Tag Archive | raspberries

Communing at the Park

Our days just seem to be slipping away this week! Ken was SURE it was Wednesday this day… seriously argued with me for a moment even! Today was lawn care day (as much as we do)… Ken drug out of “green” lawnmower we bought last year – a really nice push mower and got to work on the front while I settled the boys out there as well with their chalk.

Ken Actually MOWING!

Ken Actually MOWING!

For some reason right now Emanuel refuses to draw anything for himself… he just wants everyone to do FOR him so I have had to lay down the law and tell the twins NOT to draw things for him and deal with the temper tantrums. I am really hoping this is just a short phase! This kept everyone occupied for a nice chunk of the morning before we headed to the back yard to dump out the pool (you would have thought it was the end of the world!) and work on mowing the back. My new morning routine has me checking our raspberry bushes for berries and Ken was kind enough to hack back some of the weeds that have snuck up on our poor bushes. Thankfully most of the lawn was done before it got too hot – Ken will have to go back and finish tomorrow morning so we all felt quite accomplished!

As today is Thursday we spent a nice chunk of our afternoon out at a homeschool park day… HLSA… with the boys all running wild on the park equipment and over where they have water spraying out like fountains on a piece of cement. Trinity spent her time watching a little 4 month old baby and snacking on her apples and bread. We spent some time talking about Ken wanting to teach programming to homeschooling kids and have some more ideas of how to tackle the whole planning aspect. We are rather excited… I sent out an email to my homeschool yahoo groups and already had 3 families state interest. One has already given me permission to send her email address along to Ken and he is going see what their child is interested in and try and figure out how best to deal with the teaching.

The afternoon got hot hot hot so I sent the boys to the basement and had Trinity take a second nap. Thank goodness for the giant tin of dominoes we picked up at Target in Minnesota! Keeps them busy for hours as long as they don’t start fighting over them.

Tonight is Ken’s guy’s night so I am on my own… D & D and Magic and Xbox 360… it makes him happy!

Summer Green

Summer Green

So another busy day… if it keeps getting hotter like it is projected I think we will just live in the basement for the next 3 days! Here’s to a quiet weekend!!!