Tag Archive | wedding

Rennaissance in the Sunshine

Now I am sure most people know that Ken and I do the Renaissance Festival ONCE a year, always in some sort of costume and if we can with my best friend since high school (shhh not telling the year) Shandai. In fact, when we relocated from Canada to sunny Minnesota it was at the festival that we first laid eyes on each other once again! This first time I wore the costume from She Chris and He Chris’ wedding … fun fact…547311_10151169179466151_37073558_n

Now we have gone every year for 4 visits… although it has been 3 years since we have moved… gotta love it when you move back right when festival is going on! And at this point I am totally spoiled with an AMAZING dress thanks to the combined efforts of Shandai, her roommate Emily and an amazing seamstress named Melinda. Apparently this piece is Melinda’s first dress made that she left behind to be passed to someone in need… the previous two visits I have also borrowed Shandai’s hoopskirt and created my own snood via my crochet skills! But… THIS year Ken took the initiative and his newly created sewing skills and with some input from those in the know MADE ME my own hoopskirt!

When it is muggy hot with a heat advisory you pre dress at home!

When it is muggy hot with a heat advisory you pre dress at home!

And this waist makes it all worth while.

And this waist makes it all worth while.

Note the belt, my new purchase at the fair this year. Leather and gorgeous.

Note the belt, my new purchase at the fair this year. Leather and gorgeous.

Anyway, last year we actually got to go WITH Shandai and her then boyfriend Ravyn. They had, in past years, worked there so we would only visit with them briefly and then wander on our own. Now they are both able to go as guests so we of course, go when they can. Thanks to Chris and Jeff this year being willing to not only watch the minions but also collect Sean from the airport that afternoon we were once again able to go on the date that Shandai and Ravyn (now fiances) were going.DSCN0990

We were unable to find time for Ken to make the shirt he planned to make as a new costume or afford the kilt I would LOVE to see him in but Ravyn had the amazingly brilliant thought to pull out a wizard costume he had and voila… Ken was dressed to impressed (ignore the sneakers).

With staff and all.

With staff and all.

With beer

With beer

Better yet – we all were coordinated… green was the colour of the day!

DSCN1004DSCN0986We shopped, we wandered… we ran into people we knew (cuz I finally KNOW PEOPLE!). We braved the heat advisory weather in a corset (yup another addition to my wardrobe that will be used in the October wedding). We got complimented on our costumes and even met a mermaid!DSCN1009

DSCN1010There were so many interesting characters and shops. We played, we snacked, we drank (the mead was exceptional) and we enjoyed it all. Definitely an experience I would suggest to anyone! Especially in costume.DSCN0985

I had to snap a pic of this lovely lady... Duchess came instantly to mind, does it not?

I had to snap a pic of this lovely lady… Duchess came instantly to mind, does it not?

Tell me you don't hear the Lego theme song in your head instantly!

Tell me you don’t hear the Lego theme song in your head instantly!

There be dragons here!

There be dragons here!

The wizard lent me his staff... he also bought me that basket before festival at a steal for 5.00!

The wizard lent me his staff… he also bought me that basket before festival at a steal for 5.00!

Do not question the tails.

Do not question the tails.


Sitting in the romantic garden sipping mead.

Sitting in the romantic garden sipping mead.

I found the princess!

I found the princess! Well… A princess

Music break

Music break

A mermaid and a Scotsman! What a duo!

A mermaid and a Scotsman! What a duo!

the mermaids just love the children.

the mermaids just love the children.

Thirsty business

Thirsty business


Playing the boob drums

Playing the boob drums


A squid earring!

A squid earring!

I think this is one of my favourite images... I found a baby fairie!

I think this is one of my favourite images… I found a baby fairie!

March of Days

Well well we have made it to March and the countdown to spring. Of course with it being slightly warmer I had to take advantage and photograph the kids! I have been lax in doing this of the whole group.IMAG1695

IMAG1730It was nice enough that we were able to photograph a couple of my completed crochet projects outside! Again check out Kristen’s Kords HERE!! She rocks!!!

Tinker Bell!

Tinker Bell!

