Tag Archive | tutu

Patience, Could I Please Have Some More?

Some days it is hard to reconcile the idea that Ken has a TON of work to do RIGHT NOW but we will not see the results of the work (aka wages) for nearly a month. We are such a culture of instant gratification, something I am trying hard to change about myself. I think it is important that we recognise the value of patience, of waiting and of things coming later. The kids are always wanting NOW NOW NOW and when I find myself falling into the same pattern I definitely feel a little foolish. Babies take around 9 months, birthdays are a year apart… we wait for many big things, but the smaller ones we expect RIGHT NOW. There are often hidden benefits to waiting on things large or small. Take a loaf of banana bread (with or without chocolate chips!), you put it in the oven for those 60 or so minutes, set that timer and wait. Well the reward to taking that time (besides the yummy bread itself) is that over that hour or so of time your home slowly fills with the smell of yummy baked goods, our home warms itself a little more with the heat of the oven and of course there is the excitement of knowing only an hour from now we are going to enjoy one of our favourite recipes. That saying “patience is a virtue” can be so annoying, but in all honesty… it IS right. So I think that one of my goals needs to be to nurture these virtues so that I can, through my own actions, teach them to my own children. After all who do they copy more than their parents??

We managed a variety of school stuff today. I started the boys off with some workbook work. Zander is almost done the comprehension portion of his Math workbook. That means he can start on the mini book that Gavin has been working on semi independently. Zander has asked if we could do another easier review book so I am going to go through my workbooks and find something he can do on the side. I am hoping he will gain more confidence once we get his glasses later this week.

They like doing workbooks on the floor best (Gavin left)

We’ve continued our observations of Frogger… today he, and I quote: “Frog is sitting down at the bottom having a break.” Not exactly the most exciting of frogs but he does the trick. We did some more colouring for our lapbook, I am hoping tomorrow to do some talking about the technical bits of a frog and its life. I found two books in the house about or with frogs in the story and hopefully our library card issues will be resolved shortly. If Ken can make it to the library in person that is!

We put the finishing touches on the Chinese New Year books. We put a strip of paper on the back to hold their circular fans onto the back. They put a picture they drew from their adventure at the festival on the last page today as well. Zander drew the wheel they spun to win prizes, Gavin a rabbit with its carrot by the road and Emanuel another bunny picture. We had a lot of fun working on these books and they turned out quite nicely. My goal for NEXT year is to look more into specific traditions and why they are done. I am sure I will have to contact our friends who are from China and get their take on celebrations and what is important (consider yourselves forewarned!).

Gavin and his Chinese New Year pieces

Our frog story for the day was just a story and not educational per say. Tuesday by David Wiesner. The boys really enjoyed the pictures.

Story of the day

The boys did a Valentine’s themed craft today – Valentine bookmarks out of foam heart shapes. You can find the instructions on the (big surprise??) UK site here.

My version of the bookmark up on our holiday wall

Though there are not pictures (yet), the boxes from the twins’ sofa beds are now clubhouses… of course in the rudimentary stages as of yet, but if I can get them to TOTALLY understand that if we take crayons downstairs they remain down only long enough to create our clubhouses we may just get some decorations put on these rather boring boxes.

Last night I got in one more page of scrapbooking… I made the decision to break up Echo’s Halloween pages into two – the two sepia prints of her costume and then the two I took in colour – one of the 5 kids in costume and one a close up of her bonnet.

Pea in her pod

The addition of scrapbooking to my evening routine has helped with that tiny feeling of “not getting enough done” I have been experiencing lately. Tonight I am hoping to get a tutu I SHOULD have done ages ago (a gift for our god-daughter Anna) and then get started on the one I am doing for mom’s friend tomorrow. We have a craft session to go to at Michaels tomorrow (I called to confirm and they SAID that there is one) so I can pick up some more rhinestones with my 40% off coupon. I notice that when I am between stitching projects I get a little antsy… Ken has yet to have a break in work to get focused on the design of my stepsister’s (got a deadline on that one!) so I have been trying to be patient (see above) and wait for him to have the time for us to finish our brainstorming. I am actually thinking I need to either drag out one of the Afghans I am stitching on (bulky) or pull out one of the kits I have somehow collected over the years and get started on that. I do have a lovely linen piece to do but I am not sure I have the linen fabric laying around. I am rather scared to get into the craft cupboard to check!

The next big holiday is Easter so I have some work to do. I am not sure what we will be doing exactly… a lapbook each, a joint poster, a book or maybe just a folder of fun things. How religious should we go with how much Sunday School covers that? I know we need to do some crafts and that it wouldn’t be hard to find some lapbook style pieces to put together but I want to make sure we don’t just follow some sort of pattern. The frog lapbook has morphed into a lapbook AND a poster. Our Chinese New Year book was a great hit with the boys though it was VERY simple. I have to admit we are not going deeply into topics yet, I am still using each topic to bring along their simple math and English skills. Next year each of our seasons and holidays will be re-covered and I think that for our grade 2 year we are going to do much MORE theory.

So once I figure it all out I will definitely share links!!! Don’t forget to look back at yesterday’s entry and give me your opinion on Emanuel’s photos!

Thoughtful finger chewing!

Happy Birthday Emanuel!

Quite the day today – not only is it Chinese New Year BUT it is ALSO our Emanuel’s 5th birthday! This meant that today was his birthday cupcake day. It is a tradition with our family as the twins and Emanuel tend to share their birthday party, to give the birthday boy/s a cupcake with candle ON their birthdate. Everyone else gets a cupcake too but we sing happy birthday to the birthday boy and he gets to blow out a candle on his day. Our party for the boys is on the 12th in the afternoon – cake and snacks to celebrate.

Happy Birthday EMANUEL

The weather has become quite balmy here! After naps I tossed as many kids as wanted to go out into the backyard to play in the now (or for now) melting snow. I am hoping we can still get the boys out before the snow all melts away to sled but with how busy life has been it has been hard to co-ordinate.

Out in the snow (Zander left)

I started the twins on their last Chinese New Year craft today – making a rocking rabbit. We have a nice stash of paper plates specifically for crafts and when our year started I made sure a nice wide selection of paint colours. It took quite a few coats to get the brown dark enough on the plates. I think we are going to have to do something slightly different with the nose as I don’t think we have pink pom poms of any size. I really need to tidy up the craft cupboard!

Gavin painting his paper plate

I have been asked to make a tutu for a friend of my mom’s – for her grand-daughter I think. I have her size and that she “isn’t picky” and that I need to have it done for mom to take back on the 12th so it is time to raid my tulle supplies and pick out two colours that will look lovely together. I figure I will add some butterflies or some rhinestones (those I AM out of) to jazz it up a bit. I do like making those. As two Halloweens with Trinity’s costume utilizing them proves.

I did some scrapbooking last night. I finished a few pages before putting away my supplies. I have a few more pictures to sort through but really need to sit down with my jumbled up containers of stickers to do justice to them.

Our Christmas portraits

Joyful baby

So we have celebrated Emanuel’s birth, chatted some more about frogs, and made plans to work on some projects tomorrow. The hope is that tomorrow Ken and Zander will make the trip to order his glasses. It is looking VERY good in regards to our insurance. Fingers crossed, especially since tomorrow we have a boatload to get done!! Only a little over one more week until the birthday party!!

Played out

This entry was posted on 03/02/2011, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

To the End of the Week

…And then something came up… and our plans went out the window for today… BUT it is worth it when the “thing” is a call from a contract who wants Ken to do something new on top of the current agreement for more money… well we don’t complain (at least not too loudly). One step closer to paying off another debt… or maybe even getting myself that Cricut the van put on the backburner. Who knows.

So we spent the day at home, the tutu was picked up and the kids kept relatively busy. Emanuel spent a nice amount of time dead silent downstairs on their computer.  Always a bonus when he can find something to do with himself that is quiet!!

Emanuel on the computer

The twins have worked some more on their word search for their wolves lapbook, done some of their Chinese New Year print outs and Zander got in some workbook time. This time there were two print outs from Enchanted Learning. One a mini book and the other a matching of the zodiac animals. The plan for tomorrow is to actually work on near completion of the wolves lapbook as we are finally heading to the zoo for the drop in program on Sunday.

Zander and Trinity working on the review workbook

There are quite a few things in my life I am sure of: my sewing, my love for my family, my marriage. And then there are things I am not so much scared of as feel… timid about. And tomorrow I have to face one of those things. The girls are headed to their new pediatrician. Don’t get me wrong, I am VERY pro doctor. But a horrible experience with a formula obsessed doctor and our Trinity has me nervous. He was belittling and determined to diminish the importance of our decision to be a bottle free family. We proved him wrong with our addition of solids but the damage toy own confidence remains. A big part of me is angry that he simply would not listen. I talked to other professionals, I did my homework and he still talked like we were idiots. I raised preemie twins who you would never guess now were born at just over three pounds. But I was a moron in his eyes, or at least that is how he came across. Our children all are petite, especially as infants. But my worries always fall in people refusing to see that pattern.

I have to admit I am taking a bit of the cowards way out, Ken and I have discussed it and agree that it would be best if I didn’t go to the appointment. This is actually a much easier way to go about it as if I DO go so do ALL the kids, which means containing all 5 of our kids first in the waiting room and then later in the examination room. So Ken will be taking the girls on his own while I spend the afternoon on that lapbook I was mentioning with the boys. I will breastfeed Miss Echo before he leaves and pack a little container of her cereal and some water in the diaper bag in case of a lengthy wait at the doctor’s. Ken feels  that my worries are unfounded but as the breastfeeding mother I have to admit the previous doctor’s callous dealing with us felt like a personal attack. Breastfeeding is one of the greatest gifts I can give my children and it often feels like medical many practitioners no longer see it the same way.

So tonight I plan on finishing the stitch I posted an image of last night and maybe starting one from the zombie kit I got from my sister in law. The kids went to bed at a pretty decent time after our first family game night – a new game they got from their Aunty Yoyo and Uncle Jon using Play Doh. We will have to work on it as we are not completely up on all the rules. The goal is to have every Tuesday night be game night with the kids – IF they behave appropriately!

Gavin (Zander red)

I just can’t believe how quickly the week has gone by! Now hopefully by Monday we will be all ready to head off to the conservatory to see that new feature pyramid display. Fingers crossed!


This entry was posted on 20/01/2011, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment