Birthdays and Crafting and Life

Another milestone reached – the twins are officially 6! The time does speed by. So of course it was their day to make the decisions. Which was unanimously – SLEDDING!

A nearby hill (Zander blue)

A nearby hill (Zander blue)



Oh and don’t forget the birthday cupcake! Not enough room for 6 candles but we made do with one on each cupcake and of course a round of Happy Birthday. All in all a good day for the birthday boys!

Blowing out the candles! (Gavin red)

Blowing out the candles! (Gavin red)

Here it is the end of the week and as usual it feels like not quite enough was done! BUT we are picking up momentum. Yesterday the boys focused on writing their names – first and last for the twins and just first for Emanuel. Zander has been lazy lately and forgetting his “d”. We are still waiting on word back from the owners on their plan for the following year before I get them going with learning their address.

Hard at work! (Zander green)

Hard at work! (Zander green)

Today we moved back to Valentine’s Day crafts. Perler bead wallhangings to finish and a cute little paper heart man to make (this is the same craft I did way back when with Emanuel when we did a library weekends program when he was 1). Though the paper heart person made it only to the prepping stage before we ran out of time.

We got a bit of a start on our paper heart pillow. I absolutely adore this UK site for seasonal and holiday crafts. Of course anything with paint and using things like staplers is an INSTANT hit!

Painting the hearts (Gavin red)

Painting the hearts (Gavin red)

I actually have a completion to share. I had donated for Haiti relief and in return received two patterns – of a nurse and a doctor kitty. I had to alter the pattern a little – on the fabric I used the white of the outfit doesn’t really show up so I used the grey they call for for the doctor and had to correct a couple of minor confusions with the colour suggestions. All in all I am very pleased and it was a VERY simple and quick pattern to do.

Haiti relief kitty

Haiti relief kitty

I am VERY frustrated with the post right now. The letter we sent last week to my grandma came back CHEWED UP! They are resending it on THEIR dime but when Ken stopped in and was checking on it he did not have the address on it. And that was a REGISTERED letter. If there was an affordable alternative I would be right on that at this point!

I got my package from Hong Kong of folding papers for making stars that I purchased on eBay. Thank goodness Ada knows how to fold them as the instructions are full of steps. But the papers are so pretty and with the vendor I bought from when I bought two packages I got a third random one for free!

Star folding papers

Star folding papers

Also in the mail was the birthday cards for all 3 boys and Valentines for all of us from my nephew Jimmie. Add to that a phone call in the morning from Grandma Anna and the day started off just lovely. For the adults in the house – the rest of the mail — my Cousin Katie’s wedding invitation (which we ARE going to) and… nothing else! What a great way to end the week – mail wise!

Love the wax imprint!

Love the wax imprint!

Our weekend should be rather quiet though we have lots of preparation to get to – for the Chinese New Year/Valentine party and then the following weekend’s joint birthday party for all 3 boys. I have a carrot cake in the freezer just waiting for icing – thanks to my mom, and plans to make whatever box mix the boys choose our next trip to the grocery store as an alternative. We are going to try making a loaf of banana bread with brown sugar instead of white tonight for Trinity. The joys of a child with unusual dietary needs!

So we definitely keep busy and though my nausea is consistent I am feeling much more alert. If I could just go to bed without tossing and turning.

Watching videos together

Watching videos together

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