Tag Archive | The Clever Detective Series

The Clever Detective… a Short Story

The Clever Detective by Linsey Lanier is a short story… emphasis on SHORT. Quirky, silly, magical… these all come to mind as does the need to suspend your wish for a developed over time romance. The pace is so brief and the list of characters surprisingly long (though cameo style appearances for most) that I would hate to give too much away. Let’s see what CAN I share… our main character (female) is a detective who has been called to find someone who she is told is a prince (not that she believes him to be so at first). Falling into a fairy tale style land she goes from person to person and place to place to try and solve the mystery of hisĀ disappearance.

I won’t say the romance is logical, heck the whole book ISN’T logical. But it is a good giggle and apparently the first in a series. So if you can suspend disbelief and have just a short time to sink into the fantasy world that is a book… go for it!!

The Clever Detective