Tag Archive | ribbon

3 Days As I Have Been Lazy!

The weather is keeping my kids focused firmly OUTSIDE! Thursday (I know, my bad… too lazy to blog these past two days!) it warmed right up to the point where I was hacking away at the compacted snow on our sidewalk with just my boots and long sleeved shirt on! This is a rather bad thing for our front walk as our eaves leak like a sieve and pour cold water right onto our front walkway which then ices up horribly! This was a great indication that it is time to drag out the rubberboots. I had to hunt a little as (of course) I could not remember where I had put the bag of them but we were successful. After lining all the pairs I did have up it was very clear that we had a pair that FIT each foot (except Echo) BUT on further inspection Emanuel’s pair simply was not in good enough repair for a 3rd boy to wear them (Cracks down to the lining certainly defeat the purpose). So we will be heading out to ValueVillage and other consignment stores to see if we can find a budget pair for my boy with the ever growing feet! Oh and Echo too… though I am not overly optimistic on finding a pair THAT SMALL. 

Too bad the spiffy shark pair need replacing

But... we still have snow!

I managed to get out to Dollarama that night… Karyn had taken her kitty to the vet to have him checked out (a perilous activity as Dare is NOT people friendly beyond his beloved Karyn) earlier this week and received the diagnosis of DIABETES! So we had to go out for some poutine to commiserate. (did you know that to get insulin for a cat you have to go to a regular pharmacy??) Luckily enough the Dollarama is right in front of the New York Fries so two birds with one stone (well three really as the pharmacy Karyn uses is also in this mall). Anyway, I picked up a GREEN binder and some dividers for our Ireland/St. Patrick’s Day work, some socks for owls (Easter themed of course) and some other random items. I hope to splurge on some more socks later in the month but for now two pairs is enough. 

Easter owls

I have actually been working on a lovely stack of bows this week. I finished my special post surgery bow for Echo made out of ribbon I saved from a wand of Trinity’s that broke. Since I was already working on that one I figured I might as well do a bunch more to make dragging out the glue gun worthwhile. That got me going to the point where I had to take TWO nights to finish most of them. I also have to start hunting for a good deal on alligator clips as I am about out of those. I tried some new styles, glued my tiny bows on slightly differently on some of the clips and played around with colours. If nothing else I have some surplus to use for gifts! 

Not the best photo but what looks whitish is actually pink on these. The post surgery one is on the right.

Echo has finally cut THREE of her 4 upper teeth…her left front, incisor and right incisor (all on Friday)… They are just BARELY cut through. Hopefully this will cut down on her diaper rashes! She is rarely crawling now and all out walking everywhere. It is a little bittersweet… she really isn’t a “baby” anymore, though she IS my baby. Seeing her grow up is a joy, but the reminder that she is my last baby is there. Of course, she IS tiny so that makes it easier… or so I tell myself!

Getting to be such a big girl!

We were alerted to a movie to watch on Netflix – The Secret of Kells. Add popcorn with butter on it to that and I had 4 VERY quiet kids! Of course we had to incorporate some sort of activity afterwards so I used a sheet my sister in law gave me that has a box for a picture and then lines for some writing so that they could write about and draw their favourite portion of the movie. Reading week is to be soon after St. Patrick’s Day I think which will require many of these sheets! And a nice large stack of books for the whole family to enjoy! 

Movie time

I had Kathy come over last night for a visit. We did a run to Macs for snacks (noms), had dinner, visited and cleaned my pantry and tupperware cupboard. I know, riveting! BUT we had fun doing it and now I can actually get anything I need out of that darn pantry without fuss! It wasn’t a lengthy visit but it was a great way to end my week. Good company AND I accomplished something I really needed to sit down and do! 

We took some time to sort out a portion of my bedroom (don’t ask, it has NEVER been completely the way I wanted it!) and I found MORE ribbon! A piece from Trinity’s birthday cake – either her 1st or 2nd, and a piece I used (way back when) as a belt when Trinity was itty bitty. I am thinking they will have to become hair things… though I do believe I was saving one for scrapbooking. I am so far behind on my paper crafting! However, my table full of ribbons and half finished bows is beckoning much louder than my stacks of papers… and once I get those done (and run out of clips to attach them to) well we shall see. 

The top one is the one off of the cake

Today we had a visit from one set of grandparents. With Gypsy in tow of course. This was our first time seeing Mike since he got back from Jamaica so he had some stories to share before he had to run off to an appointment and leave us with Grandma and Gypsy to visit with. 

Going for a walk in the sun... which turned into a walk to the convenience store where they convince Grandma to buy them EACH a slurpee!

Mom also brought all the costumes she made since the last batch! THAT will be a separate entry as there are NUMEROUS costumes… so tomorrow I will be trying them on the kids (well one a piece) and taking pictures as well. I want to take them in on a weekday as Sunday School is always a little rushed and with daylight savings this weekend as well… well time goes by so quickly on a weekend! 

I figure it is time to give a little sneak peek at my WIP… the details are starting to be much more clear now – as is ANY missed or half done stitches (and there have been, I think 2 found so far). Every day I try to spend a minimum of 30 min on this piece and it is starting to pay off. I have high hopes that I will see the end of this one BEFORE the middle of the year… now if anything else will progress while I do – well you know me, MANY projects makes Lisa a happy girl. 

Yup, that is a mandolin!

Other than that I have a sick baby and a sick Emanuel on my hands… so we are not exactly restful here BUT we still have a week and a half until the big day for our baby girl which is plenty of time to get over this! Hopefully over the next week I can get a lot more accomplished. Life just seems to be rushing its way to the 21st with a vengeance! 

Poor sick baby

Back on Track After an Unexpected Hiatus

So sorry for dropping off the face of the planet for a while. Life got a little out of control here at home, coupled with myself being very ill yesterday and some of today… but we are back full force now! Though Echo is a cranky baby and myself a little off my feed… but we will get there! Promise… now back to the blog entry I started back on Wednesday! Enjoy!  

I love being a fly on the wall with the twins… when they have some quiet time in their room they are rarely truly quiet and Wednesday was no exception… conversation ran immediately to Echo and her shots… the needles were POINTY, they didn’t remember THEIR needles being so LONG and of course it HURTS then the needle pokes your skin… then the conversation went on to “pictures on your skin” and did you know that they are made using NEEDLES?? The scoffing at doing that to yourself was a little comical. In fact, Echo’s appointment at Public Health was one of those times when I wished I had a hidden camera… the kids were all over the place and mildly annoying up until the needles came out for Echo and then did the boys COWER… really there is no better word for it, they shuffled off to the corner by the door and COWERED! 

Our Echo did do rather well at the health clinic. She had 3 shots – two in the leg and one in the arm. She has gained weight and stayed in proportion. Granted not the size that they call “normal” for her age but she is all good. 

Brave little baby

The boys got a new project Wednesday, we purchased from a local homeschooling student, two aloe plants. They are going to do the research as to how to look after them and keep them healthy with Ken… a bit more responsibility. 

Our new plants

We were thrown off a bit with the whole shots appointment and resulting angry baby so other than Gavin doing some sewing on his self designed pattern and Zander working on one of his old unfinished workbooks we basically called it a day. Sadly Thursday followed suit and my sweet boys were absolute wonders… first off we all played in Trinity’s room (Echo included) and the boys kept an eye on her and told me to have a nap! I woke up to breastfeed her and sent her off to bed and the boys played Minecraft while Trinity played in her room around me. Apparently I had a full out play food picnic!! Go figure! I am told I had a wonderful meal and the tea was excellent!

That followed into an early evening for the kids… Echo had post shots crankies and I was still barely functioning so they got some tv and then bed. Karyn stopped by unexpectedly while I was Skyping with dad and drug me out (when I was finished of course) for a slurpee run and some fresh air. Can you believe I got a SMALLER slurpee!!! Was I ever off my game! But it was some much needed girl time, a shoulder to cry on (it has been a rough month as I am sure you have noticed through the posts) and an open heart to share with. I am VERY blessed with my friends – ALL of them! 

This morning was rough, I will admit it… I was still feeling ill and Ken had a lot of running around to do at the end of the month… he worked miracles and got EVERYTHING done in a timely matter (with a little help from some amazing people but still) and then I was finally able to have a nice soak and wash the sick feeling away… A good soak does wonders on ones entire being really! 

But not before I cleaned up Trinity’s room with Echo’s assistance! It is time to get the place ready to turn on the heating which means hunting down each and every vent and making sure it is unobstructed and ready to be turned back on. Quite the job in a place where I really don’t know where the vents are yet… but I have figured out the upstairs and now just need to see if the downstairs are all in the ceiling or not. 

Checking out one of Trinity's baby dolls

Emanuel spent some of his time showing off to Echo all the work he has done in his special workbook. He is very proud of his work as we all are! Echo thought it was very neat! 

Teaching his sister about letters!

I have had some lovely mail lately… clips I bought off of eBay, a belated birthday present for Echo from her godparents and god-sibling and then most recently – a package of ribbon (Halloween themed) from a very considerate and thoughtful homeschooling mom. I cannot wait to find some spare time and make up some hair things for the girls for Halloween! I have started some actual thought on the costumes as well now. Made a cursory trip to ValueVillage, will have to go back with the kids and see what we can find!

New clips

Checking out her birthday box

Some of the ribbon! Thank you!

Tonight I got taken out for dinner by Karyn and Lauralee (thanks you two!). We went to The Rock. The pizza was divine, though after being sick for a day and a half I really couldn’t eat much… what was much more important was the getting out and AWAY from the house… I feel much better, the issues we had to deal with are resolved and I feel a little more at home again. What did come of this was some very heartfelt and meaningful conversations with BOTH of my parents (at different times of course) as well as a realization that Ken and I can face life head on and make it through – though I do it with A LOT of tears! We have learned some gaps in communication we need to fill and realized how we need to understand feelings a little better. I also called my church and have gotten in contact with a church elder who will sit and chat with me once in a while and help me learn some new coping skills! I feel very thankful for that! 


I haven’t managed to finish any of my owls BUT they are all works in progress… I am still hoping to have a nice parliament to add come the end of the weekend. They are all a little quirky and hopefully will strike someone’s fancy! 

Popcorn baby came out to play briefly but sadly the popcorn was too buttery and she ended up throwing up (these shots are harsh!) and then crawled away in a panic so you can imagine the mess. And then she blamed ME so it was good that Ken was home to take over with some snuggles! I did get a cute picture though… 

Pre sore tummy and mess

So we hope to get out to enjoy the leaves tomorrow, send the boys to Sunday School on Sunday AND maybe sneak out in Trinity and my special wedding dresses for some pictures in the park… Next week it is back to school with a vengeance. We have much to catch up on and many questions to answer… plants to grow… recycling policies to research… and HOPEFULLY our library card to get (finally)… I am determined to make October a GREAT month! 

I do need to get back to my owls… and tidy up more… and and and. I have had my down days now it is time to liven things back up! Ribbon is calling me… owls are hooting for beaks and wings… and my kids want to learn. That is the sweetest thing of all! 

According to Trinity colouring needs STICKERS