Tag Archive | Shopping


August 8-10

After so much fun and amazing company with the parade the night before I was rather proud of the kids for getting the book work and learning done that we did.101_9053 101_9054 101_9055 101_9056

Everyone was excited to head out to the garden to see if the sun had helped our vegetables along. It is amazing how many green cherry tomatoes we have just awaiting that little bit more sun and heat to be ready for eating.101_9058 101_9059 101_9061

This has been the year for toads in the yard as well. When one is found we MUST stop everything and photograph it. I think we shall have to spend some of our time this winter and do a unit on frogs and toads!101_9063

And of course we had to do some mugging for the camera… selfies being a “real” word and all now!101_9067

On the weekend we figured we should take advantage of the sales and pick up some school supplies for our new school year. I try to keep a surplus around but at the beginning of the year each kid gets their own pencil case and supplies in those. Something new to start a new year with. I am amazed how hard it is to find duotangs here (the folders with the 3 sets of prongs for the paper holes).101_9085 101_9087 101_9088 101_9142 101_9143

Miss Echo sets her own style lately… quite well I might add!101_9080

The boys wanted to share their current display of Mixels. Gammie has sent them TWO series! There is a third yet to come. They are SO thankful that she felt she should send them these. A collection AND Legos… a match made in heaven!101_9089

Saturday evening we had a last minute plan change. With a garden full of cucumbers and lacking the knowledge about canning we called up Renee and Christopher. Their church was having a fair and is just down the road so after their mass they came over to our house for dinner and canning!101_9093 101_9094 101_9091 101_9095

So the kids ran wild in the basement while Ken and I were educated in how to make pickles!! Thank you so much Chris and Renee… we cannot wait to taste the pickles! And now we can move this knowledge to face the coming tomatoes and maybe even touch on our peppers.101_9096 101_9097

After we saw everyone off Ken ran out to take pictures of the (almost) full moon. This happened to be a lucky choice as at the high point (Sunday) we ended up with rain and clouds. I love it when we get a chance to play with the camera beyond the simple kids and pets.101_9105 101_9119

On Sunday we got our butts out the door to finish the bulk of our school shopping… (pictures above) and Ken yielded to temptation and got these… mixed results!101_9086

Oh and buy a dress for Miss Echo for her birthday – that was her gift from Mommy and Daddy this year. We lucked out at H&M and got a teachers discount!101_9123

What to do what to do to round off the weekend? Why… head to the beach once more!!!!101_9126 101_9130 101_9132 101_9136 101_9140 101_9141

Girls Only Fun Time

So here I go skipping ahead, but I had to share an outing with Karyn on the 29th. We started at Joann’s for some yarn and such and then went down the strip to the new Herberger’s outlet store. They had a few racks at the front of formal wear… the original prices were a bit staggering… but the mark downs amazing – some as low as 14.o0… the highest I tried on 24.00. Of course we took pictures! I figure I would share the giggle worthy images. I did love some of them… too bad for most the tops simply looked wrong or would not stay up where I wanted… Enjoy! 

I rather liked the skirt on this one... but the top would not fit snug enough.

I rather liked the skirt on this one… but the top would not fit snug enough.

frills and a lovely tie... so sad about the top.

frills and a lovely tie… so sad about the top.

The gems were nicer in person. The top was a wreck... fit nicely but the way they crossed it ... lopsided boobs!!! What a colour! Would never have even looked at it normally!

The gems were nicer in person. The top was a wreck… fit nicely but the way they crossed it … lopsided boobs!!! What a colour! Would never have even looked at it normally!

Another OMG bright colour!!

Another OMG bright colour!!

LOVE the back... again shame about the front.

LOVE the back… again shame about the front.

Too bedroom for me... and the zipper... so industrial! What isn't shown is how see through the white skirt was!

Too bedroom for me… and the zipper… so industrial! What isn’t shown is how see through the white skirt was!

This is the one that was purchased thanks to Karyn! I was surprised... on the rack... totally 80's... on the body... I honestly like it!

This is the one that was purchased thanks to Karyn! I was surprised… on the rack… totally 80’s… on the body… I honestly like it!

With a cute bow in the back!

With a cute bow in the back!

This entry was posted on 31/08/2014, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

The Lull Between Holidays

July 2-3

I have to say, having the reason to celebrate BOTH Canada Day AND Independence Day has made our July much more interesting. Of course since one is July 1st and the other the 4th we DO have two days in between. This year was unusual as everyone (including Joe, Faithe, Gabbi and Zachary with Nana and Baba) was going camping starting on the 3rd… Except me and the girls (Mosquito allergy) and Ken (leaving the morning of the 4th after his appointments). This marks one of the VERY few civic holidays that Ken and myself would not celebrate together. As I mentioned in a previous July 4th entry HERE, we 3 girls did manage a fun time without our boys. But we did miss them!

Anyway… the 2nd and 3rd… We started with a half day of school. Mainly reflections on what it means to each of the twins to be Canadian…101_8160 101_8161

And pictures of things that represent Canada to Trinity and Emanuel.101_8158 101_8159

The boys are very serious about improving their reading. The twins are thick into chapter books and Emanuel is struggling less and less.101_8162

The kids got their newest souvenir from Nana and Baba’s travels… animal puzzles!101_8163

And then it was time for cousins and playing.101_8165 101_8166

They are set to move to Florida at the end of July. Quite the big move and a wee bit unexpected so I made sure to grab early July 4th group photos. I even dressed the kids up in their colours. I couldn’t let a holiday go by without that! (I posted an image or two from this photo shoot HERE.)101_8169 101_8173 101_8175

Especially without a group shot of the kids. Every year we do it!101_8170

On the 3rd we saw off everyone BUT Daddy, but really snuck out before the chaos and met up with Renee, Nathan, Evan, Jeffrey and Renee’s sister Karen (you will remember her from the amazing June wedding Ken was in HERE).101_8185 101_8184

This is a pretty amazing series of parks. There is a play park, then a splash pad (not a park, just a cement pad with water spraying out) and then the manicured and lifeguard included beach!101_8187 101_8186 101_8188

Ken was odd man out as usual but the kids had a blast, and it was so fun to get to see the sisters together. Now that Ken is healthier and working on becoming the healthy and HAPPY man we always knew he could be he is the first out the door to allow for the possibility of us expanding our social life. Karen and Renee are such a welcome addition to the list of people I have locally to hang out with. I feel so lucky that they include us on outings and time with the kids! (Karen is an amazing math teacher as well! And so interesting to talk to about possible school ideas… something I have been missing here in Minnesota what with all my librarian friends up north!!)101_8193

101_8207 101_8210The girls didn’t even miss their wayward brothers and even made up for the lack of boys by playing with Nathan and Evan.101_8208 101_8190 101_8191

I was amazed at the absolute confidence Miss Echo showed. We didn’t have to convince her into the water or even follow her around!101_8214 101_8195 101_8189

Of course we brought lunch!101_8217

After our playdate it was off to Joann’s to spend the amazing gift card my sister in law Holly sent me for my birthday. She sent it with the direction to “buy yarn” so I went all out random.  And since it was clearance time spent way less than expected!!101_8222 101_8223

With just the two girls and then Daddy gone to appointments was our afternoon and evening ever QUIET!!! So weird, not only having just girls but only 2!!!! But a nice break before the next special day!101_8220 101_8221

Enjoy the beach filled overflow!101_8215 101_8216 101_8218 101_8199