Tag Archive | Sunday School

How in the World Did Fall Get Here?

September 20-25

I have been playing with favourite patterns and thinner yarn or different needles.. these two Cthulhu came out of that play. BABIES!!! Using light Caron Simply Soft. You can find the pattern HERE… or purchase a completed (and slightly larger) version on my Etsy site HERE. I plan on putting some wee ones up eventually… after the Christmas present rush.101_9638

Over the weekend we took a little time and finally got our act together to assemble our Shark unit book… the duotang was almost too small! You can check out our resources used, etc on our resource entry on the blog HERE. It was quite the unit.101_9640

On Sunday (AFTER Sunday School of course) we had a lovely visit with the Novaks. We were supposed to leave around dinner time for a coffee date but it fell through so it was a relaxing afternoon with good friends.101_9643 101_9644

Snoopy was a willing subject for the camera as usual.101_9648 101_9651

And we came home with some new reading material! Thank you so much Aidan for letting these gems go!101_9649 101_9655

On Monday we had princesses at school… in MITTENS (super garage sale find for a quarter I think).101_9657 101_9658

Gavin created an amazing FALL tree we later entered in the Art for Kids (link on right) fall art contest. I love it when they just go without instructions and really work with the Lego! We actually have the 3 boys enrolled in a once monthly class online with Currclick that is free for Legos. They are really enjoying it. They have multiple free and for pay classes through their site now!101_9660

Tuesday was so lovely we drug our new desks outside for craft time before they get placed in the school area inside.101_9661 101_9664 101_9666

101_9668Nature came out to share with our crafty time as well! Though after the scare elsewhere in the country with a fuzzy caterpillar that caused burn like rashes we kept our hands well away!101_9663

With a new school year we have also pulled down our previous year’s posters… so it was time to create a new fall scene for our walls. Can you believe it is fall already? Where did the time go???101_9667

We have had a jump with our learning as well. Emanuel suddenly WANTS to try and write out his own words in his journal and in letters. So be prepared… I correct the spelling above but you will get to see his creative management of letters in his words!!101_9669

We have taken to doing work in areas… videos on the DVD player for volcanoes.101_9670

One of 3 desks inside for an independent learner.101_9671

The table for the avid crafter. It seems to be working!101_9672

We are most certainly keeping busy!101_9673 101_9674

Saying Good Bye and then Keeping Busy

August 5-7

With the ending of our epic Wisconsin (almost cow free) road trip our visit with Karyn was also drawing to a close. It is always hard to say good bye to visitors doubly hard when it is a dear aunty. So on the 5th we snuck out, just Karyn, myself and MISS TRINITY for some girly shopping time. Just the normal stuff… Joann’s, the mall, Caribou…

I have to say Trinity is a fun shopper. She and Karyn picked out a special book for her to bring home and read. It was our last chance of true visiting time before we had to see her off and it was so much fun!20140905_161024

The next day it was time to see off Aunty Karyn as Ken drove her to the airport.We were all a little downhearted at this point.101_9560 101_9562 101_9567

Though the kids snuck off with Ken to the Home Depot monthly craft first. We have missed ONE in the past couple years!101_9558 101_9559

We did have some fun mail to balance off our sad good bye. I had won a draw on Facebook for some nails. I need to find a moment to sit down and work out how to apply them! Thanks Heather!101_9568

We also had a lovely package of Canadian snacks for the shark slippers I had made and mailed off. I made sure to request a bag of ketchup chips for the kids. A once in a while special treat.101_9569

OH and another exchange… baby booties and socks for Canadian school supplies… favourite scribblers with the familiar map of Canada on the front and duotangs… folders with prongs. A family favourite. Thank you so much Tammie! I hope you enjoy the crochet bits.101_9570

On Sunday we had our first day of Sunday school for ALL of the kids! I was so proud of Echo. She went off willingly with her siblings to the music and then onto class. She is growing up so quickly! The twins have a good friend in their class and were very excited to see him for the first time since VBS.101_9572

In the afternoon we were off to Shandai and Ravyn’s for a special belated(VERY)Christmas celebration. They have such a nice home to visit at. Though we do have to keep a but of an eye on the kids. We had so much fun… playing in the backyard (which is gorgeous), watching a Disney flick in the basement and playing with the cats.101_9573 101_9574 101_9577

We had a delicious dinner and then opened presents. It was so gratifying to see how much Shandai liked her crocheted items. She is such an amazing artist that I love that I can make her something she would enjoy!101_9575 101_9579 101_9580

So we made up for our sad with a rather busy series of happy times. We miss you Karyn!!! Thank you so much for visiting.101_9565 101_9578

A Guest for the Weekend

July 18-20

A wee bit of schoolwork, just half a day… is all we need to earn a special treat on a decent summer day.101_8691

Now for the treat… going to the beach with some of our favourite beach buddies – Renee, Nathan, Evan and Jeffrey. We simply do not get bored of this lovely beach.101_8697101_8694 101_8696

101_8708 101_8699 101_8703Even Jeffrey got in on a little sand… not for a lack of our trying to keep his grabby fingers out of it. He is growing up so quickly!101_8707 101_8709

Every time we drive there and back we pass some amazing gates… I had to share a quick picture of them!101_8710

On Saturday we grew our ranks by one… Aidan came for a sleepover. He is definitely a welcome addition.101_8712

101_8714 101_8717101_8720The girls got a special mailing from Gammie… pretty dress up bits they were more than willing to share between them. Sadly I think TRINITY walks better in heels than I do!!!101_8719

We ended our Saturday with a movie in the livingroom… and popcorn of course!!101_8721

Sunday was the final installment of our VBS… the kids all came together (some in their special shirts) and sang a song for the congregation. We stuck around for the song but had plans after that with Aidan. It seems like our summer has zipped by. Sundays have been so tied up with cousins leaving and friends needing us that we have not made it to church like I would have liked.101_8726

After singing we packed everyone up with a picnic and sunscreen and headed out to the beach. First stopping at the park…101_8728 101_8732 101_8733

It was even windy enough to fly kites!!! Clearance find at Walmart at the end of last season.101_8740 101_8743 101_8744

Of course the main attraction was the beach and lake itself.101_8749

101_8751 101_8756 Aidan is a blast to have with the kids. They took turns being covered with sand and everything.101_8760

Definitely wore them out.101_8767

And with Aidan being a fellow Lego lover, he was a great help in building the new Mixels sent from Gammie.101_8771

Throw in creativity and some time in the sunroom and I think we showed Aidan a fun sleepover! He definitely is a family favourite!!!101_8772

And some extra photos to enjoy!101_8734 101_8748 101_8762 101_8765 101_8766 101_8753