Tag Archive | widow

The Firefighter’s New Family… Love Inspired

I tend to stay away from strongly Christian romances but for some reason at the library this one jumped off the shelf at me. I am so glad it is. Though I did not realize until I finished it that it was the SECOND one in a series (the first being Her Valentine Hero in the Sisters Series). This series is written by Gail Gaymer Martin. And if you are looking for a heartwarming light romance with lots of heart and faith The Firefighter’s New Family is it for you!

This second chance in love is a slow burn sort of romance where you are privy to the inner thoughts and lives of a widow (husband lost to war) and a divorcee (a firefighter). This story also deals with mental health and touches on abuse. Don’t be too concerned though, the abuse is a generation removed and historical and the mental health is dealt with with a lot of compassion. I just felt I should warn the reader that these topics ARE included.

The heart must heal before it loves again and we are there to see Ashley come back from not only an injury in a storm (which initiated the meeting) but from the loss of her husband who never had the chance to meet their young son Joey. On the other side of the romance we meet Devon, a single father with visitation rights to his young daughter Kaylee. It takes thought, conversation and prayer to bring these two amazing Christians together.

I really enjoyed the speed of this romantic contemporary Christian novel. A second chance at love with adorable kids to add into the mix. The Firefighter’s New Family is a great sunny afternoon read.51GKD3qamZL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX278_SY278_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_

Blowing on Dandelions… a Book Review

Blowing on Dandelions by Miralee Ferrell is the first in the Love Blossoms in Oregon Series. A historical romance, this story deals with the emotional pain that can be the difficult and strained relationship with one’s mother. The need for faith and trust and a love of God to renew and build anew torn relationships and broken hearts.

Love and a faith in God and a willingness to simply lay down your problems and worries at God’s feet help our main character, widow Katherine to not only mend her relationship with her mother who has traveled to Oregon to join her and her two daughters but to see the chance for love with Micah. A God fearing widower with a young son.

I love that not only do you follow Katherine and Micah’s story but two of their children as well, Lucy and Zachary as they all come to understand not only their own hearts and minds but how love can bloom in another’s after loss. Life is not simple in the 1880’s and loss of spouse or child common. Faith becomes difficult to hold onto when you are constantly attempting to stay strong in the face of adversity.

There is a boardinghouse full of characters with minor stories of their own to read about as well. Katherine is a woman in need of strength while at the same time trying to find a way to give all to the Lord and be weak in His eyes. The imagery of a dandelion blowing in the wind is so beautiful.

“Katherine Galloway’s soft exhales sent the dandelion fluff dancing on the warm current of air, but it didn’t bring the anticipated relief. Gripping the stem, she sat in the grassy field with her eyes closed and waited. Why didn’t it come? It had always appeared years ago when she needed it. How long had it been since her mind had drifted away to a place where nothing could hurt her? Fifteen years? Twenty?

She shook her head and an errant curl tickled her cheek.

More. Many more. But always her memory returned to those times when the dandelion fluff had carried her away to a place where mothers were loving and kind, and little girls didn’t need to be afraid of cutting words or sharp voices.”

A Christian Historical Romance, this is a lovely book of heartfelt characters and redemption. For ALL characters there is a chance for peace and love, acceptance and joy…

Blowing on Dandelions

Blowing on Dandelions

Bittersweet… a Book Review

I will start off with a warning, there are multiple sexual encounters in the second half of this novel. They are rather detailed but not overtly rude. However, the relationship does require these encounters to occur for some progression and some of the conflict.

Anyway that is the warning… Bittersweet by Noelle Adams is an emotional piece based around the life of Zoe, a newly widowed mother of an infant son and her journey from the absolute devastation of losing her husband to becoming a woman ready to love again. With her husband’s cousin Adam (a friend prior to her marriage and even prior to meeting her husband) at her side emotional upheaval is inevitable but so is growth and healing.

What I love about this book is that you feel like the people are realistic (ok the cousin is VERY rich and Zoe herself very comfortable so some of the day to day concerns of most people do not apply) and the timeline feels like it would be possible. There is no sudden wake up realization that life is fine… no excessive and instant love occurring.

Bittersweet brings you along as Zoe works through her thoughts and emotions… You fall in love with baby Logan and you see the amazing man behind the facade in Adam. All in all a terrific read, if you can deal with some sexual content (again I skimmed and skipped myself).
