
I Have 14 Year Olds!

February 5th marked the twins turning 14. What in the world happened?20180205_102627

Poor things, this year their birthday fell on the Monday. Which for our schoolroom means we still have a normal, though slightly lighter school day.IMG_20180205_103048_746

Lunch was present time. Once again Aunty Holly and family picked the best gifts. Trinity also coloured them a colouring page.20180205_115140

20180205_115309We had evening classes as normal at the YMCA… drawing class, leadership and then my R.I.P.P.E.D. class at 7pm. The leadership teacher and kids stuff made the boys and Emanuel their own cards! I love our YMCA so much.20180206_210507

We gave them a late supper choice and they chose Mexican. We went to the new place near the YMCA which says it is authentic. It was amazing. And the boys were so polite and respectful. It was such a good dinner.20180205_202707

We really went all out and stopped at Dairy Queen on the way home for an ice cream cake. Which Zander had to wait until the next day to eat.20180205_212047

20180205_212138They told me it was a great day, even with the schoolwork. We have a friend coming over for an overnighter on another weekend and of course there were the grandparent calls.

Happy Birthday to my first and oldest babies! Tiny miracles growing up so quickly.20180205_115120

Christmas Eve With the Novaks

I know, I know… slow me. But there were some great photos I want to share as well as some good memories. I promise once I get the Christmas parties posted I WILL get back to getting current AND sharing my school resources. Nothing deep and introspective right now. But… that can always change.



Our tradition has become going to the Novak’s for Christmas Eve. This year we added in a trip to a church that Alex has become very active in to enjoy their Christmas Eve service.20171224_161259

They had a great tree in the lobby, so we took full advantage and took a whole bunch of pictures. Not a bad looking group. And again, mistaken for blood relatives, surprisingly it was Ken and Andy who were asked if they were brothers. Usually it is confusion over whose kids are whose.20171224_160508


Just the god son

Just the god son

After a larger number of photos we took advantage and got a couples picture.20171224_160736

Then it was into the sanctuary for service. It went pretty well with 9 kids, two moms and 2 dads. I will let you guess which ones nodded off.20171224_162932

20171224_162615The little kids got a lovely little gift bag as well.

After all that fun it was back home for dinner. We had a brisket (thanks to Ken) and ham and lots of snacks and lovely foods. Everyone was well filled up.20171224_190719

Presents went over well and we had a nice visit with Andy’s parents John and Maggie.20171224_195723


Each of the boys got a handmade gift, a couple from my fair pieces.

Each of the boys got a handmade gift, a couple from my fair pieces.

We always have such fun at the Novak’s. Even with Alex recuperating from some rather scary brain surgery the kids had fun, snuck in some sledding and basically left the adults alone to eat too much, sit and chat, play a game or two and enjoy some Christmas music. Wonderful!



Happy 12th Birthday Emanuel

While the wonky weather and this nasty flu going around and around did impact our plane some he assures me it was a great day. Maybe because the physicals scheduled got canceled due to the doctor being sick, or maybe because we had an Emanuel Day… either way, my middle child is 12! Where did the time go??IMG_20180203_133426_976

We started off with a trim. Ken has gotten quite good with his clippers on maintaining cuts.IMG_20180203_133426_979

Then some lovely photos of the birthday boy.20180203_103616

With some spare time on our hands we ran out to the mall and got myself and Emanuel new runners. We are almost the same shoe size!

We snuck in a pretzel and picked up some groceries and then came home to open presents. The gift from Aunty Holly, Uncle James and Cousin Jimmie had came as well so we opened that too. He was quite pleased with his gifts.

Picture by Echo

Picture by Echo

He loves his gift from Aunt and Uncle and Cousin

He loves his gift from Aunt and Uncle and Cousin

Don’t forget phone calls from grandparents. We had a few of those!

He spent the rest of the afternoon playing with his new game before we took him out for his solo dinner of choice… Culver’s. Then… cake!20180203_190431

20180203_19053220180203_190535We finished off the day with watching his new movie – Ninjago. Which I hav to say, was funny. All topped off with fresh popcorn!20180203_193056_HDR

Happy Birthday Emanuel!!!20180203_103635

This entry was posted on 06/02/2018, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment