Tag Archive | wedding

October in Review

It has happened… I am nearly TWO MONTHS behind on the blog… which begs the question… are we even INTERESTED in rehashing October? So I think, instead of a day by day reflection I will do an overview of some highlights. Let’s see…

We had a pretty amazing experience with working in pairs on the little guys’ Halloween lapbooks AND solo for the twins on their own. I have made up a resource page for our items. I apologize in advance for not linking up all the books but I am sure if you check your local library or bookstore most could be found! A library card is a wonderful thing is it not? Our Halloween resources can be found HERE.101_9725

We started up with the Pizza Hut Book It program once again as well. There is a new app to go with it that we are getting used to. There were a few hiccups. We had to just go by Johnson for their last name. No hyphenating. But the kids are so excited to be earning their pizzas once again. You can check out the program HERE.101_9704

Ken is also jumping in to help us finish our long enjoyed VOLCANO unit. He had a really creative way to show the creation of a volcano using wash cloths of all things!101_9706 101_9708

This is another blogged resource page. You can find all of that HERE. We took longer than expected but enjoyed it all the same. Some years we bust through these major unit studies… others… not so much!

Of course in October we have Home Depot! November has TWO since they are not doing the normal one in December. Doubly difficult as we have our swimming lessons Saturday mornings so we have to rush from the pool to the store to make it there  before the program is over!101_9716

The weather is cooling and the kids are starting to bundle up. It is always a but of a shuffle to go through all the clothes and find out what fits, what leaks and what is worn to pieces.101_9718

our big excitement was having Andrew with younger brother Alex in to BABYSIT for us! Ken and I had one last chance to take burnable stuff over to Chris and Renee’s and wanted to really enjoy it. We brought Cousin Robbie along, had drinks and dinner and stayed out SUPER late. Andrew managed fine and is already agreeing to sit again for us!101_9748 101_9749 101_9750

The boys’ newest addiction along with playing Pokemon is to play Munchkin.. my boardgame! They are even attempting fair play with their siblings! NOT BAD!!!101_9751

To celebrate CANADIAN Thanksgiving we not only called Grandma to say hello but did up a poster of things we are grateful for.101_9754

Then to top it off we had dinner at KFC (a Reinsch family tradition). Nana and Baba came as well as they plan to be in Florida over the American one. HAPPY THANKSGIVING CANADIAN FRIENDS AND FAMILY (BELATEDLY).20141013_171309

We had some crafting fun…101_9737

A trip to Mall of America to thoroughly enjoy LegoLand and spend some of their Gammie treat money on a container of hand picked lego pieces! Not too bad of a family excursion. We also brought snacks which always smooths the road.101_9778 101_9780 101_9783 101_9771

AND a homeschool special for the aquarium in the mall! Everything from jellyfish to sharks to a tide pool you could touch!101_9767

101_9770We snuck in a babysitting experience or two with the Schwartz boys. Jeffrey and his brothers are a family favouite.101_9789 101_9790 101_9791 101_9792

Emanuel, Trinity, Ken and I went to a Scouts day camp that included siblings. Sadly we lost our rocket to the great unknown but did it every FLY!101_9796 101_9797

Indoor games and colouring were the favourite with Trinity now in love with the idea of archery.101_9808

OH and a messy snack!101_9812 101_9815

We got another dose of baby time…101_9827 101_9825

Celebrated Daddy’s birthday with PIE!101_9845 101_9855

Carved pumpkins… sort of… and sent the seeds to Future Uncle Ravyn for roasting! Aunty Shandai came over especially to share the good news! Mommy is now to be a part of an OCTOBER wedding! We are so pleased for them! CONGRATS YOU TWO!!!!!101_9843 101_9848 101_9853

We crafted it up…101_9741 101_9757

You can enjoy our leaf experience in an additional blog entry HERE.

And see our Halloween AMAZING costumes HERE.

Yup basically October in a rather lengthy picture filled entry!101_9793


Happy Halloween… a Bit Belated

So I MEANT to post this the day after Halloween but got knocked out by some sort of mutant plague the kids and their Baba felt they just HAD TO share with me… so please enjoy (a week+ late) our costume fun!!!!101_9977

Youngest to oldest…. Echo’s was an easy choice. The dress was one of the super pretties that Grandma had given us before we moved down from Canada. It finally fits, all beads and lace. For photos only I paired it up with my original veil for a bride picture or two.101_9912 101_9917 101_9915 101_9921

Then it was on with the crown for a very pleased princess.101_9919

And wings for a fairy.101_9924 101_9928 101_9930

Day of we paired it all up with her big sister’s church coat. Our very own snow princess!!!101_9970

101_9931Miss Trinity was one we had been thinking about since LAST Halloween… the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland. With her lovely long blonde hair and the addition of some black shoes and a black hair ribbon the costume we bought online suited PERFECTLY! We had to adjust the apron as apparently a little girl needs a MASSIVE apron but that was a quick fix.101_9937 101_9938 101_9942

Emanuel was our big build of the year. One that Ken took on HIMSELF! I am so pleased with how healthy he has gotten… old Kenny would have NEVER done such a thing. Emanuel chose to be a Minecraft Squid and Ken completely copied the head piece pixel by pixel using cardboard and paint.101_9965

IMAG0223What a success!!! Time consuming but a huge success. And a huge number of people recognized it right away!!!101_9966

Mr. Gavin was a bit of a struggle. He changed what he wanted to be a couple of times but settled on a traditional ghost… with a pirate sword. So Ken (again!!) made a lovely scabbard out of duct tape and I sewed a toque to the sheet to keep it steady. Rather awesome.101_9962 101_9963 101_9964

Even Zander’s costume has a bit of a story. Originally he was supposed to be a ninja as a repeat runner but on our costume odyssey for the rest we came across a Dominoes shirt. Gavin hemmed and hawed but turned down the idea… it was not until we were walking in the door from shopping that Zander FINALLY spoke up and said that HE wanted to be the Dominoes delivery man. So the next day we had to make a running trip BACK to Goodwill hoping to find the shirt still there. Then a couple days before Halloween Ken called Dominoes and was able to get us a small pizza box to finish off the costume! Not bad not bad!!!101_9950 101_9956

We heard about free ice cream(frozen custard) at Culver’s if you show up in costume so we doubly spoiled the kids with the very rare DINNER out as well! They have some super yummy burgers there.IMAG0249 IMAG0251_BURST001

Our plans, as usual, had us meet up at the Novak’s for trick or treating. It was a brisk day and we had a third family with us. We were out about 2 hours (less than last year).IMAG0257

But our haul was huge!101_9982 101_9981

And we ended the evening with a nice long visit with the Novaks. Halloween well spent!!!IMAG0266 IMAG0271 IMAG0272

Sorry about the massive pictures but we had a great time!101_9976 101_9977


The Lull Between Holidays

July 2-3

I have to say, having the reason to celebrate BOTH Canada Day AND Independence Day has made our July much more interesting. Of course since one is July 1st and the other the 4th we DO have two days in between. This year was unusual as everyone (including Joe, Faithe, Gabbi and Zachary with Nana and Baba) was going camping starting on the 3rd… Except me and the girls (Mosquito allergy) and Ken (leaving the morning of the 4th after his appointments). This marks one of the VERY few civic holidays that Ken and myself would not celebrate together. As I mentioned in a previous July 4th entry HERE, we 3 girls did manage a fun time without our boys. But we did miss them!

Anyway… the 2nd and 3rd… We started with a half day of school. Mainly reflections on what it means to each of the twins to be Canadian…101_8160 101_8161

And pictures of things that represent Canada to Trinity and Emanuel.101_8158 101_8159

The boys are very serious about improving their reading. The twins are thick into chapter books and Emanuel is struggling less and less.101_8162

The kids got their newest souvenir from Nana and Baba’s travels… animal puzzles!101_8163

And then it was time for cousins and playing.101_8165 101_8166

They are set to move to Florida at the end of July. Quite the big move and a wee bit unexpected so I made sure to grab early July 4th group photos. I even dressed the kids up in their colours. I couldn’t let a holiday go by without that! (I posted an image or two from this photo shoot HERE.)101_8169 101_8173 101_8175

Especially without a group shot of the kids. Every year we do it!101_8170

On the 3rd we saw off everyone BUT Daddy, but really snuck out before the chaos and met up with Renee, Nathan, Evan, Jeffrey and Renee’s sister Karen (you will remember her from the amazing June wedding Ken was in HERE).101_8185 101_8184

This is a pretty amazing series of parks. There is a play park, then a splash pad (not a park, just a cement pad with water spraying out) and then the manicured and lifeguard included beach!101_8187 101_8186 101_8188

Ken was odd man out as usual but the kids had a blast, and it was so fun to get to see the sisters together. Now that Ken is healthier and working on becoming the healthy and HAPPY man we always knew he could be he is the first out the door to allow for the possibility of us expanding our social life. Karen and Renee are such a welcome addition to the list of people I have locally to hang out with. I feel so lucky that they include us on outings and time with the kids! (Karen is an amazing math teacher as well! And so interesting to talk to about possible school ideas… something I have been missing here in Minnesota what with all my librarian friends up north!!)101_8193

101_8207 101_8210The girls didn’t even miss their wayward brothers and even made up for the lack of boys by playing with Nathan and Evan.101_8208 101_8190 101_8191

I was amazed at the absolute confidence Miss Echo showed. We didn’t have to convince her into the water or even follow her around!101_8214 101_8195 101_8189

Of course we brought lunch!101_8217

After our playdate it was off to Joann’s to spend the amazing gift card my sister in law Holly sent me for my birthday. She sent it with the direction to “buy yarn” so I went all out random.  And since it was clearance time spent way less than expected!!101_8222 101_8223

With just the two girls and then Daddy gone to appointments was our afternoon and evening ever QUIET!!! So weird, not only having just girls but only 2!!!! But a nice break before the next special day!101_8220 101_8221

Enjoy the beach filled overflow!101_8215 101_8216 101_8218 101_8199