Tag Archive | radio station

Approving of April

Annnnnd on we go. April… Well of course April is Trinity’s birthday – 8 this year! You can read all about her special celebrations HERE. She is growing up so quickly… they all are!dscn15211

dscn15241imag2905We made if over to the Novaks in April as well. I swear I take more pictures of pets than kids when we are there though. Snoopy the cat is way too much fun to photograph.dscn15421

dscn15471img_20160430_204737I think we would live at the YMCA. I know we BASICALLY did over the summer. (oooh spoilers) I figure if we are to be gifted a membership by Nana and Baba we better make it worth their money! So lots and lots of pool fun over our spring this year.dscn15041

We are also getting in a lot of together time, often on my bed. Which is just fine. Planning school, crocheting, hanging out together. It is so special. dscn15401

Of course we made it to the Home Depot free Saturday. img_20160402_112251

And spent some lovely time with Nana and Baba during their time up from Florida.img_20160404_215029

The big kids even had a field trip to a radio station!imag2812

And best of all – fun trip to the zoo with our new homeschool buds!!! You can read all about it HEREimag2949

imag2939April was a mix of warm and cool weather but with so much fun going on I don’t think anyone minded. imag2840
