Tag Archive | Shopping

May We Reflect on the 5th Month of 2015?

Yup slowly but surely we are working our way to current life… it has just seemed like the year has slipped away before we could truly grasp it! But on I go… May…DSCN0021

Well, what happens in May? Mother’s Day… that is the big one.DSCN0034


Mother's Day dinner with Nana and Baba

Mother’s Day dinner with Nana and Baba

But we had so much more going on… Spring means sunshine and park days! We do have a couple nearby.DSCN0057

DSCN0007It also means (in Texas), roses are big, gorgeous and mailable… Gammie has always sent us beautiful blooms from her garden that seem to make it in record time for the most part, smell and petals intact!DSCN0012

Garage sales have started back up as well. A goldmine for books, toys and the odd piece of clothing… especially when they are walking distance.DSCN0018

DSCN0084The hot find for this year – LITTLEST PET SHOP pieces! Trinity and Echo are now addicted to them. Odd little bobble head things.DSCN0049

Miss Trinity completed a couple workbooks, as did Emanuel.DSCN0014

DSCN0036DSCN0038We dressed up fancy for church, especially when there was singing to be done for the Cherub Choir!DSCN0026

DSCN0028DSCN0030Scouts figured highly in our activities around the month of May… anything to fulfill Emanuel’s arrow points. This is a game where you throw washers into a pie plate. All the kids enjoyed that one! Noisy though.DSCN0040

One of Trinity’s birthday presents was a knot it yourself fleece blanket with a Hello Kitty theme. Trinity was such a go getter with this one – her goal was to finish in time for the Family Night movie at the YMCA… she made it!DSCN0043

Miss Echo was gifted a lovely selection of shoes thanks to the Schwartz family’s neighbour! What a blessing!!DSCN0062

We took the whole family for a special outing to the carousal at one of the smaller malls.DSCN0064

DSCN0065The kids rescued some free chairs from the end of the neighbour’s drive as well. Decent condition and rather comfy!DSCN0072

May also marked the beginning of this year’s straw bale garden. Nana and Baba are gone so much now they figured they would set it up and let the boys go with it. The results were… varied… but they did enjoy the process of setting things up, planting and such.DSCN0073

DSCN0074It is surprising how quickly winter melts away around here. The kids are always quick to embrace that change, really they are quick to embrace each and every season with a great deal of enthusiasm.DSCN0054


Cousin Robbie even found the time for a visit! A college student now we see a lot less of him but the visits we do have are terrific!DSCN0083

IMAG2654We ended the month with a trip to the zoo (Como) with Aunty Shandai and Uncle Ravyn. Sometimes a place takes on a whole new experience just by adding some amazing company. So sit back and enjoy the inevitable photo overflow!!!! Happy May!!! (belatedly!)

We picked a busy day and had to park away and take the shuttle which the kids LOVED

We picked a busy day and had to park away and take the shuttle which the kids LOVED




Sea Lion

Sea Lion

this little guy was all over the place within arm's reach!

this little guy was all over the place within arm’s reach!




You can find the rest of the month’s images (many from the zoo) HERE. Can’t resist sharing these!!!

And of course we spent a lot of time with the Schwartz family! Even met the neighbour’s baby.  Now that we have snow it is fun to look back at all this green warm sunshine!IMAG2399




Don’t forget Home Depot with Daddy and Baba!IMAG2422

And our time with Kites and the Wind (resources HERE).

IMAG2395And tons more but instead… a few more pics and then bop up to that link at the zoo section and see the overflow! Bask in the warm images with our cold winter just beginning!

Trinity's birthday party (note Novak boys)

Trinity’s birthday party (note Novak boys)

Two new blue bracelets!

Two new blue bracelets!

Feeding the Starving Children with Scouts

Feeding the Starving Children with Scouts

Easter shoes thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Mike!

Easter shoes thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Mike!


Rennaissance in the Sunshine

Now I am sure most people know that Ken and I do the Renaissance Festival ONCE a year, always in some sort of costume and if we can with my best friend since high school (shhh not telling the year) Shandai. In fact, when we relocated from Canada to sunny Minnesota it was at the festival that we first laid eyes on each other once again! This first time I wore the costume from She Chris and He Chris’ wedding … fun fact…547311_10151169179466151_37073558_n

Now we have gone every year for 4 visits… although it has been 3 years since we have moved… gotta love it when you move back right when festival is going on! And at this point I am totally spoiled with an AMAZING dress thanks to the combined efforts of Shandai, her roommate Emily and an amazing seamstress named Melinda. Apparently this piece is Melinda’s first dress made that she left behind to be passed to someone in need… the previous two visits I have also borrowed Shandai’s hoopskirt and created my own snood via my crochet skills! But… THIS year Ken took the initiative and his newly created sewing skills and with some input from those in the know MADE ME my own hoopskirt!

When it is muggy hot with a heat advisory you pre dress at home!

When it is muggy hot with a heat advisory you pre dress at home!

And this waist makes it all worth while.

And this waist makes it all worth while.

Note the belt, my new purchase at the fair this year. Leather and gorgeous.

Note the belt, my new purchase at the fair this year. Leather and gorgeous.

Anyway, last year we actually got to go WITH Shandai and her then boyfriend Ravyn. They had, in past years, worked there so we would only visit with them briefly and then wander on our own. Now they are both able to go as guests so we of course, go when they can. Thanks to Chris and Jeff this year being willing to not only watch the minions but also collect Sean from the airport that afternoon we were once again able to go on the date that Shandai and Ravyn (now fiances) were going.DSCN0990

We were unable to find time for Ken to make the shirt he planned to make as a new costume or afford the kilt I would LOVE to see him in but Ravyn had the amazingly brilliant thought to pull out a wizard costume he had and voila… Ken was dressed to impressed (ignore the sneakers).

With staff and all.

With staff and all.

With beer

With beer

Better yet – we all were coordinated… green was the colour of the day!

DSCN1004DSCN0986We shopped, we wandered… we ran into people we knew (cuz I finally KNOW PEOPLE!). We braved the heat advisory weather in a corset (yup another addition to my wardrobe that will be used in the October wedding). We got complimented on our costumes and even met a mermaid!DSCN1009

DSCN1010There were so many interesting characters and shops. We played, we snacked, we drank (the mead was exceptional) and we enjoyed it all. Definitely an experience I would suggest to anyone! Especially in costume.DSCN0985

I had to snap a pic of this lovely lady... Duchess came instantly to mind, does it not?

I had to snap a pic of this lovely lady… Duchess came instantly to mind, does it not?

Tell me you don't hear the Lego theme song in your head instantly!

Tell me you don’t hear the Lego theme song in your head instantly!

There be dragons here!

There be dragons here!

The wizard lent me his staff... he also bought me that basket before festival at a steal for 5.00!

The wizard lent me his staff… he also bought me that basket before festival at a steal for 5.00!

Do not question the tails.

Do not question the tails.


Sitting in the romantic garden sipping mead.

Sitting in the romantic garden sipping mead.

I found the princess!

I found the princess! Well… A princess

Music break

Music break

A mermaid and a Scotsman! What a duo!

A mermaid and a Scotsman! What a duo!

the mermaids just love the children.

the mermaids just love the children.

Thirsty business

Thirsty business


Playing the boob drums

Playing the boob drums


A squid earring!

A squid earring!

I think this is one of my favourite images... I found a baby fairie!

I think this is one of my favourite images… I found a baby fairie!

November’s Overflow Of Images

It doesn’t matter if it is days or months… there are always those extra pictures I can’t help but share!!! I hope that they entertain!

She does have the most interesting fashion sense

She does have the most interesting fashion sense

Can you believe she can actually walk in this?

Can you believe she can actually walk in this?

My main card making helper

My main card making helper


Jeffrey is just too cute for one blog post's worth of images!

Jeffrey is just too cute for one blog post’s worth of images!


The girls just LOVE him

The girls just LOVE him



Echo does love to act along with her shows

Echo does love to act along with her shows

Thank you Aunty Esther! We love our Canadian mittens!!

Thank you Aunty Esther! We love our Canadian mittens!!


Fairies DO exist in our house!

Fairies DO exist in our house!

Gammie sent us more books for Christmas. This is our second read aloud and mail books. There is nothing more lovely than having someone read you a story. The kids listened to that one over and over again!

Gammie sent us more books for Christmas. This is our second read aloud and mail books. There is nothing more lovely than having someone read you a story. The kids listened to that one over and over again!


Crafting babies warms mother's heart... I love when they do something creative

Crafting babies warms mother’s heart… I love when they do something creative

Raccoons thanks to Wild Kratts

Raccoons thanks to Wild Kratts



November Home Depot

November Home Depot

Another month of successful reading

Another month of successful reading

We found this in the basement!!

We found this in the basement!!

Baby Faced Ken

Baby Faced Ken



Lest We Forget! The Red Poppy! Sadly this one went missing. I need to get some imported!

Lest We Forget! The Red Poppy! Sadly this one went missing. I need to get some imported!

Future chefs

Future chefs


HUGE accomplishment of Ken's - two car garage HOLDS TWO CARS!

HUGE accomplishment of Ken’s – two car garage HOLDS TWO CARS!


Echo's first sessions

Echo’s first sessions


Thanksgiving dress thanks to Gammie

Thanksgiving dress thanks to Gammie

Thanksgiving dress thanks to Gammie

Thanksgiving dress thanks to Gammie
