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Yup still got these old Dino posts… enjoy the flashback to resources once used!

3 guesses where this dinosaur was found… and the first two don’t count! Yup, found in the 90’s in Utah, USA, this bipedal carnivore is thought to be one of the largest raptors. One of the dromaeosaurs, this lightweight dinosaur was potentially a warm blooded dinosaur and more like a mammal than most. I had a special sheet for us to fill in information about this carnivore from Activity Village HERE. With razor sharp teeth and massive claws this predator was quite the fearsome creature found in the Cretaceous period.

Now for our video! Walking with Dinosaurs thanks to WWDinosaursLive.

And the rest of our links:

  • Jurassic Park Wiki HERE
  • Dinosaurs.about.com HERE
  • EnchantedLearning HERE
  • Dino Fact File HERE
  • DinoDictionary HERE
  • Walking With Dinosaurs HERE
  • Dinopedia HERE
  • KidsDinos.com HERE
  • Wiki HERE
  • Colouring page at Dinosaur-Coloring.com HERE


Another waaaaay back when resource post. Hopefully all live links and helpful to someone! Emanuel has been such a helpful push to make me research some very interesting creatures:

Back to the dinosaurs… this time a rather interesting herbivore called the Styracosaurus. Walking on 4 legs, this dinosaur had a series of spiked along its frill. It also had two spikes above its eyes. Hatched from an egg, this Cretaceous period dinosaur is believed to have roamed in herds. The Styracosaurus was found in North America and probably reacted to predators much like the current rhino. Not the smartest or the largest it definitely has an impressive skull and frill!

Now for our brief video… sadly my German is too rusty to make heads or tails of the facts they are sharing. But it is an interesting 3D rendition of our herbivore.

And now for our link list:

  • Dinosaurs.about.com HERE
  • Jurassic Park Wiki HERE
  • Kidsdinos.com HERE
  • Museum of Life + Science HERE
  • EnchantedLearning HERE
  • Wiki HERE
  • And our colouring page found on Dinosaur-coloring.com HERE

Archelon… the Giant Sea Turtle

Ok do NOT ask how old this is (even though the date is right there… baaaad Lisa). I have decided to push through and post these crazily old posts now before I never get them up!! Hopefully our collection of links are helpful… and still active!!

For Emanuel’s (and now Trinity’s) first dinosaur of the 2013-2014 school year we actually went reptile… giant reptile with the Archelon turtle. This late Cretaceous period reptile was believed to be slow moving and only dove deep to hibernate. A Potential omnivore it spent its entire life in the ocean except to lay eggs. It is thought to be the predecessor to our current turtles.

What I found interesting was that it was soft shelled AND around during the END of the dinosaurs. And HUGE!!!

We watched a short independently made video about our reptile on youTube by Sarcosuchus7 titled Archelon The Biggest Turtle. 

And now for our link list:

  • BBC has some images and a blurb HERE
  • KidsDinos.com has their article HERE
  • EnchantedLearning has their information HERE
  • Animal a Day has a great fossil image HERE
  • Las Ecomujeres has a great article HERE
  • Euro Turtle has another great image HERE
  • Wiki as ever has their say HERE
  • And of course our colouring page from Super Coloring HERE

I hope these links are helpful!! Enjoy our turtle learning!