Archive | May 2013

Homecoming… a Book Review

Homecoming, a Wisconsin Reunion Romance is written by Janet Wellington. With a quote about cats at the beginning of each chapter, this contemporary romance is a lovely light read.

Cory and Jake were high school sweethearts until matters intervened and they each went on their own path. Jake’s Aunt Tillie who passes away a month before Jake could return is the catalyst to bringing them both together once again. With a history to clear up, a present to deal with and an unknown future Jake and Cory have 3 months of home renovation and cat placement to contend with.

This story is well written, with characters  you can’t help but fall in love with. I found this to be a two afternoon read with a wonderful happily ever after ending. Learning disabilities and Alzheimers are dealt with along with loss and the process of getting over grief. There IS one rather intense sexual encounter later in the book but it is easily skipped past and the actual occurrence is rather important to the plot. I will definitely be looking at other books by this author for a light summer read.


Cafenova… a Book Review

 Cafenova, a Clairmont Series book by S. Jane Scheyder is a lovely Christian romance with a contemporary setting. The story centers on Maddy who has recently had an engagement end badly and moved out to the East Coast to start over with her own B&B. In order to afford such a venture she had to take on an absolute fixer upper which leads us to her contractor – John, single father of  two young boys. With Burt the large and loveable dog it is a recipe for success.

While I love this book, there is a random hyphen (-) issue and I found it a little odd that every time a door in the house closed the author wrote it banged! I mean I understand the emphasis on how it closed (if you can’t tell by my normal script that is italicized), but after a while it was almost like seeing a book title or real life store name. Exclamation point and all. 

The Christian aspect does become more prominent as the story goes on but it is heartfelt. There is some confusion and complication with the romance but, really, is a romance that runs smoothly from start to finish all that interesting to read? Another point in the favour of this contemporary is the lack of sexual scenes. Instead the characters are quite up front about their need to be mature and careful about their relationship (Maddy due to her personal perspective and ruined relationship and John his two adorable sons). 

Forgiveness is a pretty strong theme in this book, as is being responsible with your relationship and how you progress. For some this may seem a little stiff but it felt rather real that they would discuss their wish to be intimate in the right (for them) setting. I honestly enjoyed this book from start to finish. There are moments you worry along with our characters that love may not win out, your heart feels for their struggles and giggles with them as well. If you are interested in a nice Christian message (as it does become more focal towards the end) with a lovely romance this is a definite should read.


Pictures Without Many Words…

I promise to get back to regular posts soon, waiting on a video upload!

What would I do without my camera???

Pillow surfing while watching tv

The hat suits her, I think

5 of my 12 cupcake bags

Trinity’s Hello Kitty McD’s collection thanks to Gammie!

In her pretty pink sweater from Gammie

Snuggled down

SPRING in Mn???

Ready for rain