Tag Archive | wedding sampler

Is Spring Sprung?

Goodness I HOPE so! The weather has turned positively warm and the snow is finally starting to melt. This has the added benefit of having the kids clamouring to go outside and actually staying out there for a lovely and EXTENDED period of time. Of course we have doubled the wet clothes and muddy footprints but have much happier kids.

Fun in the SLUSH (Gavin middle)

Fun in the SLUSH (Gavin middle)

We have begun to hunt out Spring and Easter activities and worksheets… mazes, colouring pages, crafts… sight word books… With the weather going favourable it is perfect timing to stop with the focus on Winter and start looking at Spring and new beginnings. Spring is always an uplifting season for me.

Speaking of uplifting, today Ken got to talk to a “higher up” who not only apologized but added that he wants to fix the problem at the source not give us back our van just to have it taken back again. While that is great we are still without a vehicle. Not the ideal with my doctor’s appointment coming up next week and the kids missing out on homeschooling activities we are certainly getting… cranky… with the people on the other side of the phone.

We have been working hard on our lettering. I am telling you – Crayola brand travel white boards are AWESOME. The boys sit there for ages working on letters and numbers and then erasing and doing them again. I am already seeing an improvement on their printing and letter recognition of lower case and capital letters. Add to that the Clickstart computer (Leap Frog) in the basement that Emanuel has been playing on solo most of the time and we are enjoying our learning.

Sewing has been being done with a lot of vigour this weekend. Actually to the point where last night I went to bed with a throbbing wrist and a bit of a headache. A little tylenol (low dose for pregnant woman of course) and my magnetic thumb rings and voilĂ  back to stitching! I am almost to the point of being done all but what Ken has to alter for me!! Exciting.

Note the MASSIVE number of  knots!

Note the MASSIVE number of knots!

This afternoon I spent a nice session with my favourite expert on Chinese culture and customs as we talked about the wedding sampler for the June bride. I really want to do something special and keep the proper respect and appreciation of the bride and groom’s wonderful culture. It is already a bit of adventure and I am learning tons!

On the other side of it I am working on the May bride’s sampler design implementing what her sister has suggested and going with that. Again NOT the traditional wedding sampler… I so look forward to working this one out and then posting it AFTER the wedding.

Not the most inspiring day but definitely a decent beginning to our week – if you disregard the 3 boys with severe coughs. So fingers crossed we get resolution on the van and are able to secure at least the temporary use of SOME vehicle big enough for the whole family so we can finally take the kids to the “meatball store” (Ikea) that Emanuel has asked ever so politely to head over to!

Looking Forward Instead of Worrying is Definitely one of Trinity's Skills

Looking Forward Instead of Worrying is Definitely one of Trinity's Skills

This entry was posted on 01/03/2010, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments