Ta-Da Moments for Kids and Myself Craft Wise!

What a day… thank goodness the boys love being outside as I had two loaves of apple bread to bake and tons of tidying to do! But before that we did do some school work. Another dot to dot for the whole group and then a new ornaments. Really simple though most of it has to be done by an adult as you need hot glue.

You need a white and red pipecleaner (12 inches) and then a green and red cut into 3 inch segments, the package I got the activity out of had the premade bows but I am sure ribbon would work and I had bells around the house.

Supplies (plus Hot Glue)

Supplies (plus Hot Glue)

You curl up the longer pipecleaner using hot glue (carefully!! got my finger good) to keep the coil together.

Coiled (Glue on Back)

Coiled (Glue on Back)

This is then hot glued to a 3 inch piece for the stem.

Hot Glued Stem

Hot Glued Stem

Add glitter if you like. Then add the bell and bow and TA-DA ornament. I just need to find my plastic string to glue a loop on and these babies are ready for gifting. We made 8. The boys basically did the glittering part.

Gavin Glittering

Gavin Glittering

Bow and then Bell!

Bow and then Bell!

I am hoping on finding more pipecleaner crafts. We have a nice selection from our gift stash and the boys love the results. So if anyone has any suggestions please please please send them my way!

We took our second set of Borax ornaments today. This time using white pipecleaners the two  that used coloured water picked up the colour nicely. Still rather heavy but the boys are VERY excited about giving them away.

Square/diamond, Snowflake and Circle (Zander left)

Square/diamond, Snowflake and Circle (Zander left)

Trinity spent her afternoon in the laundry basket. I am not sure why but each of the kids has chosen that as their favourite playtime location sometime or another. The lure of the empty basket is HUGE. So much fun was had in the middle of the livingroom while I took a break and watched an old old old episode of Perry Mason (guilty plreasure).

Baby in the Basket

Baby in the Basket

Cross stitch wise I do have something to share – the quick project has reached completion and I am VERY happy with the results. The same script as previous with bunnies from Subversive Cross Stitch. Those bunnies come in handy so often!

Inside Joke lol

Inside Joke lol

Tomorrow I am finally getting around to getting my full range of bloodtests done. 8:20 in the morning and I HATE needles. This one calls for fasting so no food or drink other than water after 8 pm. And of course then you wait two weeks to either hear nothing or bad news (fun fun).

As to the government – well they suck… enough said and all I want to say tonight!

Flowers With a Smile (Zander)

Flowers With a Smile (Zander)

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