We had the Schwartz kids over again to watch while their folks were busy. Visits with them with parents or not have become a highlight of our weeks!IMAG1870

102_0344102_0345102_0347Miss Echo has totally embraced all sorts of creative imaginative play. Tea parties are so exciting for the stuffed critters and dolls in this house!102_0350

We finally opened our Chinese New Year lucky candy holders. That yummy strawberry candy is a family favourite.102_0351

102_0352We also have a new family member… Hugo Bear Dog generally known as Bear Dog… he joined us thanks to Amy Sue, the amazingly talented seamstress who is creating dresses for Shandai’s wedding! He is an instant hit and has become Echo’s new favourite snuggle buddy. I have to share her page HERE. I absolutely cannot wait to see how Shandai’s dress and my own turn out! They are going to be spectacular.IMG_20150330_120204

School has continued on swimmingly. I am so proud of the kids for trying their best to expand their knowledge and try to face the hard stuff with less and less whining and complaining.IMAG1665

IMAG1641Don’t forget about Dr. Seuss’ birthday! We had a added experience for the girls – Dr. Seuss themed activities at Lakeshore.IMAG1568

IMAG1682And food that suited our theme… red and white fruit to represent the Cat in the Hat’s hat… One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish jello with gummy fish… and eggs and ham (trust me… GREEN eggs does NOT go over well). I also had each of the kids write their own RHYMING book. Ken, Karyn and I worked out our own book. Talk about fun. Though the kids struggled a bit. You can find our resource post HERE.IMAG1601IMAG1604


The igloo

The igloo

Home Depot…IMAG1673

Lakeshore Saturday crafts…IMAG1682

A brief foray into pet ownership with the short lived TRIOP!IMAG1744

Movie night with popcorn at the YMCA! (101 Dalmations!!)IMAG1887

Don’t forget St. Patrick’s Day lunch (we did a minor unit this time… previous years have burned us out a little on that theme) but any chance to have a themed meal! You can find our resource page HERE.IMAG1833

Leprechaun escaped our trap once again!

Leprechaun escaped our trap once again!

Themed craft

Themed craft

End the month with… EASTER EGG HUNT!IMAG1935

IMAG1945And it was a well rounded month. March is always that little bit more packed when Easter is early April… Let’s see… Dr. Seuss, Home Depot fun, St. Patrick’s Day, early Easter activity… I think we can say we kept good and busy!102_0328

Our Christmas Pageant

This is our second year at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. The kids are loving Sunday School and choir. This year our choir director planned out a rather fun and musical 30 min program called ONCE UPON A STARRY NIGHT. This is the first year all 5 of our kids are involved in a program. We had 3 stars, a shepherd and a wise man with a solo. In fact, all but Echo had speaking parts as well! So much of our December and a bit of November was spent with lots of practicing. IMAG0775

The girls both wore their special Christmas dresses. This is the second time wearing these as we dressed up in our best for Santa earlier in the month (that picture to follow as well). Miss Echo was especially proud of her blue dress and star! IMAG0676

I was very proud of Trinity. She used learning her lines as a way to improve her writing and for the first time ever was willing to stand at the front of the church AND say something into a microphone! IMAG0693

Emanuel was a wonderful shepherd though his headgear did not make it down the aisle for the procession in. IMAG0730

Gavin was a wonderful star and helped Trinity along with her lines.IMAG0695

Zander was loud and clear and sang beautifully! IMAG0715

We even had guests come! Not only Nana and Baba but Renee, Nathan and Evan! Talk about exciting. Being able to share our pageant with friends was great fun. We go to Evan’s musical night on Tuesday which just happens to be at the huge Catholic church literally down the street a bit from here! 102_0179

All in all an adorable concert with the kids so proud of themselves. We ended it with bags of goodies… all sorts of traditional Christmas treats!IMAG0771

Quite the wonderful morning! A much loved Advent tradition.

Waiting and stitching before service. We had to come there by 9:30 for the 10:45 service as usual so they could do a run through.

Waiting and stitching before service. We had to come there by 9:30 for the 10:45 service as usual so they could do a run through.

Ken even SHAVED for the event (the day before but still... not bad!).

Ken even SHAVED for the event (the day before but still… not bad!).

Trinity with a couple friends.

Trinity with a couple friends.

Ready for the procession in.

Ready for the procession in.

The babies are so adorable!

The babies are so adorable!

3 Wise Men... Persons... Wise Persons.

3 Wise Men… Persons… Wise Persons.



There was an adorable lost sheep solo too... Baa-bara had a song to sing.

There was an adorable lost sheep solo too… Baa-bara had a song to sing.

Singing around Baby Jesus.

Singing around Baby Jesus.

Our littlest star... she even sang some of the words!!!

Our littlest star… she even sang some of the words!!!

And again...

And again…

It was a joy to be able to wear again the June wedding guest dress this time with the red crinoline underneath!

It was a joy to be able to wear again the June wedding guest dress this time with the red crinoline underneath!

This entry was posted on 15/12/2014, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment