
December Brrrr

Yup, a quick overview of a month already well blogged… December…

Advent fun…20171214_110348



YMCA time…20171223_114252





Night out with Chris and Renee to see a play!!

Pre show Mystro time

Pre show Mystro time



A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol

More Chinchilla…

So serious

So serious


Taught Gavin how to clean the cage.

Taught Gavin how to clean the cage.

Crafting with Gavin…

He made all of our cards!

He made all of our cards!

Crafting period…

These are my final finish of the year and are an adorable set from the designer Knot Bad.

These are my final finish of the year and are an adorable set from the designer Knot Bad.

Neko-Chan is such a sweet model

Neko-Chan is such a sweet model


Knot Bad rocks!

Knot Bad rocks!

The arrival of a lovely fruit box from Grandma and Grandpa Reinsch…20171221_145011



The twins made cookies as a present we mailed off!

The twins made cookies as a present we mailed off!

Monster cookies

Monster cookies

A somewhat surprise visit from Nana and Baba…20171227_092632_HDR


And just plain old fun!

Cousin Robbie visited and mentioned never having had a scarf... well that problem was quickly solved!

Cousin Robbie visited and mentioned never having had a scarf… well that problem was quickly solved!


Opening presents with Aunty Holly and Cousin Jimmie

Opening presents with Aunty Holly and Cousin Jimmie


Don’t forget school time, we kept up a pretty good pace considering the amount of excitement. Lots of opportunity to learn as we researched some origins of our favorite carols.IMG_20171219_152151_526

We made crystals!

We made crystals!



A handmade Christmas card

A handmade Christmas card

By Emanuel

By Emanuel




Chinese for New Years…20171231_180435

If you want to see the already blogged activities.. here you are…

  1. Anoka Lights
  2. Santa Visits
  3. Christmas Pageant

So now that I have posted this WAY out of order (what with the blog back log), here’s hoping I can catch myself up before mid 2018!!!! Wish me luck!!!

We braved the insanity of Mall of America right after Christmas... someone asked for a gift card from Santa this year.

We braved the insanity of Mall of America right after Christmas… someone asked for a gift card from Santa this year.

She stood in line so long that some Christmas money made its way to the purchase.

She stood in line so long that some Christmas money made its way to the purchase.

Dungeon and Dragons with Dad!

Dungeon and Dragons with Dad!

Gavin asked for an item with sequins...

Gavin asked for an item with sequins…

Doing Home Depot at home

Doing Home Depot at home



This entry was posted on 28/01/2018, in Uncategorized. 3 Comments

Yearly Christmas Pageant

Well it is that time already, though maybe a little bit early being as it was on the 10th of December. Anyway, Christmas pageant at the church time! And the first year where the twins were too old to participate as Sunday School kids. The cut off at our church is when they enter Confirmation and this is their first year of that (and it seems to be going well, they do enjoy class). Instead the two of them assist different Sunday School classes each Sunday and occasionally acolyte.

This Sunday lined up nicely as it was also the Sunday that Gavin was scheduled to acolyte for the same service. Both he and Zander turned down the opportunity to read scripture for the pageant. This was Gavin’s second time acolyting which was worrying enough for him. Though he did a great job. Zander did not feel confident that he could read the scriptures properly with only a week or so notice. He tends to rush when he reads and make word errors when public speaking. Instead he assisted with the practice the day before and dressing up the kids in their costumes. I am so proud of them for stepping up and assisting with the Sunday School at our church.20171210_103823


Now for the other 3. This year Trinity turned down the role of Mary. Not only has she been Mary a few times, but this year there was lines and some singing solos. Nope, not happening. Instead she and Echo were angels. So we pulled out the special dresses one more time and they looked absolutely adorable.20171210_102137


Emanuel’s role of choice has to be one of the 3 Wise Men. We have lost a lot of our boys in Sunday School, or they were not there on Sunday so all there was was Joseph and one Wise Man, but I think they carried it off.IMG_20171210_171551_177

The kids did a special Cherub choir practiced song along with the other musical numbers. It was all rather adorable. I have a couple videos of the singing you can watch.20171210_105741

Ken and I managed to get a few videos taken. Though his phone randomly overheated so not everything is shown. Enjoy!!

After church they were give their yearly snack bag. The younger 3 were sweet enough to share with their big brothers. This whole too old for a program thing is something we are still working on getting used to. Zander sat with me during the service since his job was done once the kids were dressed. We worked on his sermon notes together. That one on one time is so special.20171210_103145


20171210_113258The children did a great job of sharing the message of Jesus’ birth! it is a yearly tradition I will miss once the rest of the kids are too old to participate! I even got in a few pictures myself. 

I bought the silk shawl at Renaissance Festival

I bought the silk shawl at Renaissance Festival



And here are the rest of the group shots. A small but great group.20171210_102506






Anoka Lights

A new experience for our Christmas season. Renee suggested that we join them in checking out the Anoka Lights. They are held at the Anoka county fairground (which we HAVE been to, of course). So the Friday it opened we headed out in our winter gear to check it out. 20171208_180147_Burst01


20171208_182156There were snacks and live music to experience, a hay ride and Santa who we didn’t stand in line for. We were there for the lights. 

Though we did snag some snacks.

Though we did snag some snacks.


20171208_181829They were lovely, though I think the train set you could view from a window was Echo’s favourite. 20171208_182221

It was worth the drive. And afterward we headed back to our house for some company and a light dinner. A wonderful end to the week!

Hot chocolate!

Hot chocolate!

This entry was posted on 16/12/2017, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment