_8772

And some extra photos to enjoy!101_8734 101_8748 101_8762 101_8765 101_8766 101_8753

A Week of Sunshine and Joy

June 15-20

Sunday was Father’s Day and a down day for the family… the 16th/Monday our Anniversary. You can see the pictures from the dinner out HERE at the end of the rather extensive Wedding etc blog post!

We did put the kids to work on Monday the 16th cleaning their room and the bathroom.101_7935

Which was topped by mail from Gammie… more Legos from the Mixels series she is collecting for them! Thank you Gammie! I got them out of the package and I swear you blinked and they were built!101_7937

101_7938On Tuesday we were home all alone with Daddy gone to gaming and Nana and Baba in Mexico so we had a junk food dinner with movies and snuggle time.101_7941

Don’t forget mid afternoon end of movie dance time!!101_7939

On Wednesday we took advantage of the many updates of the Art for Kids site (link on right).101_7943

And Gavin finished the first of his 5 projected chapter books for the summer Pizza Hut reading program. Not bad!!! For this book he did a chapter by chapter summary. On the next book he is reading the whole thing and then telling the story to us all in brief101_7944

We managed a lovely park visit/Geocache. While our speed at hunting has lessened every time we DO go has been full of excitement and avid hunters.101_7954


We left the travel bug and took the handmade dolly

We left the travel bug and took the handmade dolly

On Thursday Miss Echo revisited her mail with vigor. She is also well into making special pictures she then has me write down what is what and send off.101_7961

101_7963We printed off some maple leaves from Activity Village (link on right look up Canada) and cut them out. Then each of the kids recorded something they like or remembered about Canada to put on our paper for our Canada Day learning. It is fun to remind ourselves of some of our past enjoyments that are so thoroughly tied to location.101_7962

Miss Echo got her chance with the PS3… she is starting to line up the buttons with actions a little more now but there is always some sort of boogie across the floor that goes with her playing. Interpretive dance gaming I think!101_7964

She is such a little card.101_7966

Of course a local series of garage sales had us out hunting bargains. That is our usual summer plan… hunt for helpful bargains!101_7980

101_7979By Friday it was back to school.101_7967

We are doing a special science report on a Canadian animal. One of the twins did the Moose and the other the Canadian Goose. I am working on them using resources independently to answer their questions with me going over them after to check them for spelling and actually answering the question.101_7968

Since we ended up misplacing the plug for last year’s pool and we had yet to make it to Sam’s Club to replace it a sunny afternoon with a good solid morning of classes earned us time with the sprinkler. It took a bit of trial and error to figure out the correct setting on the one usually used for watering the garden but we managed and out came the swimsuits, smiles and giggles. Winter is certainly becoming a cold memory for everyone.101_7970

101_7972101_7974101_7975After fun in the sun the girls pulled out the newest garage sale find and played Strawberry Shortcake. Some pieces are missing but 3 of the 4 girls are complete and they made do anyway. For 50 cents it they are pleased as punch.101_7976

We had a butterfly to examine…101_7981

And visitors to play with – Renee, Chris, Nathan, Jeffrey and Evan all came by to say hello, have dinner put up a light. The one over the sink had been down to one bulb for ages and with it burning out so quickly with each replacement Nana and Baba had bought a new one that needed installing. Ken even had time to make fresh chocolate chip cookies.101_7984



Checking out the onions that grew themselves from last year

Checking out the onions that grew themselves from last year



Men at work

Men at work


Evan and Echo

Evan and Echo

The best way to end the week, company for dinner and playmates for the kids. So many happy memories.101_7951


So… This Thing Called Spring…

April 1-3

We keep getting chills and snow but spring is finally in sight! However, as in past years, we did NOT do any sort of April Fools in our home. Moderation is not really a great skill among our boys and I really did not want to risk escalation of silly little jokes into tears and frustration in the ranks.

The month started on a Tuesday… so we had the following Saturday and Home Depot to look forward to… in fact we have a birthday party AND a sleepover to look forward to as well! Talk about starting a month with a bang! I am doubly excited about the sleepover as the boys have been asking for AGES to have someone come over and stay and all of a sudden I have two Novak boys fall into my lap. PERFECT!

We do need to celebrate a new month. How better to do so than with an educational video and fresh buttered popcorn? So Planet Dinosaur went into the PS3 and everyone settled in for a few hours of dinosaurs.101_6621

On Wednesday the kids worked on playing a game Gavin came up with – combining a Squinky gameboard with their Skylanders. It was not explained to me but everyone seemed to agree on the rules and get along REALLY well!101_6622

Thursday was a total fun day for us. We wandered a few stores to run errands including a wonderful children’s clothing consignment store that Darcy showed me where we found a play dress for Trinity and flipflops for the girls at a steal. They have a colouring contest going on right now with pictures of the fish they got for the store where you try to name it. Each of the kids did up one to send back in. My favourite name was Emanuel’s – Swish The Fish!

Dollar store booty

Dollar store booty

Brand new play dress for a steal

Brand new play dress for a steal


We also had our weekly Sam’s Club run… with lunch there this time! 8.00 and all of us were fed… with a variety of things. Seriously EIGHT DOLLARS for SEVEN PEOPLE… the math is grand!!!10153833_10152332084481151_313307060_n

Which led to a FRUIT SALAD BAR for supper!

Which led to a FRUIT SALAD BAR for supper!

On the way home we saw the start of the last (we hope) mini blizzard. There were tons of warnings starting on the the Thursday evening until later Friday. Just a big sudden dump of snow! The kids were not impressed.

Started with rain

Started with rain

To this...

To this…

Ending like this once again

Ending like this once again

We also planted our grass for Easter egg pictures… it was a neat idea I saw on Facebook to make real grass for Easter baskets.101_6631

101_6632And that was that… time to look forward to a fun weekend that STARTS on Friday with a birthday party! And to celebrate the fact that Miss Trinity does NOT need glasses (as was figured out on Monday oops.. forgot  to relay that!).10152044_10152326262471151_776173553_n

This entry was posted on 10/04/2014, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments