Tag Archive | Secret Island

Surprise Island, the Second of the Boxcar Children Series

And then there were two readers… for this second installment just Gavin and I read the book. This time a digital read again we took turns and I think I can safely say BOTH found enjoyment in the tale.

Surprise Island by Gertrude Chandler Warner brings us to an all new summer adventure for the 4 boxcar children. This time one that their gentle grandfather has planned out for them on an island his family owns. Again you have the 4 children off on their own for an extended period of time. This time, however, with much more supervision and provisions.

As with the other book in this series there is a mystery person in the form of an island handyman. There are some minor incidents of course but nothing hugely life endangering. Just moments of excitement!

I do love how this series has the children working on their own, creating and imagining with what they have. Definitely a series I will continue to suggest the kids read. You can read the first book review HERE.

But first, Gavin’s review:

It is a good story. It did not feel very long to me. I think 10 year old or old would enjoy reading it. Little kids would enjoy this if someone read it to them. I want to read more in the series. I like Watch the dog best because he does funny stuff. It was a funny book. There are lots of chapters. 51boWh7vF0L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_