Archive | May 2013


Like the name suggests, this dinosaur was found in Argentina. From the Cretaceous period, this herbivore could be one of the largest land animals ever discovered to date. Discovered in 1993 it is believed that with its massive size it would have spent most of its time eating and with its long neck would be able to reach vegetation most other dinosaurs could not.

We had two videos. The I’m a Dinosaur embedded below AND the BBC site with its videos you can watch THERE.

Definitely a dinosaur of interest with its massive vertebrae and gargantuan size! So we used the following links to learn more… There is the EnchantedLearning fact sheet HERE. A Hawaiian site has a short bit about our dinosaur HERE. has their page HERE. has their charts and map HERE. The Natural History Museum has a great picture HERE of the dinosaur. Scholastic has a picture of the vertebrae being discovered HERE. And of course Wiki has their say HERE. Our colouring page is again from the amazing artist from deviantArt Zakafreakarama HERE. Be sure to check out his profile HERE.


Keep Me Ghosted… Sophie Rhodes Romantic Comedy.

Sometimes those daily freebies on Amazon are absolute gems… Keep Me Ghosted, a first in a series by Karen Cantwell is one of those.

What is a single girl with a ghostly tag along to do but live life her own way? Sophie is an animal loving single girl with a one eyed cat and a pet flying squirrel named Peter Pan. I have to say I absolutely ADORE her ghostly companion Marmaduke… British and all!

In answering an add to work as a receptionist at a specialized optomotris’s office Sophie is introduced to the dishy Dr. Callahan and his not so friendly ghostly tag along Moonflower. With a struggling practice and ghostly interruptions there is lots to be accomplished, a minor mystery to be solved and hilarity to ensue.

This is the first in the series, and I am rather looking forward to future installments. You fall in love with the characters and honestly are right there with them all the way. The romance is gentle and REALISTIC. Sophie, for all her quirks and silly moments has a good head on her shoulders. Ghosts and a little witchcraft with a dishy doctor (eye) to boot… I honestly could not put this one down!

Keep Me Ghosted

That Rare Summer Weather…

in a Spring that has been anything but Springlike at first!

Running out front of the Novak’s house


Walking to the park



Spinning the Novak 4

Swing baby



Not quite big enough for that yet Echo!