Tag Archive | Stuart Little

One Step Closer to Finishing Things

One day further into the week and the van is STILL not in for repairs. With our Friday departure to Grandma’s looming I have already made a back up plan for as much as the van IS drive-able here in town… well I do not fancy risking being broken down in the middle of no where with all these kids in SUMMER weather let along fall. Thankfully I have friends ready to jump in and join in the fun if we are grounded to town limits. 

We finally got our covers done for our Stuart Little books… the interest in actually learning about REAL mice was simply not there today, but everyone was more than ready to draw their final picture. That leaves me an evening of punching holes for our plastic rings to get the whole thing done and put away. Our facilitator is coming middle of November for our first of two visits for this school year so it is great to have something to add to the show to collection. 

Stuart Little cover pages

We found another printables site for Halloween things. You can get some free or buy the entire series. We opted to print out a few out of interest, including a word search. You can find them here

Wordsearch time

All four of the big kids spent some much needed burn your energy time outside… Trinity just ran and ran and ran!

You can just see the soccer goal they made out of some wood pieces we got off of Freecycle

Run run run

And thanks to the skillful hands of Victoria and Karyn being our lovely courier I spent much of tonight finishing Gavin’s Lemur ears!! Aren’t they great??


And them time got away from me while I was crafting and finishing up cleaning… so back to work with me, gotta  get the table cleared for the morning… Ken and the kids have their yearly foam kit craft to do!!

Our own little cookie monster - note the trail of crumbs behind her!

One Week Closer to Halloween

Fall is here to stay! Though Wednesday topped off at 16 Celsius or so today was a traditional rainy, overcast and chilly fall day. Of course, that did NOT stop my boys from heading back out to their sandbox. Ken let me sleep in in the morning as the night before I seemed to have a rather frustrating and minor stomach bug. While I was sleeping they… well they must have done SOMETHING as everyone seemed in relatively good spirits but for once – no massive mess for Mommy! AND Ken cleaned out the dishwasher!!! Don’t get too excited though everyone – he didn’t start the refilling process but emptying – breakthrough! 

Thursday marked the end of our chapter by chapter read of Stuart Little. Each of the boys did a last chapter sentences and illustration and a favourite thing out of the story page. Now all that is left is the title page for their mini book! Very exciting, this will  be Emanuel’s first mini book. 

Final chapter

Their favourite thing in the story

To celebrate they took a nice big bowl of popcorn downstairs and watched the movie “adaptation”… well the twins did, the younger two got bored and came up here to hang out with me, play Play Doh and work on workbooks while I slowly replaced the Velcro on diaper #2. Have I mentioned recently how much I HATE hand sewing on Velcro? Cuz I do! 

Popcorn and a movie

Another diaper done

We played a new game in the afternoon that I found on Education.com. A little TOO easy for the twins but they enjoyed it anyway. And of course, I enjoyed the dice assembly. I think it will be mainly a Trinity and Emanuel thing but the boys are always up to try something new. I clicked on the link on their site to follow them on Facebook and got to download free activities (Halloween) in book form. Always a bonus! Seriously if you have NOT checked them out do! I am finding them a great resource along with EnchantedLearning(you need a membership for them though) and our UK site! 

Dice game

Trinity and I got in some mommy/daughter crafting time and we made her an 8X10 scrapbook page. I just need to get my hands on a frame to put it up on the wall! I picked the pictures, she picked the paper and the ribbon and I found a metallic paper die cut I had lying around. She helped pick out lay out, drew a picture and was so excited the whole way through! Each of the 4 kids has pictures to do the same way. 2 each, though we couldn’t get the lay out to work with both of Trinity’s! I think it turned out rather cute really. 

Trinity and her page

Ken got his first birthday present Wednesday night! It was rather spectacular really – a LARGE rice maker! Oh is he ever in heaven… and guess what we had for dinner tonight? No leftovers BUT we all ate at once, instead of the kids and then steaming more rice. He is so happy!

Almost birthday boy

I ended Thursday with a visit at Karyn’s to do some crafting. I didn’t finish the project, but I will try to on Saturday when I have friends over to do a nice big craft session. I am really looking forward to it. We made it to Dollarama where I got most of what was on my list… and another pair of socks! Addicted I know. I am now on the look out for GREEN socks… on request of my nephew. 

Oh, since I have not hunted down my 2 foot tree, and I am rather sure I have NOT shared the last of my Halloween decorations… here is our Halloween WREATH… basically all of it is done in Perler beads except the little bear that we picked up at the Dollarama one day. The kids loved the idea and I can take it apart and use it for other holidays. I am already thinking of having the kids make ornaments specifically FOR the wreath for Christmas. Though I already have to find room for the two trees we have for this year… I am thinking of having our usual big one upstairs and the small white one my mom got for the kids in the basement. 


Today was a bit of a rough day though we tried to keep everyone as active as possible. Fall weather made the kids shudder but the twins made a great attempt to stay out as long as possible. It was a Halloween themed work day otherwise. The big visible completion was Trinity colouring her own Happy Halloween banner to hang for display. 

With banner

I filled their folders with Halloween worksheets, colouring pages, etc mainly from Education.com but you can find the colour by numbers on the UK site here. The goal was to have them work at their own speed doing their own time as long as they completed basically everything before bed. We did pretty well with only one or two fits and some great leaps in comprehension. Above all we were creative and tried to have as much fun as possible! 

Of course there was the added bonus of a COMPLETED COSTUME! Today it was Emanuel’s turn to show off his outfit… I have promised Zander he can go on Sunday… and then by middle of next week it will be group photo time… so what do you think? Did I do a good job???


With tail

Trinity decided to wear her new shirt from Aunty Karyn. This was an amazing Winners find that absolutely makes her look grown up! She is so close to being a full big girl with very few accidents and all! 

Purty shirt

Our gifted Play Doh has renewed the interest in playing with it for the whole family. Even Echo is interested in it right now! 

Playing with brother

Tomorrow is going to be busy and fun with a bunch of friends coming over to craft. Company is always a blessing and this time we are themed for Halloween. 

That just leaves cleaning, crafting (well finishing of some projects) and laundry for yours truly, oh and trying to bring some Kijiji ads to sale. There are at least 3 or 4 people who have contacted me this week but have not confirmed a pick up or said they don’t want and with company coming it makes for an interesting set up… here’s hoping I can get everything figured out BEFORE we are tucked into the mess that is my kitchen on a crafting day! 

Popcorn baby in her new togs

This entry was posted on 21/10/2011, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Saskatchewan and Back Again

Well Echo is now a well travelled baby – she has made her way into Saskatchewan! Not as far as her Great Grandmother who is past Saskatoon but well into the province to Maidstone… and then on to Aunty Karyn’s family cabin. Only AFTER we did the rounds seeing all her childhood memory spots. But I am getting ahead of myself. We left here at 7:30 in the morning to swing by to pick up Victoria and then off to Saskatchewan… We stopped off at McDonald’s back where my mom lives. In fact, the one that I used to work at in high school (before the remodel made it all cool).

Sitting like a big girl at McD's

Then back in the car to drive on. We stopped in Innisfree to get gas. That left bathroom, snack pick up and baby to change. Then back we went…

Snack time

We had to drive through Lloydminster to get into Saskatchewan… and then into Maidstone to tour the town before heading out to the cabin. We saw friends’ homes, the schools she went to… her old family home… so much fun! The drive out to the cabin proved to those of us NOT from Saskatchewan that the old adage that Saskatchewan is FLAT is absolutely wrong! OH and did I mention some of the views were absolutely breath taking???

So pretty!

There was some sad news in regards to the cabin – there had been a recent break in… it looked as if they got in and rifled through the stuff in the main room…but took NOTHING! Very odd! So we had a bit of a job ahead of us to tidy is up and make some semblance of order in there. I think we did a good job, after we had lunch though.

After a full afternoon of going through things, checking out stuff in a broken silo and generally tidying we went out to the edge of the land the cabin was on to see the view. And to take pictures! Windy, sunny and gorgeous!!!

Panoramic Saskatchewan

Then it was time to head back home… quite the drive, with a stop off first at Lloydminster to go to the bathroom and get gas and then back to the same town we had breakfast in to get supper. Wendy’s! And then home home home.

Supper at Wendy's

I came home to a bit of a mess! Apparently while Ken was sleeping before church they decorated and then all day played played played.


He did get a group picture before church! AND Trinity joined the preschool class that was coupled with Emanuel’s Kindergarten class. We are not going to force the issue but from time to time give her the chance to join the class… all depends on her mood and how the potty training is going! I am told she had a GREAT time!

Ready to go church

OH I also came home from some gifts from a special homeschooling friend. I missed her email asking to text if I was going to be home as I had already left. Included were backpacks! Nice ones, that are much bigger than what the kids had and PERFECT overnight size for going to grandma’s. And some Halloween goodies and baby clothes. Her grand-daughter, while younger than our Echo is bigger (isn’t that the way it is with our pixie?). I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful friend and sad that I missed her! Maybe next time?

Some goodies

We brought back some treasures from the cabin too – two lovely little chairs I just need to clean up and maybe paint… and a doll house complete with the furniture, dollies and a little car! If you pull down the switch on the front door the doorbell even makes a sound! I remember playing with a house like this at the doctor’s when I was little. We are so lucky to have friends who are downsizing their possessions and old favourites. We certainly appreciate it and feel blessed!


Today was not the most fluid of days… but we had some lovely moments! The kids started with Stuart Little… I figured it was best to  get that second last chapter done. Definitely some resistance as everyone was still in last week’s cranky mode but better! 

Stuart Little

We did some math workbook work… funny enough – both boys ended up starting with probability – Zander at the grade 1 level and Gavin the grade 2. Pretty much the same thing though for both.

Math time

And then we started on our NEW project, my stepsister’s husband (Adam) is gone overseas. He is a mechanic and fixes planes for the airforce. So when I recently got send his mailing address I decided we would write him some letters. After all we have never met and this is a great way to begin that. The boys were a little resistant with the writing portion but excited about drawing him some special pictures. The little two just drew pictures and used stickers but they did have a lot of fun doing it. 

Not sure why Echo was so surprised!

We started on our Halloween print outs today as well… the UK site had some cute paper doll type stuffthat I printed out for each child. 3 decided to make their people all dressed up, 1 to go the usable paper doll route. Surprisingly that was ZANDER! Usually he chooses the least amount of work. Once I laminate them it will be another set of cutting out to  get these ready for use.

Laminated but not cut apart

Then there is the Halloween Activity books… I picked and chose my way through it try not to go too beyond the kids’ abilities. There was quite a few options!

I finished replacing the Velcro on ONE of the sized small diapers… it took me two days but it is done. The only problem is that when I went to start a second all of the covers were in the wash! So hopefully tomorrow I can catch up on the laundry and go from there. I have 4 in total to replace, as her 5th is a relatively new cover. 

Diaper Velcro replaced

The twins made new paperchains to go on the tree out front… we aren’t too huge on the decorating BUT this year we figured we would do up our tree just a little! 

Ready for the tree

Karyn got off work early today and decided to come by and whisk the twins off to the library and then to the park! Lucky things. This time the other branch where they got some books and movies. Tomorrow it is back in the pj’s for the little ones for stories and crafts so we are getting well acquainted with our local library branches! Already well worth the 10.00 for the card. That left the 3 little ones to enjoy freezies and hang out together here. 

Freezie time

Sunshine snack

OH found out today we have had the wrong postal code! For those who need it the end 3 digits/numbers and letter things are 2C7! Be sure to change it!!!! 

So there is lots to be done upstairs after a full day away! Add to that costumes to be completed and more Halloween crafts and activities to print out and I don’t think I will be going to bed any time soon! BUT I managed to get a winter coat for Emanuel off of Kijiji for 10.00 and tomorrow will sell a costume to someone else for the same! I really feel like I am contributing! Hopefully more of my ads will sell this week and I can decrease the clutter in my closets! In the meantime, back to creating a penguin out of bits and pieces! 

Sweet baby