Tag Archive | red and white

Happy Canada Day 2016

149 years young our home country was on the 1st of July of this year. Next year is a big one, who knows we may even find our way back up north to celebrate? But no promises. But displaced Canadians or not, we celebrated as best we could a weekday that meant nothing so spectacular as being the birthday of a nation. It was hard to make a Friday more than a Friday here in Minnesota. Poor Echo wished strangers a Happy Canada on our walk back from a park date and got no response. But she had a blast sharing her celebration with the world so it was a win!20160701_101114_HDR

Anyway. We skipped Cluby that morning as I demanded a day where we DIDN’T walk 2 miles two ways and instead filled our mosquito tent with festive red balloons and colouring pages and GLITTER GLUE! Win win right?20160701_102631

20160701_14435320160701_144349We decorated the front yard a little… I am always hoping to add to our Canada stash but it is rough going when you live in the middle of the States. Thankfully Karyn is always keeping an eye peeled for some Dollarama wares.20160701_101448

Of course we did our usual pictures… which are always a lot of fun. Karyn brought us all brand new shirts on her visit this summer. Talk about a well dressed group! Though I have to say, Gavin’s eh? shirt was my favourite.20160701_101358

IMG_20160701_103808Even our hammock was the appropriate colour.20160701_102710

IMG_20160701_192614IMG_20160701_192646We did our favourite fireworks activity.20160701_111613

And had a red and white lunch with Canadian snacks straight from CANADA!20160701_115242


I even had my own Canada in a cup thanks to Karyn and Lauralee at the suggestion of fellow Canadian abroad Caroline.20160701_114918

We snuck in a playdate at the park with our American homeschool buddies who got a kick out of our duds and helped us put a huge smile on our day of Canada-centric joy. Sadly no pictures but Echo did wish random strangers a HAPPY CANADA on our walk and was a little put out that they did not respond in kind. This was corrected on Sunday when Wes our favourite lifeguard called Echo over to wish her a BELATED happy Canada Day after he and I sat and chatted and he realized the event had passed. She had a huge smile and gave him a Happy Canada Day right back! Man do I love the people at the YMCA. Enjoy a favourite rant/commercial.

We also played the national anthem and sang along and of course enjoyed a rendition of the Log Driver’s Waltz… I still know all the words and found a subtitled version for the kids to sing along! Check it out. Well worth the listen.. the tune is so catchy.

I made sure to have a family picture taken – well the natural born CANADIAN family picture. Ken said no to being included as he felt that he was better suited to TAKE this photo than to be in it. Silly man. Of course the kids told him he is just as Canadian as they are since he married me and is such a nice man (ok so maybe they are a wee bit delusional but they really love their dad).IMG_20160701_172830

So since it was a week day it wasn’t a fancy celebration. We had fun, ate out, celebrated loudly and plan to make it even more exuberant next year when our special day falls on a weekend. Now, sit back and enjoy the red, white and no blue images that we took to top off our day of all things Canadian…. eh.IMG_20160701_145132

(Gavin middle)

(Gavin middle)




This entry was posted on 05/07/2016, in Uncategorized. 3 Comments

A Lot of Red and White With a Dash of Blue

Of course with two major holidays (ok in two different countries but major to US) within such proximity to each other there HAS TO BE overflow images… so sit back and enjoy!!!

Can you spot the dragonfly at Walker Sculpture Garden on Canada Day?

Can you spot the dragonfly at Walker Sculpture Garden on Canada Day?

Just us Canadian Girls showing our pride

Just us Canadian Girls showing our pride

Lucky clover? Couldn't find any with 4 leaves

Lucky clover? Couldn’t find any with 4 leaves

O' Canada!

O’ Canada!

Where Canada and the United State meet..

Where Canada and the United State meet..

The cousins with all of their cousins (both sides)

The cousins with all of their cousins (both sides)

Rocking the addition of blue

Rocking the addition of blue

Gavin and Zander

Gavin and Zander

My baby boy

My baby boy

Trinity and her friend

Trinity and her friend

Glow Necklace!

Glow Necklace!


Goof balls

Goof balls



















This entry was posted on 26/07/2015, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Happy 148th Birthday Canada… Love the Reinsch-Johnsons

Yup July 1st has come and gone and we got our full Canadian groove on to celebrate!!! In fact, the kids felt that this was our best year… outside of living in Canada (of course) to date! Each year we are becoming more and more aware of the differences in our countries… of the hole not being back in Canada has made in our hearts… so it is absolutely wonderful to be able to spend a day holding tight to our traditions, memories and favourite things!IMG_20150701_164443

So we started our day with some fun worksheets thanks to Activity Village. We have done up crafts and other fun activities from their Canada section other years. I absolutely do not know what we would do without their amazing site! Check out their Canada printables and more HERE and stick around and peek through the rest. it is worth it!IMAG0153

Of course we decked out the front yard this year with our Canadian flags.. augmented once again with great thanks to Aunty Karyn! Dollarama how I miss you and your cheap but awesome things!DSCN0510

DSCN0513IMAG0139I also did up the little opening by our front door. I love that area for seasonal and holiday themed decorating.IMAG0174

We took tons of pictures.. sadly the boys are down to red and white but the girls and myself pulled our themed shirts out for another year. Proudly Canadian!DSCN0501

DSCN0496DSCN0497I gave them some down time for our holiday. It is hard to have a tradition fall on a week day that is not observed by the country you reside in. Everyone else goes on about their business while you want to scream THIS DAY IS SPECIAL! So we made it special.DSCN0514

Next we packed up a picnic snack, the kids, our art supplies and a blanket (oh and a flag) and headed of to the Walker Sculpture Garden. (talk about affordable fun.. 3.50 parking for the day and we were able to pass our still active parking pass along to another couple to use for them to continue the day) This is a place we have been multiple times and always enjoyed. Our plan: find a shaded corner, spread our blanket, pull out our Canadian Flag, art supplies and books and enjoy! And it was a total success!IMAG0157DSCN0516



Not only did another pair of Canadian stop by and say hi due to the flag but we also met a homeschool mamma who was so sweet about our set up. She totally recognized a homeschool family and was funny and kind. She even took a picture for us to remember our day. What a pat on the back that we would be so readily recognized as homeschoolers and for all the RIGHT reasons!DSCN0538



The Sculpture Garden is a definite favourite for our entire family. So much beauty.DSCN0517







DSCN0541Add in dinner at Wendy’s where we got a SUPER deal on the kids’ meals since there was a mistake about how long a promotional price was on for and it was a capper to an awesome day. We even got our favourite cashier who has twin grandkids… non identical boy and girl as she describes them.

And now I will leave you with the extra images and one of my all time favourite vingettes…. Log Driver’s Waltz. I dare you  to listen and not want to sing and dance! I know I can’t do it!

And now for the overflow of images of our Canada Day!IMAG0136












This entry was posted on 11/07/2015, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment