An Idea to Develop and a Hot Day Enjoyed

Let’s start with the idea first… Ken and I were discussing his intense interest in computers and programming and how he wishes to start the boys on learning it in the forseable future… and the idea came up that PERHAPS he could advertise and teach homeschooling kids programming and how to build their own computers? Now this idea seems viable (I messaged a friend on Facebook and she said she thought it was a good idea) but it brings up a ton of questions… how much do you charge, how do you structure the classes, class size, computer numbers, ages, how much do you teach in a set of sessions… but for once these questions and connundrums really seemĀ  – FUN! So now I start hunting around and asking questions… and who knows, this could be the beginning of something fun and fulfilling for Ken. And a way for him to give back to the homeschooling community as I foresee us becoming more and more involved in it. So if anyone has any advice… feel free!!!!

Now onto what we did today… well there was heading into the bank to pay a bill… and having to convince them to take an American Money Order that apparently they CAN’T verify right away? COME ON it is a MONEY ORDER that I was using to pay THEIR credit card from an account at THEIR bank… as Ken would say /confusion! I ended up having to deposit the darn thing at their atm directly to the credit card. THEN I called the credit card number to tell THEM I made the payment and THEY were sweet as pie! Go figure???

For the first time in well over a week we all had a treat – the boys had McDonalds!!! And Ken and myself… DONAIRS! YUM and then for the lovely Miss Trinity – strawberries!!! Decadent! I am so proud of my family, we eat EVERY meal at home now… we snack on things like carrots and cut up apples and bread from my breadmaker and the boys are not complaining as much as they used to! Granted our meals are not hugely varied but the basics are there and the tummies are full… and the McDonalds VERY appreciated!

Our late afternoon was a family affair! All 6 of us dressed up in our swimsuits and headed out to the backyard to play in the pool which after the heat of the day was actually rather tolerable once you got over the initial chilly shock!

Trinity and Emanuel in the pool

Trinity and Emanuel in the pool

The boys thought it was great fun to have Mommy AND Daddy out there in the water and took turns showing off and splashing through the sprinkler I had running to water the raspberry bushes in the back of the yard. In fact EACH BOY got a raspberry today! They are almost ready… so many yet not red! The boys are VERY impatient about it all!

Kenny in SORE need of a shave!

Kenny in SORE need of a shave!

Yours Truly!

Yours Truly!

It was a rather hot day today but we made the best of it! I am hoping for a cooler day tomorrow so that Ken can take all 3 boys to the park while I work on cleaning in the basement where it is nice and COOL! For the rest of tonight I am enjoying my slurpee (another special treat!) and surfing around on the internet while Ken has some of the guys over for Magic… oh the life of a mother of 4 on a less than shoestring budget! But you know what? I am finding my fun and my stride now! Friends on MSN to hang with, fanfictions to read and Youtube ghost shows in abundance… not to mention my library books and listening in on the guys and their jokes. Life is not half bad!

Can you see the silver lining? I can!

Can you see the silver lining? I can!

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