Archive | April 2012

Sunday, Yup

And so the weekend comes to a close… MORE snow… MORE cranky kids BUT we are together. I keep trying to remind myself of that very special gem. No matter what, these past 15 days we have been TOGETHER! And with 5 kids that is a feat in and of itself. There will never be a way for me to say thank you properly to the people who have made it possible for Ken and myself to keep the whole family together in one place. I cannot wait until we are back in the position to return the favour once again. 

My afternoon was where all the fun was (well for myself at least) today… Karyn came and kidnapped me for a few hours… we went to Michaels (ribbon and felt were purchased…) where I saw CUPCAKE patterned duct tape. Do you think if I ask REALLY nicely the duct tape fairy will bring me a roll or two? I think I could do some really neat crafting with that!! Anyway, then we went to Superstore and then to the mall for a snack and then to Karyn’s to… well clean her car out and then JUST SIT AROUND! 

My iPad had its debut at her house, we chatted, we sat around… it was wonderful. Then she brought me back to my family, hung around with the babies and was on her way.

Baby time!

I have continued crafting and last night finished 5 more bows!

Silver with snowflakes

Red and white

A bit of pink

Some chicks


The boys and I are planning on starting reading Farmer Boy this week. I am not sure what all we will do for it without our printer and usual supplies but I am sure we can come up with some fun activities and maybe create some mini books ourselves. I know that we can easily do our illustrations and write about things, maybe I can make them a wordsearch or something… do I ever miss my printer!!! But, Ken assures me it is only a matter of time. Limbo will NOT be forever! We just need to get creative!

So tonight I am still trying to craft as much as possible. After all, no need to waste time when I have the materials at hand that I need! Now if I could just get my hands on that duct tape… I even have my cutting tools here with me!!!

Techno baby

Saturday in Brief

It is hard enough to wake up on a day when plans have been through out the window (as this WAS another potential move in date on the new rental) but add to that the snow on the ground and the chill in the air in the middle (dead center) of April and honestly my heart was not in it. Thankfully my boys woke up right around when Echo did and the fact that today they were NOT grounded off Netflix was enough to make them all perky! If only adults could work the same way on a consistent basis! 

All around the computer

We have had a bit of a lazy Saturday though Ken was able to deal with picking up the bulk of our old damage deposit, one more thing basically off the list. Perks you up a bit to get one more thing done… mostly. 

I am still on the great iPad app hunt and finding more and more interesting ones along the way. We are still going through a list a friend from a homeschooling group gave me. She has a very extensive list, though some cost money so it will keep me busy. Again any and all suggestions I more than welcome them!

iPad time with Daddy

The first of our vehicle picks was not horrible, according to Sean, but would need repairs. So while it is not OFF the list we are hoping number 2 or 3 would be in better condition. The joys of a limited budget I guess. BUT it is a start. We have this week to get it sorted before the trip to the city the following week and Comic Con. I am told by all the guys that this is plenty of time as Ken has already made inquiries and ensured that the vehicles we are interested in are available for test drives. So one step closer to where we need to be to be calm and collected…

And with that I am debating an early bedtime. My sister in law Holly has completed all her procedures and surgeries and should be home either tomorrow or Monday. We are so thankful that her time in the hospital is coming to an end. 

A Victoria owl and his bunny friend

Ending the Week on a Mediocre Note

This family, for some reason, seems to crave confusion and excitement or at least subconsciously call it to us! Yesterday I got an email from our facilitator, apparently he had NOT gotten our message about the move and the meeting which is supposed to be… today… ack! So I called his hotel AND emailed to hopefully erase the confusion. That is what I get for leaving contact up to the husband. Emails are his favourite and I swear between him and our facilitator there is more lost emails  than found! But they do enjoy talking to  each other on the phone! Of course… he WAS calling our home number… which IS on hold right now… so… joy. Thankfully we were able to connect up and plan to do a later visit when things settle down. Score another one for the flexibility of homeschooling. 

We did get some more schooling done though. The boys were workbooking and writing words, drawing pictures,  talking about money… we did tons. With SOME complaints (trust me there were some iPad minutes lost) but we did have improvement. Emanuel is fighting getting into really working on things. Right now he has a “fun” workbook and a regular workbook he is in need of finishing before the fall… after all he is registered in the fall for his first year! But he is VERY resistant to doing work. I am  going to keep pushing him though… when he DOES do his work he does a wonderful job! 

Workbook time

There was some crafting going on too yesterday! Trinity made Aunty Chris her very own bracelet! 


Oh and I have those 6 bows  to share that I completed. 


Pretty pattern


A bit of Halloween

Made With Love

Another silver classy one

Echo had an unlucky day yesterday and not only got knocked over but also pinched her finger in a folding door. She had a rather sleepless night  as well. (and was a total crank to boot) I think it was the yellow and orange peppers she ate last night. Either way she has NOT been a joy to be around the second half of the week.

But Daddy made her giggle

The news is not good for our rental. The owner hunted down his contractor today and the 14th does not look viable. So we are supposed to move in on the 1st… this has everyone in our family completely out of sorts. We love Chris and Chris, the kids would love to visit Grandma and Grandpa Mike (if we can EVER get this darn van situation resolved) but we would really love to be back in our own place with our own stuff. We have a new plan of action, Ken has kept in contact with the owner of our (supposed) new place all along and has again emailed asking for assurances on our 1st move date but he has ALSO started the process all over again to see if we can secure a rental sooner. The hard part about all of this is that this new place would REALLY work for us. The owner is just as upset about this situation as we are, he was sure it would be ready in time for the 1st but there was an electrical issue found in renovations that HAD TO be done to bring the place up to code and be signed off on… and then again he assumed it would be ready for the 14th. Now he is out a full month on this rental. BUT on the other hand we need a home for our family… it is all a whole lot of NO FUN! 

Add this to the equation canceling the kids' run to the park with Daddy and no one was pleased!

So not the week ending that I had been hoping for. There is still a chance for saving it though… the van… and our miracle worker Sean. He went to see our first pick tonight but was way over tired after his first day back to work so we shall get the details tomorrow! Keep those fingers crossed. I will surely have some sort of news about that tomorrow.

With a lovely evening visit with Karyn who brought some of her own handmade flowers for me to peek at AND some feltie fluff since I have mine in storage and need it for TWO spontaneous projects!!! It is  time to get back to my OWN crafting and a wee bit of pouting. But not too much as it is not going to get me anywhere and I KNOW that on some level…

Baby in a headband